Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

"But I don't get it! Why would you choose me to be the bait?! He doesn't care about me!" I hell as the guy tied my hands behind my back.

"Oh princess, don't you see it? He's had this protective shield over you ever since the day he met you. You are special to him. And as soon as he finds out you're in danger, he'll come running." Emilio says with a smirk.

His words leave me speechless.

Brent doesn't care about me, right?

Or does he? No, he doesn't. He was just playing with you. Yeah he might've saved me that day in the ally and taken me home from the fight because he didn't want me around that, but he doesn't care about me.

Oh shit...

"And we know for a fact he takes a liking to you because of that little closet stunt he pulled today." he says.

"How did you guys know about that?"

"I have eyes everywhere, in always around." he says crossing his arms.

"You know what he was going to tell you tonight right?

He was going to tell you about all of this and how dangerous it is. How more than a handful of people want him dead. But also, he was going to tell you he is happy you came into his life." Emilio says leaning on the wall.

"Ok, the first part I believe but the second is bull shit." I spit.

"Now, all you need to do is call him. Tell him where you are and how scared you are. He will come right away." he smirks holding the phone in front of me.

"No, I'm not gonna drag him into this." I protest.

"Sweetheart, don't you see he is the one that dragged you into this. He has been playing this game for a while, but it's all new to you." He says while dialing a number.

"Now talk." he says holing the phone to me ear.

I swallow hard but right when I hear him answer my heart skips a beat.


"Brent?!" I say happily.

"Grace, where are you? I've looked all over your house and can't find you or anyone." he says with a hint of anger.

I want to stop and just think of an accuse but then I feel cold metal on the side of my head and know immediately it's a gun.

"Brent help." I barley say because I am so scared.

"Grace, what's wrong." he says eagerly.

"Its Emilio, when I got him from school he was waiting in my room and took me. He has me in a warehouse somewhere. Brent I'm so scared, please come and help me." I say beginning to cry.

"One more thing, their waiting for you. Their going to hurt you. Please be careful. Please Brent!" I manage to say all before they took the phone away and looked at me with anger in their eyes.

Emilio slammed the phone on the ground. "You bitch, you weren't suppose to say that last part! You will pay." he says look over to the guy with the gun. I swallow a hard lump in my throat when I see him nod to the guy. He takes the guy away from my head and quickly aims it at my foot and I immediately feel a burning sensation and the feel of the bullet hitting me.

I screech in pain and immediately bring my foot closer to my body.

"Maybe next time you'll think twice about pulling something like that.

Cato, untie her and lock it up. We have to get the guys ready." he says gesturing to the guy that just shot me.

Be roughly unties me wrists then leaves locking all the locks on the door.

"Brent, please hurry. Please." I whisper looking up at the ceiling as tears start to form in my eyes again.


:::::NOTE::::: kinda short but kind of a tense chapter with all the kidnapping and shit lol

So I'm thinking the next chapter in Brent's POV?!




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