Chapter 4

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Author's P.O.V

The next morning everyone got dressed and headed downstairs all except one person. "Where's (M/N)" Lisa asked. "He's probably still asleep." Slender said to her. "Toby can you go wake him up-" "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Lisa said cutting Slender off with seriousness in her voice. "And why not, he's just a little boy he can't do any harm." Toby scoffed. "Well then that's your death wish, but go ahead." Lisa replied calmly. And with that Toby started up the stairs to (M/N)'s room. On his way up he heard the faint sound of music and the music must have been pretty loud if the walls were made so you can barely hear a explosion go off. When Toby opened (M/N)'s door he got a blast of music hitting his ears. Toby quickly ran over to the large stereo and turned down the music so that it was playing softly. He then walked over to the (M/N)'s bed where he slept peacefully.

Toby's P.O.V (bet you didn't see that coming)

I made my way to (M/N)'s bed. 'He can't be that dangerous. Right?'  I thought to myself. I made it to his bed to see him sleeping peacefully, he looks so adorable when he doesn't have that neutral look on his face. I shook (M/N)'s shoulder roughly to wake him up quickly so I could hurry downstairs and eat my waffles! And before I knew what was happening I was on my back with a (F/C) blade to my neck. I looked up in a panic thinking someone was attacking the mansion but it was (M/N) he look different though. Instead of a neutral face he looked tense and his eyes looked alerted. When he noticed it was me the blade disappeared and (M/N) got off of me.

Author's P.O.V

After (M/N) got off of Toby he relaxed completely. "Sorry Toby I didn't recognize you for a minute."(M/N) apologized. "Its ok, just get dressed and come down stairs to eat breakfast." Toby told him. "Alright I'll be down in a minute." (M/N) replied. Toby then left (M/N)'s room hoping nobody ate his waffles.

~Time Skip~15 minutes later~

(M/N) had taken a quick shower, brushed his teeth, got dressed and headed downstairs. Once (M/N) made it downstairs he sat down by Lisa and Slender gave him a plate of pancakes and bacon. "Thank you Slender."(M/N) thanked him. "Your welcome child." Slender replied.

~Time Skip~

After eating (M/N) and Lisa went to (M/N)'s room. "So big brother do you want to sing songs with me like we used to. "Sure do you want to sing songs by bands or songs that we wrote together?" (M/N) asked. "Songs that we wrote together." Lisa replied. "Ok then pick a song apparently all my CD's with my our music tracks are here I don't know how though." Lisa went over to the desk with the stereo on it and pick up a CD and started to play a song softly so they could hear each other sing
He'd trade his guns for love
But he's caught in the crossfire
And he keeps wakin' up
But it's not to the sound of birds
The tyranny
The violent streets
Of all that we're blessed with
And we can't get enough, no
Heaven if you sent us down
So we could build a playground
For the sinners
To play as saints
You'd be so proud of what we made
I hope you got some beds around
Cause' you're the only refuge now
For every mother
Every child
Every brother
That's caught in the crossfire
That's caught in the crossfire
I'd trade my luck to know
Why he's caught in the crossfire
And I'm here wakin' up
To the sun and the sound of birds
Society's anxiety
Of all that we're blessed with
We just can't get enough, no
Heaven if you sent us down
So we could build a playground
For the sinners
To play as saints
You'd be so proud of what we made
I hope you got some beds around
Cause' you're the only refuge now
For every mother
Every child
Every brother
That's caught in the crossfire
That's caught in the crossfire
Can I trust what I'm given
When faith still needs a gun
Whose ammunition
Justifies the wrong?
And I can't see
From the backseat
So I'm asking from above
Can I trust what I'm given
Even when it cuts?
So heaven if you sent us down
So we could build a playground
For the sinners
To play as saints
You'd be so proud of what we made
I hope you got some beds around
Cause' you're the only refuge now
For every mother
And every child
Every brother
That's caught in the crossfire
That's caught in the crossfire
Who's caught in the crossfire
Who's caught on the crossfire baby, baby
Who's caught on the cross--.

After the song was over Toby, Jeff, BEN, and L.J busted in a yelled "THAT WAS AMAZING!!" simultaneously. "Could you guys not yell please." Lisa asked politely. "Sure, but for seven year olds you guys can sing very well." L.J said. "Sorry if we were singing to loud." Lisa said blushing in embarrassment. "It's okay really I loved both of your voices. "Thank you." (M/N) finally spoke. Then Toby, BEN, Jeff and L.J looked at each other with serious faces and looked at (M/N) and Lisa. "You guys have to come with us slender and the rest of us want to discuss something with the both of you." Toby said. Without a word
(M/N) and Lisa got up and went with them. What will happen to (M/N) and Lisa? What does everyone have to tell them? Find out in the next chapter!!

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