Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Three days. It's been three day since everything happened with Emilio and Grace still haven't woken up.

The hospital called her mom and she came about an hour after I was let in to see Grace.

She was grilling me with questions of how this happened, who I am, and why I was with her daughter.

I came up with a lie saying I was just walking down the street and saw Grace on the ground passed out and bleeding so I brought her to the hospital.

After a while her mom absolutely loved me.

The boys came to visit her after Mike was released. He had a minor concussion and they let him go telling us to make sure he takes it easy and doesn't do anything stupid. Yeah, like he's going to go a whole week without doing something stupid. He can't even go a day.

Her mom recognized Mike and was so happy to catch up with him. Things did get a little awkward when she started talking about Zack. Yeah, I forgot the were dating until she brought it up.

Looks like Grave isn't MY girl. She's someone else's.

For now.

I was determined to make Grace fall for me.

She had me head over heals for her. Me, the guy who couldn't stay interested in one girl for more than a night, was chasing a girl. Ever since we met I knew there was something different about her but I have yet to figure out just what I was.

I knew one was she didn't fall for me like the others. She didn't throw herself at me. She actually had respect for herself unlike all those sluts I hooked up with.

The weird thing is ever since I realized my feelings for her, I haven't hooked up with anyone. It has been a whole two weeks, but I was perfectly ok with that because I knew once I had Grace all the time I was spending now trying to win her heart would be worth it.


~1 month later~

[Come on Brent. You need a night out with the boys. You've been in the hospital for the past months hung up over a girl that isn't even yours. Forget about her. Come get a few drinks with us and hook up with dem sluts like old times - Chad]

Ugh! Why can't my friends just understand I don't want to forget about Grace? Sure she still hasn't woken up but that doesn't give me the right to leave here. I've been by her side this whole time, I've been to visit her more times then her boyfriend, heck even more times then her own mother. Ever since the accident the only time I leave is if I need a change of clothes or my family needs something.

[I don't think so. I can't just leave her here. - Brent]

[So, then call her no good boyfriend and make him stay. That's his job isn't it? - Chad]

[I don't know... - Brent]

[Oh come on, stop being such a girl - Chad]

[You know what? Fine. I'll come. Pick me up from the hospital in 10 - Brent]

He's right. I have to get out. I don't have to hook up with anyone, just hang out with the guys. I've been stressing over Grace all this time, it'll be good for me to get my mind off of things.


"Chad, I thought we were going to your cousins little bar, not a huge night club." I say getting mad at him for lying.

"So. Since when have you cared about going to a club?" he asks.

Ignoring him I walk over to the bar asking for a few shots.

I quickly down the first two then ask for a beer.

After drinking that the bar tender place three more shots in front of me and points to the person it's from.

I follow his finger to see a guy winking at me. Well, it's good to know I attract all kinds...

I take the shots anyway and after a few minutes I feel the effects of the alcohol. I stay seated on the stool just lost in though.

"Hey Brent." I hear a squeaky high pitch voice say. I look up to see a bleach blonde in a black piece of clothe that doesn't cover enough to be called a dress.

"Not now Cindy." I say rolling me eyes.

"What's wrong? You don't seem yourself." she says tilting her head to the side.

"Nothing. Just leave." I say looking away from her.

"Oh come on Brent. Don't you want to dance and have everything be like old times." she says while parting my legs and stepping closer to me.

"Come on, let's dance." be whispers in my ear, dragging me to the dance floor.

She starts to move her body next to mine, swaying her hips from side to side, taking my hands and placing then on her moving hips.

She brushed up against but when I take a step back she turns to me.

"Ok. Something's seriously wrong with you." she says getting angry.

I just stay silent looking at the ground.

"I know what will bring you back to normal." she says closing the space between us and before I can stop her, she smacks her lips on mine, putting her arms over my shoulders.

I however don reject to the kiss. I put my hands on the hips pulling her closer, deepening the kiss.

I can't help it, I need my mind off of Grace. But it's weird that while kissing Cindy I couldn't help but imagine it being Grace in my arms and me kissing her like I am right now.


I can't think about her. She has a boyfriend and never in a million years would she go out with me. We are total opposites. Yeah they say opposites attract but I think they are wrong in this case.

Chad was right, I have to forget about Grace. The good girl isn't my type.

I'm meant to be with people like Cindy and no longer than two days. I'm meant to be the one night stand kinda guy.

I don't deserve a serious relation ship. I don't deserve someone like Grace.


:::::NOTE::::: Wow, three updates in one day!

Ok I have to tell you guys something!

So I went to a different school today to see how it was and if I liked it (I loved it and I might be going there next year!)

Anyway, so when I got in the car the first thing my mom asks "So... You see any hot guys there?" she just had to go and make it all awkward. So I didn't answer her and she's like "So I'm guessing by the blush on your face there was." and YES THERE WAS! Everywhere I turned I saw hot guys but this one was extremely hot and we talked an stuff. But I didn't tell her about that cause I'm not very close with my mom. I'm closer to my best friends mom than I am to my own. Yeah, but I had to tell you guys that lol!





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