Wrong Address

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DS: I received a package this morning. It had " From The Cutie" written on the front. Do you guys know who it might be?
TY: HAHAHA it might be some crazy fan that managed to find out where you live.
DS: I am serious, people. I am going to open the package.
TP: Tell me what it is.
DS: I just tore the package...
TY: And what's inside?
DS: I really can't...
TP: What? Is it something really umm... THAT?
TY: What's "THAT"
TP: You know...that?
TY: I don't.
DS: OMG I need holy water right now.
SR: What what what what what what what happened
DS: I think I might just be blind! My eyes!!!!!!
TY: What is it?!
SR: Did sand get into your eyes?
DS: ArGhhhhhhhhhhhh, cleanse my eyes please!
TP: Just tell us what you saw
DS: I read the cheesiest, gross and worst attempt at romantic poetry. It gave me goosebumps and now I can't get it out of my mind, someone save me!
TY: OH? Who gave it to you?
DS: "The Cutie" gosh I'm so traumatized...I'm just...
SR: er...oppa can you tell us the full contents in the package?
TY: what is this?
DS: Luckily, it's just a pink teddy bear. I was expecting something worse
SR: Oh my freaking goodness.
GD: Hey guys! What did I miss?
SR: Holy $^*+
DS: What? You know who sent it?
SR: GD, where do you live?
GD: High up in the clouds with unicorns
DS: Wait, why are you asking where GD lives?
SR: Stupid mailing company....
TP: ugh, Seungri, gotta improve your memory
TY: I don't get this....
SR: Ok Ok, so I sent the package, yes it was me. But it was NEVER meant for Daesung.
DS: Argh, seungri your poetry and wrapping skills suck. Just saying, then how did it end up in my house?
SR: erm....wrong address?
TY: Haiz...not a surprise, can't even remember our phone numbers
TP: Was the package for Jiyong?
GD: aw, it's definitely for me.
SR: Daesung, send the package back to whichever dumb mailing company it came from. I'm going to personally retrieve it from them and also give them a good scolding about their eyesight. I will mail the package to the right person after that...then we will all know who it is for!
GD: :( I hope it's me, babe.

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