Chapter • 8

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A month went by with scary speed. Before Alice knew it, it was Devil's Night. Halloween was just a few hours away, and that alone gave her the excitement of a child.

She was busy running around the apartment, making sure no one could get in. Since it was Devil's Night, most of the residents, the trained assassins and spies, liked to mess with one another. Though, what you'd expect to be a simple, harmless, prank turned out to be deadly and dangerous. Such as poison, or a mattress full of nails, or cutting someone's power, or maybe even setting off bug bombs in their apartment or spray painting everything they own.

And, since Alice wasn't exactly on Feather's good side, she had the feeling she would be a popular target once more, just like every year.

Leo watched from the doorway of his room as she triple checked all of the locks on all of the windows and the door before closing all the curtains and duct taping all of the vents closed. She then set up some kind of detectors in the kitchen near the stove, bouncing from one foot to the other.

"Is all of this really necessary? I mean, what's the worst that could happen?" He sighed, walking over and flopping down on the couch. Alice winced, almost expecting something bad to happen.

"It's very likely that this may not even be enough." She muttered, walking over and standing behind the couch.

"I don't get all of this excitement and stuff. I mean, it's only Halloween and shit, right?" He grumbled under his breath, looking over at the closed curtains.

"You're joking, right?" She hissed, gripping the couch so tightly her knuckles turned white. "It's Devil's Night!"

"Oh, yeah, that's what today's thing is, isn't it..." He thought aloud with a small yawn. Ever since he woke up in the elevator, he found it hard to control what came out of his mouth, along with keeping his expressions and feelings to himself. "Anyways, aren't days like this kinda for kids?"

"Most of us didn't get to finish our childhoods. Plus, we all could use a little fun and games every once in a while. I just wish they'd make it less... Professional." She sighed, leaning over him slightly. He looked up at her disappointed face, and his heart fell as well. She really seemed to love Halloween, it very well could be her favorite day of the year, and he just blew it off. "But no big. Anyways, do you have your costume for tomorrow ready?"

"Just about. What about you?" He asked, giving her a small, curious smile. They were going to a Halloween party tomorrow, one being thrown by Elle. Apparently, she had been throwing parties quite often lately.

"Yep." Alice chirped, excitement and high spirits returning in an instant. "I just hope we make it through tonight."

"Stop worrying. Also, when are you telling me what you're gonna be?" Leo whined, giving the small girl above him puppy dog eyes. She simply shook her head, standing upright and turning to walk away, when he grabbed her wrist and pulled her over the back of the couch. He had her pinned on her back, and he was above her, smirking subtly.

"Come on, again?" She sighed, attempting to wriggle free. He did stuff like this all the time now, ever since the hospital stay. She found herself in these odd, uncomfortable situations so often, she found herself getting used to them. Though, she still wasn't exactly comfortable. Ever since she was little, she disliked being touched.

"I'll let you up when you tell me what you're dressing up as tomorrow." He laughed, looking down at her with a beaming smile. He was the opposite. He nearly always touched others, constantly and casually.

"Go suck an egg, I have things to do." She sighed, managing to flip him over and off of the couch. Now she was straddling him on the floor, between the coffee table and the couch. He blinked up at her with mild surprise and amusement, stifling his laughter. He knew she hated being laughed at.

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