Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

*Brent's P.O.V.*

I pulled up to Grace's house and got off my bike.

I had to tell her. I had to tell her about everything that has happened in my life. She deserves an explanation.

We've know each other for over a month now and I'm worried that one day she will run into Emilio and I won't be there. I have to warn her.

I went to the door and knocked on it but no one answered after about 10 minutes of waiting I went inside.

I saw her back pack by the couch and didn't see anyone in the kitchen so I decided to look upstairs.

Her door was slightly opened so I walked in.

I saw her bed with the covers torn off and there was a chair sittin in the middle of her room.

Ok, where is she? She knew I was coming over. Why isn't she hear?

I felt my phone start to buzz and looked at the screen to see it was an unknown number.

"Hello?" I asked answering.

"Brent?!" I heard the sweet sound of Grace's voice respond.

"Grace, where are you? I've looked all over your house and can't find you or anyone." I say getting a little mad she ditched me.

"Brent help." She squeaks out.

"Grace, what's wrong." I say eagerly.

"Its Emilio, when I got home from school he was waiting in my room and took me. He has me in a warehouse somewhere. Brent I'm so scared, please come and help me." Her says, sounding like he is beginning to cry.

"One more thing, their waiting for you. Their going to hurt you. Please be careful. Please Brent!" I hear her rush out the last few words then the call ends.

He has her. Emilio took her. That's it. That's my girl he has and I'm not letting his touch her. I think to myself while clenching my fists.

I have to get her as soon as possible. Just when I was going to tell her I think I like her something has to happen and screw it up.

I have to call the boys.

I take my phone out and text me friends.

To Alex, Justin, Mike, Josh, Sean, and Derek

"Emilio has my girl, meet me at my place now. It's time to settle this once and for all." I text them.

I immediately get responses from all of them saying the are on their way and I quickly lock up Grace's house then leave.

"So who's the girl of this week? And why do you care about her so much?" Josh asks sitting down on my couch with the rest of the guys.

"It's not like that. She isn't one of those girls I've dated, she's different. She's special." I say smirking.

"God man. You've gone soft." Alex said laughing.

"Come on guys we need a plan. Emilio took her and knowing him, it won't be long before he hurts her. I'm not letting that happen." I say.

All the guys know who Emilio is. My gang and Emilio's had a little rivalry and well it ended with Mike's sister and Emilio's dad dead.

You hurt one of our family members we get revenge.


"Ok boys, everyone know the plan?" I ask as we all gather up our guns and knives.

"Got it." they all say.

We hop on our bikes and make our way to the wear house.

Grave didn't say what one it was but she didn't need to, I know.


:::::NOTE::::: yeah, so sorry it seems like he's all of a sudden started liking her and it's moving fast but I promise I'm trying to make it the best I can for you guys!





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