Chapter 11

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Author's P.O.V

After walking into the house Slender asked (M/N) and Aíma if they got anywhere with the summoning. "Yes Mr.Slenderman (M/N) was able to summon the legendary water and wind wovles." Aíma spoke for (M/N). "Yeah though they were interested in me, it seemed like they weren't interested in each other. It almost seemed like they hated each other." (M/N) said as if he was sad. "Huh that a little weird because doesn't wind and water help each other to make some of the most powerful storm's?" Slender spoke. "Your right. But it could be something personal and if it's personal then it's not our bisnuess." (M/N) stated. "Your right master." Aíma spoke. "Alright it's about time for lunch." Slender said while walking to the kitchen. "What? How long where we outside." (M/N) asked confused but not showing it. "You were outside for about three and a half hours its almost 12:00 p.m.." Slender said and walked into the kitchen to start with lunch. "It sure didn't feel like that long." (M/N) said walking into the living room and sitting down on the couch with BEN.

~Large Time Skip~Next Day~

Waking up (M/N) remembered the fun he has yesterday. He hugged Aíma tighter while smiling. "Good morning master. Did you sleep well?" Aíma said while wiggling his way out of (M/N)'s grip and by the closet like the day before. "I slept well. How about you?" (M/N) said somewhat tiredly while getting up to get his clothes to get ready

~Time Skip~

Getting out of the shower (M/N) walked over to his clothes. While putting on his clothes (M/N) just so happened to look up and see something on his shoulder. He saw part of a light blue circle. He turned around and looked over his shoulder to see three Japanese symbols on hs right shoulder. Not knowing what they ment (M/N) took the rest of his clothes and walked out the bathroom door. "Aíma, can you tell me where these came from and what they mean?" (M/N) asked as he turned around. "Master those are the Japanese symbols for our elements. Every time you get a new element Wolf you get a new symbol." Aíma explained. "Ok. Thank you." (M/N) thanked Aíma as he finished putting on his clothes. (M/N) had picked out a dark red cotten button long sleeved shirt, a black best with a lacey pattern on it, dark red skinny jeans, and black converse. "I really like this outfit to master." Aíma complemented. "Thank you." (M/N) replied. "It's time for breakfast lets go master." Aíma spoke as he walked to the door. Opening the door (M/N) walked to the dining room with Aíma. Making it to the dining room (M/N) walked over to his seat seeing that Toby, Masky, and Hoodie were back. (M/N) was about to ask how the mission was when Lisa started talking to him. "So I heard that you summoned two wolves yesterday while I was with Sally." She said. "Yeah it was pretty cool to be honest." (M/N) replied before he began eating. After he was done he walked over to Jeff and L.J. "hey can you guys go outside with me? I still need to summon two wolves." (M/N) said as he made it to the two males. Before either one could answer Toby, Masky and Hoodie walked over. "Can we go with you!?" Toby asked excitedly. "If you really want to, sure." (M/N) replied. "Let's go then." L.J spoke while walking outside. "I-I'll tell S-S-Slender where we're-re going." Hoodie spoke. "Ok we'll be outside." Masky said while everyone started to walk out the door. Once outside they all sat down and (M/N) and Aíma walked over to the same spot (M/N) summoned Neró and Ánemos. "So master are you going to summon the fire and earth wolves this time?" Aíma spoke. "I'm gonna try." (M/N) spoke before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He focused on one thing and one thing only. That's when a bright red-orange color flashed everyone. (M/N) kept his eyes opened now being used to the brightness. When the light disappeared Toby gasped at the wolfs beauty. The wolf looked like fire it self. The wolf had beautiful dark orange fur with streaks of dark yellow and red, there were also black symbols going across its head, front legs, back thighs, and tail, with small flames surrounding them, and finally its eyes were burning white. "Fotiá the fire wolf, what a beauty." (M/N) said with hidden amazement. "That is who I am little boy, or should I say master." A strong and somewhat deep female voice spoke. "Ah yes I am you master my name is (M/N), call me whatever you like." (M/N) spoke. "What did you call me for master." Fotiá asked. "I'm practicing summoning the for main elements. After I summon them all I want to see you fighting form." (M/N) explained to Fotiá. "Ah, I see well then I will stay." Fotiá said while sitting next to Aíma. Closing his eyes and taking another deep breath (M/N) focused on the last element. A bright green light appeared but it seemed darker than the others. Hen the light went away there stood another beautiful wolf this wolf looked a little more adorable than scary or elegant. The wolf had soft looking dark and light gray fur with green tips at the ends of some fur on the tail, dark looking ears, soft green paws, there was also a green section on its nose, a dark green line going around all four of its legs, and green and white feathers floating around it. "Terra finally made it I see." Fotiá spoke first. "Yes and I see this is our new master, quit a young one." A light yet strong voice spoke. "Yes, ad I told the others my name is (M/N) but you can call me whatever you please." (M/N) spoke. "Come over here and sit while master summons Neró and Ánemos." Aíma said. Terra walked over to Fotiá and say down.

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