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I smile up at Jack. He looked so happy.
    "Thanks for taking me to for dinner. You didn't-"
    "But I did." I peck Jack's cheek.
    "Ya, goodnight." I open my door but Jack's hand stops it.
    "Um...I...I love you." He stammers. My eyes widen. We are only friends, how could this happen. Ya he's a crush but I know I can't be with him. I've fallen too deep.
       So I smile widely.
    "Goodnight." I whisper softly. He frowns and I close the door. I slide down the door a tear running down my face. If only this hadn't happen to me, I would be in love with anyone I want... The day it happened I was told those three rules. The three rules that have ruined my life. Now Everytime I get close to even liking someone, I know what to do....leave. So I pack my things. I grab my phone and smash it into different pieces. I throw it away and write a note saying that I left for an emergency. After 2 months they usually forget about me. 
    I grab my stuff and head to the airport. If the government found out about me I would in a lab being experimented. I've been careful enough not to make anyone suspicious. Once on the plane I open a new notebook and begin to write everything I'm thinking. From the memories, to the pain, to the feelings.
    It's been about 12 hours I'm going to leave Georgia and go to California. I need a fresh start..........

I wake up and see that we have started to land. When the plane finally comes to a stop we all slowly get out and into the sunshine. Staring up at the sky I shield my eyes from the sun, with my hand. It was probably noon. So glad my owner has condos all over the world. I decide to locate it and find that it's close to a school. Once there I remember what he said.
  "The key will always be there for you."
  So I look around the bushes, under the mat, and in the grass. Then something catches my eyes. There was a handle located on the side of the stairs. I push it down and the step moves over a bit to see a key. I smile and grab it. After fixing the step I open the door to reveal beauty. It wasn't a small condo nor a big one. I close the door and set my luggage next to the door. When I left he told me there was money waiting for me when I get there, I just have to look closely. So every time I moved I knew where to find it. Behind a frame that was shaped into an eye. I decide to take a tour. On my right was a table with the kitchen attached to it. On my left was a small glass wall attached to the stairs. It held a few plants. I saw a bed, it was made out of wood. With a white cover and green and purple pillows. I go upstairs and gasp. There was a wall made of glass so you could see the outside view, with leaf color curtains. There were two beds on separate sides with walk in closets and bathrooms. They were separated with a glass wall. I smile enjoying my new place. Then frown at remembering that I might not be able stay here for that long. I go down stairs and start to unpack. From kitchen utensils to different clothes I finish around 6. I restart my laptop and go online and decide to sign up at the school near me. It would be a lot easier to pretend to be homeschooled but I need a little excitement in my life. After finally getting my schedule I decide to make dinner. I cook some spaghetti and sit down and eat in silence. After washing the dishes I go to my bed and sit there enjoying the view. The stary night glowed and the full moon was out. Nothing could compare to what I was feeling right now. So many mixed emotions.... Slowly I begin to drift away.
Hey this is my first story. I kinda like the idea.Vote and comment. I know this wasn't the best....I'll get better.
Hope u have a great day!!!😄

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