Chapter 2

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A/N:This is slender mansion just with a lot more trees, and a black color on the out side and no gate or glowing lights ok. Let's get on with the story.
(F/C) = favorite color
(H/C) = hair color
(E/C) = eye color
(S/C) = skin color
Author's P.O.V

After two hours of walking they finally found the house. The house was big, it looked to be four to five stories high it had a deep black color on the outside that almost made it blend in with the the night. Most of the windows were blocked up with wooden planks. That made the two wonder. But still they went inside the house. The house smelled somewhat old but it was still pleasant the walls were a dirty white color but before they could look at anything else that felt a strong pain in their heads and heard a loud static like sound.

(M/N) P.O.V

The pain was unimaginable Lisa was crying now but I felt like I couldn't move. I began to see people but they were blurry. A clown maybe, a tall man and a blonde midget? I'm not so sure. Then the pain just stopped and I looked up to see the tall blurry man. He was very very tall, he had a black suit on and a dark red tie but what stood out that most was his tendrils and the fact that he has no face. But I didn't feel scared, I felt nothing. Then it all went black.

~Time skip~ 3 hours later~
Author's P.O.V

When (M/N) woke up he started to panic 'Where's Lisa!' he thought. In his panic he saw a note on this somewhat tall door he walked over to it and opened it
Dear (M/N),
Your little sister is ok get some clothes for the closet and take a bath when your done say slenderman and I will bring you to your sister
                             Sincerely, Slenderman

(M/N) sighed in relief hearing that his sister was ok. Since he wasn't panicking any more to took the time to observe the room that he woke up in. The bed that he had woken up in was a king sized bed that had (F/C) cotton sheets and blankets. The bed also had big wooden columns for each corner of the bed that went up and met in a curve in the middle the wood was a dark brown almost black like all the other furniture and the room was a dark (F/C) color. There was a desk at the end of his bed on the wall it was like a computer desk. (M/N) walked to it and opened one of the drawers and inside was art supplies like paint, sketch books, sketch pencils, etc. There was another desk on the other side of the room and he walked over to it. Inside of the first drawer he opened there was a laptop and a cellphone with chargers. In the next drawer there were CD's of all kinds of artists and bands and a large stereo. (M/N) closed the drawers and finally walked go the closet to get ready to see his sister. (M/N) took a black shirt with a white F.O.B logo, a black and white flannel, black pants, and black and white converse. (M/N) went to a white door and opened it there was an attached bathroom the bathroom walls were white and all the furniture was black except the sink and the bathtub.
(M/N) set the converse outside the door and put the clothes on the sink and started the water in the bathtub. It took about ten minutes till the bathtub was full. There was a basket under the sink that was filled with big and small fluffy towels and (M/N) took one small one and one big one, he put the big one on the sink and the small one in the water. He stripped and got in the warm water.

~Time skip~1 hour later~

(M/N) finally got out of the bathtub after scrubbing his (S/C) skin clean and his short (H/C) hair the water was brown. He drained the water, put his clothes on and looked in the mirror his hair was a little wild and his (E/C) eyes looked tired. (M/N) washed his face with a new towel and found a toothbrush, some toothpaste and brushed his teeth. Once he was done he put on his converse.

(M/N) P.O.V

I just finished getting ready so now I can see my sister. "Slenderman." I called out. And the man I had seen before I blacked out was in front of me. "Hello child I see you are ready to see you sister." the man spoke. "I don't mean to be rude but how can you speak without having a mouth." I asked. "I have telepathy I can read other peoples minds and speak in them any other questions?""yes actually are you slenderman and can we go see my sister now." I spoke back. "Yes I am slenderman but you can call me slender and yes we can go see you sister now."after slender said that we were in a room it had a queen sized bed with a cushioned headboard there was a desk that had a laptop on it playing cartoons. There was another desk not far from the first and it had two small dressers and two closets beside them and everything was lavender and black. After observing the room slender and I hear a door open and Lisa walked through it and she looked up "BIG BROTHER!!" she yelled as she saw me and tackled me in a hug. I hugged her back immediately. When she let go I noticed what she was wearing. She was wearing a dark purple, gold and black dress that reminded me of Gretel from the fairytale Hansel and Gretel. She also had her hair in a fishtail braid. 'I wonder who did it for her?'

Author's P.O.V

After (M/N) and Lisa "reunited" slender took them into the living room. "Slender why are we in here?" Lisa asked. "You both are in here to introduce yourselves and meet these people." he said. "Ok then my name is (M/N) and this is my little sister Lisa."
(M/N) introduced him and his sister. 'Everybody introduce yourselves.'
Will the creepypasta's like (M/N) and Lisa. Will the two children stay. Find out in the next chapter!

A/N: I'm going to show you who owns what now.

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