~ Chapter 10 ~

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A/N - Sorry but I just have to quickly say thanks for 100 reads!!!! I love you all so much! I know its not that much, but it means a lot to me that 100 of you enjoy this story! and 2 uploads in 2 days! just to pay you guys back for not updating for ages! i have also started doing it in both peoples POV (Keith and Jamie) to make it more interesting. please enjoy this chapter and keep reading, voting and commenting! :) x


 I woke up to birds chirping and sunlight streaming through my window. I don’t know why, but today seemed like a good day. I leaped out of bed and got ready with heaps of time. Having 10 minutes to spare I walked over to my floor length mirror and surveyed my outfit and hair. I was wearing a simple white tee with denim overalls over the top. I was wearing white converse and my hair fell down my back, naturally wavy.

I grabbed my back pack and stuffed my books and laptop into it. Snatching my phone off my bedside table, I walked down the stairs. “Hi darling,” Mum said from her laptop. “Hey mum!” “Do you want a lift to school?” she asked, looking over her shoulder to smile at me. “No thanks Mum,” I replied. “I think I’m going to walk today.” “Okay Jamie, have fun at school.” I gave my Mum a quick wave and walked out of the house, shutting the door behind me.

Walking on the path I got lost in my thoughts. Taylor Swift filled my ear drums and I was completely tuned out. I got to a crossing but I forgot to look. I could faintly hear car horns but was listening intently to Taylor’s angelic voice. Seconds later something smashed into my body. Slumping down on the road, the last thing I heard was a ladies scream.  

*Jamie’s dream*

I could see Jake in the distance. I was also there. We were hugging. Was this heaven? Where was I? Jake whispered something in my ear and I giggled like a little girl. God I missed him. My life was incomplete without him. If I haven’t already, I hope I die. Then I can be with him forever. Suddenly everything flashed black and my world started spinning. Now I was with Keith. Keith. The only one I have put trust in since Jake. Before I could take in any more of my surroundings every flashed black again and I went back to sleep.

*End of Jamie’s dream*


|| Keith’s POV ||

I was sitting on my bed, smiling to myself. I can’t believe I kissed Jamie last night. When I pulled away she didn’t look upset. Maybe she’s starting to like me. I definitely like her a lot. I didn’t know about what had happened to Jamie in the past but she has suffered heaps. I wonder how many people she has told about her twin. Probably not many. I smiled to myself, feeling special enough for Jamie to trust me. When she opened up to me, I should have told her about me. It would have been the perfect time.

I looked at the clock on my wall and saw it was time to go to school. I usually get a lift from my cousin, Mitch, but he was at a party last night and came home drunk. I assume he’s got a hangover now and I doubt he’s going to want to drive me to school. I slipped into a loose mauve t-shirt and brown shorts. I slowly walked down the hallway, careful to avoid waking up Mitch. I slipped my Vans on my feet and walked out of the door. I could hear ambulance sirens in the distance but I ignored them and looked at my phone. I hadn’t had a text from Jamie in ages. I wonder why?

With every step the siren got louder and my questions got larger. I wonder who got hurt. I wonder if I know them. Sensing something was wrong, I quickened my foot steps and soon found the cause of the siren. When I saw her, my heart stopped. She was lying in the middle of the road. I’m not a doctor but she didn’t look like she was in a good condition. Before I knew it, I was by her side looking down at her face. And only one word was going through my mind.


“Excuse me, you’re going to have to move sir,” a male ambo said gruffly. “No!” I practically screamed. “I’m not leaving her side!” By now tears were streaming down my face and I was shaking. Merely a few minutes later a lady approached me. “We need you to move,” she said kindly, sadness showing on her face. “No!” I cried. “I’m not moving,” I said, wrapping my strong arms around her fragile body. “If you don’t move, we won’t be able to help her,” the lady said. That caught my attention. While sobbing I reluctantly let go of there and moved a few metres away.

After the ambos transported Jamie off the road and into the back of the ambulance, I approached the kind lady. “I’m coming with you,” I nonchalantly told her, figuring that if I was definite she couldn’t not let me. She sighed. “Sure,” she said. I hopped into the ambulance and sat next to Jamie. She looked lifeless. “She’s alive, isn’t she?” I asked, choking out the words. “Right now yes, but she needs immediate attention,” the man ambo said. I nodded my head and laid my head on her chest.

She was breathing. Softly, but definitely breathing. I prayed that she would keep breathing until she got help. I couldn’t lose her now. 

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