Ch.2 Regrets~

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    C h a p t e r 2 《¤》

I sat there listening to music as I started to eat breakfast. There is a bing sound and I open my computer. There was one unread email. I open it and see it's from Susan.
      Hey let's get some lunch at Marshall's Diner around noon. Kisses I'll see you then. <3 ~ Sussy.

I look at the time and see that I had about two hours, since I had woken up early. I decide to do some writing before taking a shower and leaving to the diner.
   After about an hour of writing, I decide to take a long warm shower. I had 30 minutes left, so I do my hair, and start my walk towards the diner that was not so far. When I arrive I can easily tell Susan's white Nissan from here since it was so bright. I walk inside and take in the cool strawberry smell. I look around and spot Susan in a booth with a menu in hand. I walk over to her and smile.
    "I was wondering if you got the email." She says.
    "Oh...I guess I should have answered. I was so excited."
    "Well Well well. Who do we have here? Isn't it Sussy and the new girl." Susan looks down and frowns.
    "Excuse me." I take a seat across from Susan.
    "Hey guys we have a feisty one."
    "Bryce please just leave us alone." Susan whispers, putting her menu down.
    "Not so fast. You don't tell me what to do and what not." 'Bryce' glares at Susan. My hands clench together, probably fuming red. That's when I see it. Berry walking out of the men's bathroom with a few guys. I take a deep breath.
    "Bryce, just leave." The guy from yesterday says quite harshly. I sit there with my mouth shut. Bryce glares at the guy but leaves. I give out a sigh of relief.
    "Thanks." I say.
    "Um...hi Berry." Susan says awkwardly, pulling up her glasses.
    "Hey Susan. Hi Haisley. haven't met my friends. That's Theo." He points to the guys from yesterday. He had dark brown hair and light brown eyes. "That's Matt." He points to a guy with dirty blonde hair and dark green eyes. "That's Riley." Riley had light brown hair and light blue eyes.
     "Hi, I'm Haisley." I say giving a little wave. They give a polite smile back. I was so going to kill Susan for inviting them. I turn to Susan.
    "Well sit down, let's have lunch." I say, scooting over. Theo sits beside me, Riley sits beside him. Berry sits beside Susan and Matt sits next to him. I smile.
    "Well, lets order, shall we?" Berry says.
    "Ya." Susan says and grabs her menu again. After ordering, we stay silent until Theo breaks it.
    "Well, um...thank you Susan for inviting us for lunch."
    "It was nothing." She says.
Once the food arrives, Matt, Berry, Riley, and Susan start to talk about random things. Leaving Theo and I as outcasts. Theo looks at me and leans close to my ear.
    "We never finished yesterday." He whispers. His breath fans my ear, sending chills down my back. He gives out a dark chuckle knowing he had an effect on me. I was not going to let him walk all over me. I roll my eyes and continue to eat. I speak once in a while, slowly becoming comfortable around the guys.
    "Well lunch was fun. We should do this more often." Berry says looking at Susan.
    "Ya, definitely. We should hang out later. If you know, don't have anything to do. I don't want to interfere."
    "No, not at all. We could watch movie." Without realizing what I was going to say....I say it.
    " my place. Don't be late. I'll send my address to Berry."I say to all the guys. The second it comes out my mouth I regret it. I can't get to close, though I want Susan to have a chance with Berry. I just have to remember I'm doing it for Susan. A smile creeps up Susan's face.
    "Great idea Haise." She comments.
    "See you at my place at 7." I say and leave. I decide to wait on Susan. When she finally exits she has a surprised face.
    "What was that about? You never said they were coming." I sat glaring at her.
    "I know but I ran into them before you got here and so I asked them to join us." She says walking to her car.
    "Sorry, I was just surprised."I say sighing. She sighs as well.
    "It's ok. Let's go hang out at my house." She says unlocking his house.
    "Ok." She drives for a little until I see a blue and brown house. It was quite big, not small. It looked comforting. Susan opens the door and let's us in. I slowly follow behind her looking at the walls framed with family photos. I jump when a voice speaks.
    "Sam? Is that you? How many times do I have to tell yo—um hi Susan. Is that-" Sam is Susan's twin brother .
        She doesn't finish as she launches herself at me. Mrs. Demerol was always my favorite out of Susan's parents. She always admired me but you know Mr. Demerol hated the fact that I was Susan's friend. I still don't know why—ever since he met me he's held that grudge.
    "Mind telling me where've you been young lady." She says grabbing my shoulders. I smile.
    "I missed you." I say pulling her in a hug again.
    "When Susan told me you were back I couldn't believe it." She says smiling brightly and looking me up and down.
"Look at you, so grown up." I smile.
    "Haisley and I are gonna hangout." Susan says grabbing my upper arm.
    "Ok. I'm gonna go get my hair cut."
    "Oh mom?"Susan says.
    "Can I sleep over at Haisley's today?" There was a pause.
    "Sure. Becareful now, I'm leaving." We say our goodbyes and we run upstairs laughing. I grab Susan and jump on her. We fall and something breaks. Suddenly pain shots through my left arm. I look at the cut and pull out the shard of glass. In seconds it heals. Susan was to busy cleaning up my mess to notice so I  start to help her.
    "Sorry. A little too overwhelmed." I say but she just shruggs.
    "It's ok, it happens. You don't know how much I wanted to get rid of that vase anyway." We start to laugh. I throw away all the shards of glass and make sure that there are none left.
    After entering her room, we play twenty questions since we haven't seen each other in forever.
     Around 5:30 I decide to leave. Realizing I had to walk, Susan offers a ride,but I wave her off.
    "I'll see you later! Don't be late." I warn her. I start to walk, when I get on my block I start to run because I was so damn tired and I need to get there fast.
   Once inside I take a few breaths and go on my laptop. I opened the only unread email and see it's from Berry. I tell him my address and sit on my bed. Knowing I had to get this movie night started. I close all the curtains, made popcorn, grabbed 7 blankets,and moved the couch closer to the tv. At around 6:47, I had finished. Satisfied with my work, I make dinner just in case someone was hungry. I take out a few sodas,waters, and candy bars. It's finally 7. They shou- Knock.
      I start panic. I control my self and open the door calmly. There was Berry and Susan. I was glad the guys aren't here yet. Maybe they're not gonna come at all.
    "Hey guys. Help me with the stuff." I nod my head to all the stuff. I carry the sodas and popcorn, Berry carries the water and candy bars, and Susan grabs the sandwiches I made for dinner. Once upstairs I put the things down. Knock.
    It was a hesitant knock. I open the door and see all the boys with smiles on there face (except Theo) in pajamas. I can't help but smile. I let them in.
    "Hey guys. That's the spirit." Matt looked confused.
    "Where are your pajamas? Berry told us to dress in pajamas." Matt says. I start to laugh.
    "BERRY!!!" Matt calls. Berry slowly emerges from upstairs.
    "What?" He says smiling.
    "You told us to wear pajamas."
    "I know." Berry smirks and returns upstairs.
    "Welcome to my place. Everyone is upstairs." I say running quickly up the stairs, with them following. I grab a pair of pajamas and enter the bathroom. I change quickly and the boys take off their shoes and we get comfortable on the couch. We wrap ourselves in blankets and then I groan.
    "So....what are we watching. I have classical, new ones?" I stare at the people in front of me.
    "I don't care, pick anything." Theo says. Then he mutters. "For all I care." I glare at him. Since he wants to be a smarta**, I'll make him regret what he said. I put in the famous Disney movie, The Beauty and the Beast.
    "That ought to teach you a lesson." I mutter to myself.
      6 hours later we were all sprawled and tangled with each other on the couch.
     We had watched all the disney movies to annoy Theo. Ya I know it was wrong. Theo did not looked pleased. Since I was sitting next to Susan, I could tell everyone was asleep. I turn the tv off and drift off to my beauty sleep.

                     +       +        +

Well hello. It's diana. Just a few words, um.....first off, I don't exactly have a update schedule anymore. Your gonna be surprised when I update. I guess I don't have the time.
Second, I've been very busy trying to find time to write
It ain't much but it'll do.
Also I've changed a few things of the story so...enjoy!
Thanks and have a good day!!!


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