Chapter 9

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Author's P.O.V

The next morning when (M/N) woke up he did his usual routine taking a shower, brushing his teeth and washing his face, and getting dressed. He checked the time and saw that it was 9:27 a.m.. 'Its almost time for breakfast.' (M/N) thought to himself. While walking downstairs (M/N) passed a window m, this wasn't boarded up as much. He saw that the sun was out and the flowers around the trews looked nice and it looked warm out there. That's when (M/N) decided that today would be a good day to go outside and play with Lisa. Making it to the dining room (M/N) sat down in his usual spot beside Lisa. "Slender when we are done with breakfast can Lisa and I go outside and play?" (M/N) asked. "Yes but I'll have Sally, E.J, and L.J come with you." Slender said while looking over at the said males. "Ok that's fine with me." (M/N) replied quickly happy that he gets to spend time with his sister. After finishing breakfast Lisa and
(M/N) walked over to Sally, E.J, and L.J. "Let's go!" Lisa excliamed happily. Walking out the door Lisa gasped at the flowers. "There so pretty!" She said happily. "You wanna make flower crowns?" Sally asked Lisa happily. "Okay. Do you want to go with us big brother?" Lisa replied and asked at the same time. "No I'm fine you can play with Sally first I'll talk to E.J and L.J. (M/N) replied. "Ok, let's go Sally." Lisa said while walking over to a tree that had a bed of flowers that were all sorts of colors.

(M/N)'s P.O.V

I sat down between L.J and E.J when L.J asked me a random question. "So (M/N) do you like animals?" He asked me. "Yeah I actually do like animals." I answered. "What's your favorite animal?" This time E.J asked. "I love wolves." I answered. "If you could have a wolf that looked like how you wanted it, what would it look like? I mean like pink fur purple eyes anything." L.J asked. I took some time to think. Before I could say anything I heard a scream. I snapped my eyes open and looked over to Sally and Lisa. L.J and E.J gasped and my eyes widened in shock. I wolf about 4 foot and 11 inches. The wolfs fur was blood red, it had large wings that had black inside them, white under it's front paws, white back paws, black ears, the tip of it's tail was black and dark blue eyes. "No way." I said quietly. "What?" L.J asked cautiously. "That's the wolf I was thinking about." I replied quickly. "Well does it have a name because Lisa and Sally are flipping out?" E.J questioned. By now everyone was outside. "Child what is going on?" Slender quickly questioned. "The wolf I was imagining is here." I explained quickly. "Does it have a name!?" Jeff almost yelled. "Aíma come here."
I commanded. The wolf looked at me and walked over. Kneeling down on its front paws the wolf spoke. "Hello master (M/N)." The wolf now know as Aíma spoke in a somewhat deep voice. "Who are you?" L.J asked. "I am Aíma the wolf for the element blood." Aíma spoke elegantly. "Pardon our manners but we are the creepypasta's my name is Slenderman but you can call me Slender." Slender spoke first. After everyone introduced themselves we decided to ask a couple questions. "How did you get here?" I asked first. "Well master not only can you control elements but you can summon wolves of the same elements that you control. You thought specifically about what I look like and that itself summoned me here with some more practice all you have to do is say my name and I will be here." Aíma explained. "Why a wolf though?" Sally asked. "Because that's my master's favorite animal." Aíma answered proudly. "Can you change into anything else?" BEN asked excitedly. "While I cannot change into other animals or a human I have different stages. I have my normal stage which is the one you see now, I have my battle stage, and I have my demon stage, its the same with the other wolves to." Aíma explained quickly. "Anymore questions?" He asked. "Will you stay with me until I dismiss you?" I asked. "But of course master anything for you." Aíma replied. "Alright then. Slender what time is it?" I asked. "Its 6:45 p.m. I guess we've all been outside all day." Slender answered quickly. "I'll go ahead and start making dinner. I'll call you when its ready." Slender said while walking into the mansion. After everyone went to do whatevere Lisa and Sally went over to the tree they were at before. I saw that they picked something up and walked over to me, E.J, L.J, and Aíma. "We made you guys something." Lisa said holding out four flower crowns. She placed one on each of our heads. E.J's was made out of teal blue flowers. L.J's was made out of little black and white roses. Mine was made out of small
(F/C) rises. Lisa had a purple rose flower crown and Sally had a pink one. "Give us one minute well be right back." Lisa said as her and Sally walked over to a tree with bright red flowers under it. After about 5 minutes the two came back with a black and red flower crown and put it on Aíma's head. "Thank you I will cherish this." Aíma spoke happily. "Yeah these are very pretty. I'm very proud of you two." I spoke. Huge smiles appeared on Lisa's and Sally's faces. "Thank you so much!" The both said at the same time happily. Before we could say anything else Slender called for us to come and eat dinner. We walked into the dining room and sat down while Aíma played down beside me on the floor. Slender handed us our plates and we began to eat when I stopped. "Aíma what dk you eat?" I asked. "I drink blood, but I ate before you summoned me so I am not hungry." Aíma said. "Are you sure you don't want to eat anything before we go to bed?" I asked unsure. "I am sure master." He replied. "Ok then." I said and went back to eating. When I was done me and Aíma went to my room. I got dressed in my pajamas and got under my covers. I saw Aíma lay down on the floor. "Come on and get up here." I told him. "I cannot master I do not want my fur to mess with you while you are sleeping." He explained. "Fine then. I command you to get in my bed so you can sleep comfortably." I commanded him. "Yes master." Aíma replied immediately and got up on the bed. I felt his fur as I hugged him and it felt like silk. "So soft." I mumbled softly. I heard a soft "Goodnight master." Before I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
A/N: I'm just gonna show you what your flowers crowns look like and what Aíma looks like and how to pronounce his name.
Aíma is pronounced ay-ma

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