~ Chapter 9 ~

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I was cuddled up in my bed, my doona pulled right up to my chin. Keith was downstairs, talking to my parents. Once I had broken down with Keith and we had talked for a while, he had insisted on taking me home. When my parents saw the horrible weather, they made sure Keith stayed for a while.

And we danced all night to the best song ever.
We knew every line. Now I can't remember
How it goes but I know that I won't forget her
'Cause we danced all night to the best song ever.

One Direction blasted out of my phone. I reached over my pile of books and grabbed my ringing Nokia. “Hello?” I asked into my phone. “Is that Jamie?” a familiar voice asked, yet I couldn’t grasp who. “Um, yes, it is Jamie,” I said, uncertainly. “It’s Kat,” Ahh that’s where I know this voice from! “Hey Kat,” I said. “What made you call me?” “Oh that!” Kat said, like it wasn’t important. “I just wanted to ask you something about Keith.” My breath caught in my throat as I wondered what her question could be.

“Do you like Keith?” Of course I did, but like I was going to tell Kat that. “Why do you ask?” I quizzed. “You two seem pretty close and all, so I was wondering if you were going out or something.” I thought about what I should say. Should I lie? Or should I tell the truth? “Nothing’s going on with me and Keith at the moment,” I finally said. “Oh ok great!” Kat replied, chirpily.

Before I could ask what she meant, a knock sounded on my door. “Look I’ve got to go,” I said to Kat, and before she replied I hung up. “Come in!” I shouted. Keith slowly opened the door and stuck his head around the corner. I gave him a weak smile and he sat down on my bed next to me. “How are you?” he asked me. “I am feeling better,” I assured him. “That’s good,” he said, sighing. “The real question is are YOU okay?” I asked.

“I guess I’m okay,” he said, unsurely. I stayed silent, waiting for him to continue. “I just have some issues at home and now you, I feel like I am drowning.” When Keith took one look at my face expression, he quickly backtracked. “No no no, I didn’t mean it like that, I just meant, urghh,” he groaned. I placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it. “It’s okay,” I said. “I’m really sorry Jamie,” he said. “I better go anyways. Text me if you want to talk?” he said, almost like a question. “Sure and thanks heaps Keith,” I said.

Keith started leaning over to me and I looked down. I looked up from my lap and into his chestnut brown eyes and my whole world stopped. I closed my eyes and our lips touched. Keith pulled away and I saw a blush cover his face. I giggled softly. “Bye Keith,” I said, as he walked out of my room. “Cya Jamie!”

I was on cloud nine. I jumped up from my bed and walked over to my dressing table. A huge smile enveloped my face and I looked happier than I had ever looked. I walked into my bathroom and took off my mascara and little makeup and then brushed out my curled hair.

Once I had showered and dressed in my pyjamas, I walked downstairs to get a hot chocolate. “Hey Jamie,” Mum said, standing in the kitchen. “Hi Mum,” I said, pulling up a stool and sitting down. “I’m just making myself a coffee. Do you want a hot chocolate?” Mum asked. “Yes please,” I said, smiling warmly. Mum and I stood/sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes. Mum poured my hot chocolate out and placed it in front of me. She sat down on the opposite side of the island countertop and smiled at me.

“Is Keith your ….” Mum trailed off. “Boyfriend? No,” I said. Mum raised an eyebrow. “He’s asked me out and I like him, a lot, but I don’t know …” I said uncertainly. Mum took my hand in hers and looked me in the eyes. “I think you should give him a chance,” Mum said. “He’s a good guy and he really cares about you.” I looked down, blushing slightly. “And I also think you care about him,” Mum smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and got up.

“Thanks Mum,” I said giving her a hug. “Goodnight Jamie,” Mum said, returning the hug. I walked up the stairs and got into bed. I lay there thinking for a while. About Keith. 


Thank you so much again and I hope you have all enjoyed this chapter after the L O N G wait! Keep reading, voting and commenting! xx

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