Chapter 5

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Author's P.O.V

When the group made it to the living room everyone sat down the air was tense. "Now (M/N) and Lisa we have something very important to tell you." Sally said. "What we tell you may make you want to leave and you can as long as you never tell anyone about us. Are you ready for me to tell you?"  Slender said calmly. "Yes we are."(M/N) and Lisa said at the same time. "Very well then, we are creepypasta's we kill people, if you have ever watched the news the killings on there were most likely our killings all of us are immortal have went insane or have died in terrible ways. We didn't want to tell you because we are starting to like you two already. You don't have to worry about being immortal because with what you told us the other day you most likely have inherited the power of immortality as well. That is all." Slender explained. "Is he telling the truth?" Lisa asked. Everyone nodded their heads. "Is it just bad people or just any person?" Lisa asked another question. "Mostly bad people and sometimes innocent people but only when we are very mad." BEN explained quickly. "Oh, then getting rid of bad people will make the world better I'm in." Lisa said. Everyone was shocked by her answer and how calmly she was handling the new information. "(M/N) what about you?" L.J asked. "Personally I'm not fazed by it, but if Lisa's in then I'm in two." (M/N) said monotonously. Everyone was still a little shocked about how the two little kids are handling the information. "Well then we need to pick names, and outfits for the two of you." Slender explained. "I think Hansel and Gretel would be good because we were left if the woods, but we followed a trail of rocks our Aunt and Uncle left." (M/N) said. "I like it!" Lisa exclaimed. "Yeah me to good thinking (M/N)." Jeff said. "Alright we need to pick something for you both to wear." Slender said. "Let me make a quick call." Slender said the walked towards his office.

~Time Skip~ 30 minutes ~

After awhile Slender came back with a man that looked like him accept this man had glasses and instead of a suit and tie he had a brown sweater on with a white shirt underneath, a blue tie, tan colored pants, and brown dress shoes. "Well aren't you two just adorable!" The man exclaimed excitedly. "What's your name mister." Lisa asked curiously. "I, sweetheart am Trenderman but you can call me Trender and I will be getting your out fits." The man now known as Trender explained. "Now what are your creepypasta names and your real names?" Trender asked. "Our creepypasta names are Hansel and Gretel and my real name is (M/N) and the is my little sister Lisa." (M/N) explained to Trender. "Simply slended now let's pick an out fit for you two. You two you follow me." Trender said. (M/N) and Lisa looked at Slender. "He won't hurt you I promise." Slender reassured the two. (M/N) and Lisa got up and finally followed Trender to a room near Slender's office. "Now let me take your measurements real quick." Trender said.

~Time Skip~ 15 minutes ~
(M/N)'s P.O.V

After taking the measurements. Trender went to a very big closet and went inside when he came back out after about 20 minutes. He told Lisa and I to change in the two attached bathrooms. I walked into the one on the right and looked at my clothes. It was a a black and purple suit. It had a cotton button up shirt and around the button it looked like zippers on both sides, it also had a black vest with a black and purple lace pattern on it, black dress pants, and black and purple shoes with a purple rose pattern on them. I put the clothes on afet looking at them and walk out. When I walk out I see Lisa walking out to she had a black dress with a split going down the middle with dark purple ruffles showing and black boots that went up to her knees that had buckles near the front. She looked nice. "Well don't you two just look adorable in your outfits, and your outfits are what I thought a somewhat modern Hansel and Gretel would look like I hope you like it." Trender spoke. "I love it this dress is so pretty!" Lisa said in awe. "I love it its really nice, thank you Trender." I told him. "Oh it nothing while you guys were changing I got more clothes and had Slender put them in you closets." Trender said. "Really! Does that mean I have more pretty dresses like this one?!" Lisa said excitedly. "Yes now let's show everyone got new outfits." Trender said walking out the door.

~Time Skip To Living Room~
Author's P.O.V

Once they made it back the rest of the creepypasta's where either in awe, were cooing, or just impressed."You guys look good." Slender spoke first. "Thanks, and no offense but I'm gonna go top my room and change because I only want to wear this when we go out."(M/N) stated and went to his room. When he got back (M/N) had on black and whit converse, black pants, a gray short sleeved shirt, and a black, blue, and gray flannel. "Now its time to pick your weapons."
What will (M/N) and Lisa pick? Do they even need weapons? Find out in the next chapter!

A/N: its just what you and Lisa are wearing

Your killing outfit-------------------------------------------------------------

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Your killing outfit

Lisa's outfit-------------------------------------------------------------Hope you enjoyed

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Lisa's outfit
Hope you enjoyed.

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