Chapter 1

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Author's P.O.V
Waking up in a big old house was not what what (M/N) and Lisa expected. They both had big headaches and they didn't see their Aunt and Uncle anywhere. "Where's Aunty and Uncle?" Lisa asked. "I don't know but there's a note on the floor." (M/N) pick up the piece of paper and opened it up.
"Dear (M/N) and Lisa,
Your Uncle and I decided that we can't take care of you anymore. We will not be coming back, we want a normal life and that is a life with you two not in it. But we left a trail of rocks to a house that we found you can live there that is all.
                  ~Love, Your Aunt & Uncle"
(M/N) had tears pooling in his eyes. "What's wrong big brother?" Lisa asked worried. "Their gone and they aren't coming back Lisa we are now alone." (M/N) said in a timid voice. "What?" Lisa was already on the floor in tears."I can't believe this." Lisa sobbed. (M/N) cradled Lisa in his arms and comforted her till she stopped sobbing."Come on we got to get out of here we can't stay." (M/N) said. "Why?" Lisa asked. "Because we don't know what's in here and Aunt Amitiel and Uncle Af left a trail of rocks for us to go to a different house so let's go." The two stood up and walked out the the front door of the abandoned house. "Well off we go then." (M/N) sighed. The moon shone brightly against the the rock trail that they found easily.

A/N: I hope you like the first chapter I've never written a story but I think this one will turn out good. So bye bye.

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