Chapter 78

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Hey people okay no more drama it's all over and you can be happy that your not dead yay!! Aright is time to get serious here and really get this story close to a close but not exactly. That little system that I was working for a while ultimately failed because people where a bit frustrated in where I ended it. Instead of making you be in the hospital longer and making me mentally suffer because along with you i was dying inside. I decided hey why not have you stay in there for a few hours rather than a few days. Plus it makes it easier on me.
Okay let's get this things started!!


*time skip about to London because why not and Dan's POV*

After being with my parents for a few days with (y/n) we thought it was about time we left. It was nice, getting away from all of it for a while but I'll never forget what happened.
For the first time in a long time my parents actually accepted that I was growing up and I was in love. My mom thought I would just procrastinate the thought of a relationship for the rest of my life and just stay in my little awkward bubble for the rest of my life.
Obviously she was wrong like many things. I guess you could say I indirectly told them "I told you so" when (y/n) walked through the door on the first day.
While we were in my hometown, I showed (y/n) where I went to school, what places I would avoid and bad ugly everything about my childhood that wasn't already in the Internet.
She seemed pretty interested, and I got a few lessons on her life which was pretty interesting as well.
I learned that when she was in primary school, kids would bully her for her talent of (drawing/singing/other), though I've never (seen/heard) her (drawings/voice) I bet they're better than others.


Quick side note
Sorry if I just confused you there, I'm attempting to make more options but sometimes it doesn't flow correctly, but either way I'm leaving it.


In some strange way I felt like I was back in school with the amounts of things I learned in that small amount of time.
Thank go there aren't any tests, well maybe there is if (y/n) asks me if I remember anything about what she told me.
But now that (y/n) and I are back in London we can sort of really and truest start planning for this wedding bash.
So far the only thing that fits in our budget and works for everyone one else is a small little ceremony at a church just outside of London.
The venue doesn't look half bad, which is good and its right in good price range for me.
Thing is I'm going to have to save at least a few months worths of pay checks in order to give (y/n) a fantasy like wedding.
Not that she asked for it's more for me than for her, okay it's more for her but you get it. I want this to be unforgettable.
I want this wedding to be so fucking awesome that even my kids ask to go back in time and be at that wedding.
I know it's hopeful thinking but what can I say it will be the beta wedding that the world has ever seen.
Problem is we don't know where it's going to be.
I suggested Disney world but then I realized that having it there will be way out of my budget, and mostly in my dreams.
My feelings on my situation right now is pretty good to tell you the truth, (y/n) is asleep on the couch, her laying on lap. She looks so peaceful, every now and then mentally I'd have a tiny panic attack when ever she falls asleep because of what happened.
Anyway Phil and I are catching up on lost anime time. Literally we decided to rewatch free again because we're just fan boys and we can't get enough of Haru.
"Yass." Phil said randomly as (y/n) stirred in her sleep. I ran my fingers through her hair, she breathed in deeply and opened her eyes slightly.
"Your so loud." She said sleepily, rubbing her eyes and sitting up only to rest her head on my shoulder.
"Someone's still tired." I cued putting my hand gently on her cheek. I looked over at Phil who was smiling crazily at the TV.
"He looks happy." (Y/n) whispered in my ear, causing chills to run up my spine.
"Agreed." I replied as I was sucked back into the wonderful world that is anime.

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