Chapter 8

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Author's P.O.V

Walking into his room with a smile on his face (M/N) walked over to his stereo picking up a random CD and put it in the stereo. (M/N) grabbed the small remote to the stereo taking it with him to his art desk. (M/N) pulled out a sketchbook, one regular pencil and color pencils. He pressed play to start the CD and started to draw.

~Time Skip~ 1 hour~

(M/N) was almost done with his drawing when a certain instumental played that made him stop right in his tracks. It was a soft tune as it had just begun (M/N) started to sing softly

I thought I saw the devil, this morning
Looking in the mirror, drop of rum on my tongue
With the warning to help me see myself clearer
I never meant to start a fire
I never meant to make you bleed
I'll be a better man today
I'll be good, I'll be good
And I'll love the world, like I should
Yeah, I'll be good, I'll be good
For all of the times that I never could.
My past has tasted bitter for years now
So I weild an iron fist
Grace just weakness
Or so I've been told.
I've been cold, I've been merciless
But the blood on my hands scares me to death
Maybe I'm waking up today
I'll be good, I'll be good
And I'll love the world, like I should
I'll be good, I'll be good
I'll be good, I'll be good
For all of the light that I've shout out
For all of the innocent things that I've doubt
For all of the bruises that I've caused in the tears
For all of the things that I've done all these years
Yeah, for all the sparks that I've stomped out
For all of the perfect things that I've doubt
I'll be good, I'll be good
And I'll love the world, like I should
Yeah, I'll be good, I'll be good
For all of the times I never could.
Oooh oh oh
Oooh oh oh
For all of the times I never could.

As the song came to an end (M/N) remembered all of the times that he hated life an Lisa came a brightened his day. Lisa is the reason (M/N) loves life, and he will do anything to keep her safe, because she is the light in his darkness. Without realizing (M/N) had finished his drawing. The drawing was of a castle. The castle was not very big the front partly covered by trees with what looked like mountains in the back. The castle had six towers each looked like one a princess would be locked up in.there were many windows and openings. Noticing that he had shaded in everything (M/N) had put away his pencils and his sketchbook. When he checked the clock he saw that it was 3:32 p.m. as he yawned. 'I guess I'll take a nap to.' (M/N) thought to himself. Walking to his closet he grabbed a small blanket so he wouldn't have to mess up his bed and walking to his bed ha played down under the warm blanket. Soon after closing his eyes he fell asleep.

~Time Skip~4 hours and 18 minutes~

After awhile (M/N) was woken up by a knock on his door. Getting out from under his blanket he opened the door to see Sally. "Dinner is ready can you wake up Lisa and go to the dining room please?" Sally asked kindly. "Sure." (M/N) replied walking into Lisa's room and walking over to Lisa's sleeping figure he saw that Lisa still had a little smile on her face. A little smile also cracked on (M/N)'s face but disappeared when he gently rocked Lisa's shoulder. "Wake up Lisa its time for dinner." (M/N) said softly. Slowly cracking her eyes open Lisa's little smile grew into a big smile. "Hey big brother what did you say?" Lisa asked. "I said its time to get up dinner in ready." (M/N) repeated. Lisa got up from under her cover and stretched. "Man I feel a little refreshed but I'm still tired." Lisa told (M/N) on the way down the stairs. "I'm actually really tired to after dinner I'm going back to sleep." (M/N) said quietly. Making it yo their seats in the dining room (M/N) and Lisa sit down and Slender gives them their plates. Wondering what time it was (M/N) looked at the clock but not before saying a quick 'thank you' to Slender. When he looked at the clock he saw that it was 7:50 p.m.. After finishing his food and putting the dish in the sink (M/N) went back to his room and changed into his pajamas and walked over to his stereo to play his CD labeled 'Night Time'. After he pressed play, (M/N) walked to his bed seeing that it was 8:48 and we was still very tired. He closed his eyes and feel asleep.

A/N: I'm just going to show you what you drew ok.

Sorry if this chapter is to short i just wanted to get a chapter in for you guys so I hope you like it

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Sorry if this chapter is to short i just wanted to get a chapter in for you guys so I hope you like it.
Song Used:I'll Be Good~Jaymes Young

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