~ Chapter 13 ~

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Before you read this chapter, I just have to say I'm so sorry for not updating in ages. It's a R E A L L Y short chapter but I figured, any chapter is better than none, right? Please excuse any mistakes and vote, comment and share!! Enjoy ❤ P.S. Like what I have said in previous chapters, if you are confused at any point, PM me or re-read earlier chapters :)


|| Jamie’s POV ||

Waking up for a few seconds I hear Keith’s deep voice speaking to me. “I think I might love you,” he says. I close my eyes again and smile in my sleep.

“Jamie,” I hear a soft, unrecognisable voice murmur. My eyelids flutter open and I look around the room. My whole family is sitting there. Mum is there and a man I don’t know. Strangely enough, he resembles Pete. Could it be? No, it couldn’t. I look at mum’s stiff expression and my suspicions are confirmed.

This man is my dad.

The owner of the voice. The one whom I’ve never met. The one who left my mum. The one who I have chosen to forget. The one who is sitting here right now.

A woman I don’t know is sitting next to him and I assume it’s his new wife. A tiny girl is sitting on the mystery woman’s lap and she looks at me with big brown eyes.

I give her a weak smile and keep looking at everyone else. For a full 5 minutes no one says a thing. The tension in the room is like that of a first date. I look into Pete’s eyes and see they are brimmed with tears. Keith is also there. That’s a given. I really don’t deserve such a caring guy.

“Why are you here?” I ask my dad. My dad looks around uncomfortably and mum steps in. “Your….father, Steven” my mum starts. “Is getting married. Him, Louisa and Anna came today for dress fittings but seeing you were in hospital came here instead.”

By now my mouth was hanging open. He was getting married? I gathered Louisa was his fiancé and Anna the child. Why had no one told me this before? Why had no one told me my very own dad (who I had never met) lived near me? Why was everyone keeping secrets from me?

Dad was looking down at the ground and I could almost sense his feelings. I know how I would be feeling in his position. Guilty. Anxious. Nervous. Sad. But having heard stories of him, I bet he’s feeling none of them. Heartless man.

He opens his mouth but closes it again, choosing not to speak. I sit there expressionless, waiting for an explanation. “How are you?” my dad manages to say. I look at him in shock. How are you? The first thing my dad says to me is how are you. Not sorry. Not even an introduction.

I can’t believe him. 

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