Chapter 17

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WARNING: There will be some gore in this chapter if you don't like vote then I suggest you skip some parts on this chapter.

(M/N)'s P.O.V

This morning I woke up to Lisa walking into my room. "Lisa what are you doing in here? I mean there's nothing wrong with it, its just that your normally in the dining room already." I spoke as I got out of my bed, the other starting to clean. "Slender asked me to wake you up, dad is downstairs and he needs to tell everyone something very important so you need to just come with me downstairs." Lisa explained to me as she started yo walk out of my door and down the stairs. I followed her and walked into the dining room with her and sat down. Our Father was sitting towards the beginning of the table near Slender. "Alright Zalgo what did you need to tell us?" Slender spoke first. "Well last night some of my demons brought a woman in and that woman was your mother, Anahita." Dad spoke with a small frown on his face. "Well what did she say?" Lisa asked. " Your mother told me that I have a choice. Those choices were I could either take a crystal ball that Anahita made, watch you Lisa and (M/N) from afar and never make contact with you two again, or I will regret everything. I told her that I will stay with our kids and she can't stop me, and with that your mother declared war on me and left." Dad explained with a look of disappointment on his face. "So I'll going to ask you something I thought I would never ask you, Slender will you and the rest of you will you please help me so I can stay in touch with my kids?" Dad asked. "Zalgo as much as I dislike you, I will help because I like to see everyone in the mansion happy." Slender said while everyone else nodded in agreement. "Thank you very much. I would like to stay longer but I can't I must prepare for this battle. For all of the information that I got in the past couple hours it is most likely they will attack in a month, meaning that you guys might not see me a lot, Goodbye." Dad said before he disappeared. "Well then I guess we all better start training again. We start tomorrow morning." Slender spike before we all started to eat.

~Time Skip~ 1 Month Later~
(M/N)'s P.O.V

It was about time for the battle to start. Dad had stopped by last week and told us that he had a demon eavesdrop on our mom and found out that they would be attacking in the morning on this day. Everyone was getting ready for the battle. Jeff was sharpening his knives, along with E.J sharpening his scalpel. Aíma, Fotiá, Terra, Ánemos, and Neró were talking about strategies from what I heard. Slender was talking to Hoodie, Masky, and Toby. Finally Lisa and I have been training nonstop except for sleep and food, right now I was training with my daggers, guns, and my swords in the living room with a target and a dummy. I also worked with some of my armor to make it stronger and learn how to use it. "Its time to meet up with Zalgo outside of the house, because it seems that Anahita wants to have the battle here." Slender said as he walked in with Masky, Hoodie, and Toby. Most of us nodded and we all walked outside to see Dad and hundreds of thousands of shadow demons "(M/N) and Lisa its good to see you after this past month." Dad said as he walked over to Lisa and I and hugged us tight. "Ok Anahita should be here soon." Dad spoke as he let go of us. Soon after Dad said that the ground stated to shake. We all looked over toward the woods where most of the noise was coming from. Soon the ground stopped shaking as thousands of figures stood, but only two figures stood out the most. A man and a woman. The woman was beautiful she had long beautiful blonde hair that had red buns on the sides of her head, silvery-green eyes, and skin that looked as soft as silk and a light shade of tan. The woman wore a long dress that hugged her body and was cut out on the sides of her stomach and arms. The dress was white with a soft orange on the chest and along the sides of her stomach, she had large blue and gold folds of fabric mixed in with the white fabric, going throughout the dress you could see pieces of gold armor, and finally the woman had large white wings and a mall red book. Then there was the man. The man had dark red hair, with a purple jacket and a armorded draping around his hips with two skulls hanging down from in the middle of the same color  on the draping the were four sheaths that looked like they held medium sized daggers, and jagged gold armored pieces on the sides. The man also had metal boots that matched the jagged golden sides, and finally the man had two huge horns, and a tattoo and necklace. "Hello Zalgo it seems that you still won't take up my offer so get prepared to die." The woman who I'm guessing was mine and Lisa's mother spoke. "Kids if I do die today I just want you both to know that I love you both with all of my heart and I don't want you to forget that." Dad said as he glanced back at us with a small smile. "We love you to Dad, you don't forget that." Lisa and I spoke together. In a flash Lisa, me, Aíma and the others got into our armor. Some of the demons and other started at me in amazement. My armor was dark gray it was mostly pleated metal almost every pleat had jagged sides so sharp that you could cut your self just by barely touching it, and finally I had a huge sword/staff that was the same color as my armor. The man with the red hair looked at me then smirked, and he started to change. With a flash the red haired man was a orge like being. The monster had skin as red as the man's hair before he changed, he had white fur along the sides of his arms and face, he also had two horns except one horn was a lot bigger then the other and finally he had a scythe that looked like it was made out of magma and rock and at the tip of the scythe there were thorns as red as velvet. "Now let's the battle begin!!" The man shouted, and so the battle began. Running toward the first enemy, I started to cut them down.

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