Ch. 6 ~ Him

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C h a p t e r 6 《¤》

I climbed up the stairs rapidly. I don't even know where I'm going but I knew I had to keep going up. Finally I reach the roof. I open the door and run towards the edge. I look down at all the cars and the morning traffic. I take a deep breath. I don't want to jump. My insides begged for me to go back downstairs but I was pulled. I get a running start and then I'm over. Falling to my death. I gasp at the altitude. What is happening?

          I spring forward scaring Brownie. He makes a yawning noise.
What did that dream mean? It roamed through my head during breakfast. I take a quick shower and dress warmly. No one knew why it was beginning to get cold. We are in California. It's still raining today. Thunder rolls in just as I arrive at school. It's going to be one heck of a walk home after school. I met up with Susan at my locker.
    "Hey." I say and yawn. Why am I tired?
    "Hey. Didn't get any sleep?"
    "I did. I don't know why I'm yawning." Berry lays against the locker next to Susan.
    "Hey Berry." I say and grab books from my locker.
    "Hey Hais." I slam my locker shut as the others approach.
    "Guys, guess what! Too late! Do you know Bailey?" Matt says and I chuckle and nod. "I have a date with Bailey." Bailey is a new girl at our school. She's seems sweet and nice.(Matt's perfect)
    "That's great man." Berry says and hi fives him. I roll my eyes and look at Theo. He was intensively looking at me.
    "What about you? Anything interesting?" I say.
    "Nope. Just a guy who has come to school." I nod turning my head to hide the smile.
    "Well I'll see you guys later, class is gonna start in a few and I don't want to deal with Miss Garner." Riley says walking backwards towards the stairs.
    "I gotta leave too." Suddenly everyone disappears and I see something. A car with the plates 5R632TRKI and my house. Suddenly everything comes back and Theo's shaking me.
    "Hey you alright?" I swallow hard and nod. I quickly pass them and get to class. Either way I knew I'd have to see Theo in class. So I decide to save a seat for him.
    "Ah...saved me a seat didn't you. Aren't you such a little cutie?" I roll my eyes.
    "No, I will need someone to talk to in class."
    "So you're using me?" Theo smirks and gets out his books.
    "That's not what I meant. I'm gonna be lonely." I mutter the last part hoping he wouldn't hear it. Theo laughs as the teacher enters the room.
    "Calm down guys. Today will be interesting!" Miss Glimmer says excitedly....and....................... was.
    Lunch wasn't any better. I kept getting visions of that licence plate and my house. I didn't know what it meant but I knew it wasn't good. I kept getting headaches after them and I was being drawn to my house. I ignore the feeling and continue the rest of the school day. Seventh hour caught my attention. I was more drawn to my house. So I tell Susan I wasn't feeling good and that I was going home. On the walk home, I was more attentive to my surroundings. Every little bit of sound startled me and I was feeling edgy. When I was close to home, my instincts were to stop. I do and look at my house. Someone was getting out of the car and looked around before jumping the fence. I run a little closer and see the plates I've been seeing all day. Slowly I walk towards the house. Then a bark. My eyes widen. Brownie's in there with that mysterious man. I get closer and then I see it. The man shots Brownie with something. Brownie whimpers and limps outside, he then falls. Anger boils in me. I pass Brownie and enter the house. I hear rummaging upstairs so I'm going to start there.
    "Who are you?" I growl.
    "Someone interested in you." He says his back still towards me.
    "Leave. You won't find anything here. I don't know who you are." He laughs.
    "Really?" The guy turns and my eyes widen.
    "Kelem." I whisper. I run to him and hug him. Kelem sighs. He doesn't hug back.
    "Haisley. You're making this harder."
    "What? What do you mean?"
    "I was sent to kill you."
    "You're lying. You would never."
    "I'm sorry." He whispers. I see him reach into his jacket. My eyes widen and I turn to run but it's too late he's got me. My breath hitches and tears form. Now what? Kelem looks at me with pity.
    "I'm sorry sis." I feel tears pouring out and my vision blurs. How could he?
•••Theo's P.O.V.*; )
Haisley told Susan she didn't feel good and left. There is somethingwrong, I can feel it. After school I get in my car and drive to her house. The gate is opened and I see Brownie on the ground. I run towards him. His eyes open slightly and he whimpers.
    "It's going to be ok. Where your momma?" Brownie nods his head to the house. I run inside the already open door. I'm alarmed, someone came in. I crouch down just in case the person is still here. I then stand when I hear someone groan from upstairs.
    "Haisley." I whisper. She was on the floor with her arm on her shoulder. Blood puddled around her. I help her sit up.
    "What happened? Tell me who did this?" She opens her mouth but nothing comes out.
   "Everything is going to be ok." I pick her up and carry her downstairs.
    "No." Haisley croaks.
    "No what?"
    "Help me here. No hos..pital." She groans as I set her on the table.
    "Ok. Now this is going to hurt." I say and hold her down. Hais nods and I put my fingers in the wound. Haisley whimpers and then screams when I finally find the bullet. It wasn't too deep but it's going to be hard to get out.
    "Ok almost done." I hold it tightly and pull the bullet out. I quickly trow away the bullet and press hard against the wound with a towel.
    "There's alot of blood. Are you sure you're ok?" She nods.
    "How does the bullet look?" She says. I shrug. "Tell me." I put my hands up and look in the trash. I take it out and examine it. This was no normal bullet it was slightly blue and gold.
    "Here." I hand it to her and her eyes widen.
    "Do you know who it was?" I say.
    "No. It was some weirdo." She says. I don't believe her but we'd talk about it when she gets better.
    "The first aid kit. Where is it? I have to stitch this up."
    "My bathroom under the sink." I could tell it strained her to speak and that that she did not look well at all.
   I run upstairs afain and into her bathroom. I rummage through both sinks until I finally see a red box. It wasn't like a regular one but I wave it away. I run down stairs again and see that Haisley passed out. I shake my head and begin.
        Haisley's P.O.V.
My eyes open and I look around. I sit up and then groan. Theo walks in and shakes his head.
    "I can't leave you here for one second." He looks down but I can tell he's smiling. I roll my eyes. Everything comes back and my eyes tear up.
    "So tell me. Who really did this?" Theo says looking at my face.
    "It was some random dude. He was trying to steal something."
    "Did he get what he wanted?" Theo asks sitting on the counter. I shake my head.
    "No." I can't believe I'm lying to him. I mean I have to lie to everybody. It just hurts when I lie to Theo. Makes me feel bad about myself. So I spill.
    "I'm lying ok! It wasn't some stranger. It...It... It was my brother ok!! I should have told you but I didn't want you to get involved with my problems." I say and look at lap. He sighs and wraps an arm around me. Sparks fly and a chill goes down my spine. Something is seriously wrong here.
    "It's ok. I'm your friend. You can tell me things." I nod.
    "I know I'm sorry." I get down and groan. "Where's Brownie?"
    "Brownie? Buddy? Where'd you go?" There's a bark and Brownie runs from downstairs. I laugh as he runs zig zag because of the drugs Kelem gave him. I pet Brownie and tell him to go fetch my slippers. He obeys and comes back with my cow slippers. I smile at his cuteness.
    "I got you a camera!" Theo says. He comes in from outside. He was wet from head to toe.
    "Is it really bad outside?" I ask.
    "Ya. It's getting colder and the storms are getting harder."
    "Tell everyone to come here. I don't want them to get hurt."
    "Susan can't come because supposedly her mother's worried about her." I nod in understanding. I knew Susan's mom. If you didnt do what she was an earful. Trust me it's happened before.
  I get off the counter and grab a water bottle. What Kelem said was pretty sketchy. They sent me here to kill you. Who's they? Why do they want to kill me? How come Kelem is with them? So many questions in my head. After whatever was in that bullet wore off I knew they knew that I was one of them. Someone's been watching me. How do they know where I live? I'm gonna have to be a lot more careful. I can't be caught now. I just started a new life.
    "They're here." Theo shouts from the living room. I walk out and see the boys soaking wet.
    "Can you get towels from the bathroom? They're gonna catch a cold." Theo disappears upstairs to the bathroom as the others enter and groan at how cold and wet it is. I smile at them.
    "Why do I have a feel that yo-" He stares at my arm.
    "Uh.. ya."
    "Did Theo do that to you?" Matt asks concerned and mad.
    "What, why would he do that for?"
    "What happened to you?" Riley says. I try to come up with words but nothing comes out.
    "She got ran over. She went to the doctor, she's fine." Theo says coming down the stairs.
    "Gosh Hais, you gotta be more careful next time." Berry says taking off his shoes.
     "I know, I'm sorry." I look at my lap.
    "Please get me dry." Matt growls. Theo rolls his eyes and hands him a towel.
    "Thanks." Matt mutters. After Theo has all the towels passed out to the guys, I sit down next to Berry. He puts an arm around me.
    "You know I care about you. I'm sorry I reacted that way. I just hate seeing Susan or you hurt." Berry explains. I wish Kelem could have been like this.
    "I know and I promise it'll never happen again." At least I hope so.
    "Ya listen to Berry. He knows what he's talking about." Riley says coming into the room biting an apple.
    "I'm serious though. You've got to listen to things he says. I don't even understand." Riley comments sitting on the floor. I roll my eyes and nod. I'm glad I had friends like these. I smile a them.
    "Where's Theo?" I ask. Matt shrugs and I get up. I walk upstairs and see him on my bed with his head in his hands.
    "This is my fault. I shouldn't have lied to the guys and I should have been here before something like this occurred. I'm really sorry Hais." Theo rambles frowning. I sit beside him.
    "I'm sorry I didn't tell you first I was coming home. I just had a bad feeling. I should have told the guys the truth but I'm glad you didn't. They aren't ready, neither are you but you're the one that found out first. I'm glad you came here and saved me. I could have died, but you were there. Thank you for that." I side hug Theo and at first he's surprise but he leans in too.
    "I'll always be here."
    "Promise?" I say sticking out my pinky.
    "I promise. I will never let you down ever again."
    "You never did." I whisper melting in his touch. There was something about Theo that scared me. Something different no one else knew. I want to find out....I will.
I jump up and scream when the murderer grabs the girl. The girl makes a high pitched scream and the TV goes black. I hear one of the boys scream.
    "The power must have gone out." Theo says as I hear him stand. It was dark and I could barely make out anything. I stand as well and feel around me.
    "Hey, my eyes!" Matt says.
    "Oops sorry." I whisper.
    "Why are you whispering?" Riley says.
    "It's just that I do when it's dark. You don't know what's out there. Maybe a monster or a murderer." I say referring back to the movie we were watching. Berry makes a hissing noise and then there's a light, a candle.
    "Where did you find a candle at?" I say confused at what Theo was holding.
    "You got to look a bit closely." He says and take a seat.
    "What should we do? We'll have to go to the vet tomorrow since it's really bad out." Matt says and I groan rendering that I had forgotten.
    "Let's tell scary goes with, the mood." Berry says and sits up. "Riley you're first." Riley sighs and clears his throat.
    "There once was a man who was very scary to a near by town. No one talked or looked at him. He was as lonely as one could be. One day the man goes to a school and terrorizes the school. It wasn't the man." Matt shakes his head.
    "There was a girl who had parents that had died. One day the girl goes to a foster home. The foster parents find the girl facing the wall one day. They asked her what she was doing. She said she was talking to her friends. The parents didn't put to much attention to her 'friends'. The next day the parents found their family pet dead by the garbage can." It was my turn and I had the perfect one.
    "Watch out losers, you can't top this one. One day there was a little boy who was very lonely. There was a girl in his class that liked him. The boy didn't pay much attention to the girl because he thought girls had cooties. The girl asked the boy to a dance and he said no. The next day they found the little boys body being eaten by a animal."
Theo makes a noise that sounded like a snort and a laugh.
    "There was a boy, there was a girl. The boy was motherless and the girl was fatherless. One day they both went to their parents grave and dug them up. They saw only blood and dirt." Theo let's out a scary chuckle. Berry rolls his eyes.
    "Watch and learn. A women had no children and no husband. She keeps noticing a guy following her every night. She tells the police she has a stalker but no one cares. Then one day the guy introduces himself as her long lost cousin. She doesn't believe him and kills him. He was."
    "That was plain old stupid." Matt says.
   "No it wasn't your guys' was stupid."
    "No yours was."
    "Stop lying."
    "Mine was the best." They continue to argue and like that the light turns on. I sigh in relief.
    "Alright, we have school tomorrow. If you don't want to go home, I don't care if you sleep over." The boys make a sound and then start climbing up the stairs.
    "Are you sure?" Theo asks.
    "I don't care." I walk up the stairs to my room. The boys settle in the other room. I slowly change trying not to hurt my arm too much.
    Goodnight. Someone says. I don't know who it is but I say it back.
    Goodnight who ever this is.
  They don't respond and I'm glad. I couldn't handle something else. I lay my head on my arm and look outside. The moon wasn't a full moon but it was close. My eyes finally shut and I  fall into a slumber.
You thought this was the end? Nope.
I scream for help and I claw at my neck. I could feel the water entery lungs. It isn't long before I break and leave. Suddenly a bunch of arms reach out and begin to shake me. What is this torture? I beg and scream and say things I know I shouldn't say. I try to swallow as much water as I can but I felt full and I knew it wasn't much longer before I just let it be. More hands. More shoving and shaking. I was sweaty but I don't know why. I was in freezing water. A hand reaches out but it's too far. I try to open my eyes but they water stings them what's happening? Then a swirl so many swirls. It scares me to admit that I didnt want to be here. So I beg to just let me go and die. I being pulled up. This is what they needed. I take deep breaths. I'm alive....
      I gasp for air as Theo pulls me onto his lap. I scrunch is shirt in my hands and cry on his shoulder. It was just another nightmare. One that felt so real. I couldn't believe this just happened to me. I wanted to scream and never let go of Theo but I couldn't, I was in shock and I still couldn't catch my breath. Theo shushed me as I kept crying and I knew I was safe with him. I knew the guys were there watching us and I knew these weren't going to end. They didn't before until....until....until that happened. The night it happened I knew I was going to have the same nightmare. It was the first time I was killed and then came back to life. People may think it's awesome and cool....but it's not, it's the opposite. People, teenagers tried to kill me. I didn't know how but I came back to life. I've been afraid of him. Terain. He was my friend back then. He tried to kill me, I survived luckily because of my powers but that's not the point. It was the most horrible things I have been been through. So many sounds and begging and so many dead people I saw. I can never get that image out of my head. These nightmares are leading me, leading me to something big that's gonna happen. I can feel it. Who knows when or why but it's going to and I'm going to be prepared. I wasn't back then and I will now. I don't want anyone to die.
    "Haisley, you're burning up." Theo pulls me out of my thoughts. I could feel myself get hot. I knew it was because of what I was thinking. I let it go and hug Theo tighter to me
    "Its ok. I got you." He whispers in my ear. I don't want Theo to be part of this, I don't want him hurt. I won't let it happen. Theo places me back on my bed gently and he lays beside me. He pulls me into his side.
    "Well talk about it in the morning. Get your breath back." I nod slowly and take deep breaths to calm myself. I feel jitterish. I could feel the beat of my heart in my ear and I wasn't kidding. Theo kisses my forehead and puts his chin on my head. We both sigh and I try to close my eyes but I couldn't. I kept seeing the water and the hand. I keep my eyes focused on Theo. He closes his eyes and takes long deep breaths. I follow his lead just to be occupied. Little by little I feel myself getting droopy. Theo moves closer and I snuggle against him. I close my eyes as I'm being sucked up and pulled into the darkness. I don't want to see what I saw but I'm in too deep and I've fallen. It's too late, I'm falling asleep.
Hey guys!! Told you I had a surprise..... I know I said this week but I was bust so....Two chapters. I hope this makes up for my disappearance. I have been busy and so I got to work! ; ) Thank you for all of you that are reading my story!!
    Stranger Things is my life!!
Thank you for everything. Luv ya :"
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Thank you!!!
~ Di



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