Chapter 3

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Author's P.O.V

After everyone introduced themselves slender asked (M/N) and Lisa if they could tell everyone about their past. "Sure. Well we don't know who our real parents are. Our aunt told us that we appeared at the doorstep one night with a note. What was on the note Lisa and I have no idea. But after about four years of staying with our Aunt and Uncle we realized that they were acting very weird. So we asked why they were acting like they were but they never told us. About a year ago my eyes would change color like blue, green, pink ect. But I thought nothing of it until Lisa was sick and as soon as she started to feel sick my eyes turned light green.

That's when I found out that my eyes change with Lisa's emotions or feelings, our Aunt and Uncle told us it's probably because I can't feel emotions so Lisa will feel them for me. I got used to it very quickly. That's when our Aunt and Uncle started to leave more frequently. While they were gone we would go through their journal's. That's how we found out who our family really was and who Lisa and I were. (M/N) explained. "And who is your family (M/N)." Slender asked. "Our fathers name is Za'lgatoth. People call our dad Zalgo though and our mother is Anahita." as soon as (M/N) said that the room felt like it dropped 10 degrees.

"What?" (M/N) asked. "Nothing child continue. "Well you have the good side of our family staring with our mom who is the Angel of Fertility whose reverence is to keep the earth and all of nature fruitful. She grants fulfillment so that people may harvest the dreams that they have worked hard for. Then you have our Aunt on our moms side who took care of us and she is Amitiel Angel of Truth and she is responsible for assisting with realizing the various levels of truth. She encourages people to find the truth in their desires and experiences and to use these truths as learning experiences rather than to be in denial.

Then our uncle on our moms side who also took care of us and he is Af angel of light. Then you have our grandpa on our moms side who we have yet to meet and he is Raguel and he is referred to as the archangel of justice, fairness, harmony, and vengeance. And finally our grandma on our moms side and she is Anauel Angel of Prosperity and she holds dominion over success and prosperity. She inspires a willingness to gladly share our wealth with others. That's the good side of our family. Now the evil side of our family includes our father Zalgo who is the king of hell. Then there's our Aunt on our dads side and she is Abaddon the fallen angel of death whose name means "to destroy." Cool right? Then you have our Uncle on our dads side an he is Asmodeus he is one of the most evil of fallen angels, being an archdemon. Then our grandpa who is Astaroth he is fallen angel who is a grand duke in hell. And finally our grandma on our dad's side and she is Lillith a fallen angel who searches for children to kidnap or kill. Except for Lisa and I well that's what we read in the journal anyway. Also as we kept reading the journals we found out that Lisa has inherited all of the powers from the good side of the family including healing and beauty and I inherited all of the evil things including healing and all control over darkness and all elements like iron, water, blood, shadows, things like that and I can summon weapons any type I want. And if we try we could make our wings appear and our battle armor." (M/N) explained. Can either of you control anything yet." Jeff asked. "Yes actually (M/N) can already control all elements and summon weapons and I can heal." Lisa said. "THATS SO COOL DUDE!!" BEN yelled. "Can you demonstrate for us children." Slender asked. "Sure-" (M/N) was cut off by Lisa yelling "I WANT TO GOT FIRST PLEASE!" "ok, ok calm down Lisa." (M/N) replied. "Yay! (M/N) can you please summon a sword and a needle I have thread in my pocket it was in my room." Lisa asked. "Sure." (M/N) summoned the needed tools. The sword was all black with a small white pattern on the handle. Lisa looked at (M/N) and said "You know what to do." (M/N) gave Lisa the needle and grabbed the sword and cut his leg off. "OH MY GOD WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?" Sally exclaimed. "Did we mention that I can't feel pain." (M/N) asked. "NO!" BEN yelled. "Oh sorry."(M/N) said sympathetically. While everyone was in shock that (M/N) just cut his leg off Lisa had gotten the thread in the needle. "Now I will demonstrate my power this one is stitching." Lisa grabbed (M/N)'s cut off leg and held it up to where he cut if off. Lisa's hand started to glow a dark yellow and so did the thread and needle. When she looked up  Lisa's eyes were gold. Lisa's hands started to move almost to fast for everyone to keep up. After a couple of seconds Lisa's hands stopped and her eyes were back to there normal color. There was dark yellow threads sticking between the severed leg and the place where it was cut off. Lisa pulled the thread and the leg was stitched up perfectly. "Lisa's stitching power allows her to stitch all of the blood, muscles, and bone where my leg was cut off. So if it were cut off again it would look like my leg was never cut off.(Can anybody guess what anime this power is from?)
"Now its my turn."(M/N) said standing up. "Now you've already seen my summoning power now elements. Anything you guys want to see." (M/N) asked. "I want to see you bend blood." Laughing Jack or L.J said. "Alright then." (M/N) responded. (M/N) summoned a small all (F/C) and black dagger.(If you favorite color is black just skip the "and black" please.)
and made a small cut on his hand then the dagger disappeared. (M/N) squeezed his hand into I fist and let a little bit of blood drop. But before the blood could hit the floor (M/N) thrusted his hand out and the blood went up and and made a blood rose in his hand then he made I levitate in everyone's face so they can see it clearly. Then the blood disappeared."Now that was cool." Said Eyeless Jack or E.J for short said."Well that's it for now its about time everyone get to sleep." Slender said and everyone went to their rooms. On there way to their rooms (M/N) and Lisa think the same thing. 'I think we're gonna like it here.'

A/N:Ok this a/n is just to show you what the weapons look like

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