Ch. 4 ~ Surprise

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C h a p t e r 4 《¤》

I grab the bag with the utensils for this mission. He takes my hand and together we fall. The air blows my hair up and out of my face, lights flash below us. When the ground comes close I open my arms and land softly. I'm only 15 but I sure knew a lot. I comb my hands through my hair and sigh. I knew it would be a long night.
Three hours later it was almost one in the morning.
"Do we do it now?" He asks. I shrug and begin walking closer and closer to the building. It was pretty tall, with an electric fence around it. I start to climb the fence...feeling only a little pinch I touched it. It felt like an ant was crawling on you. I was about to make it over when shots were fired. At first I didn't mind because I was invinsible.....I thought... One of the guys use a blue sword and slice one of my partners in half. I wait for them to come together but it doesn't happen, they fall motionless. I scream and climb down. A bullet covered in blue comes my way but I move quickly. It only scrapes me. I look around me and see that everyone has died. I start to scream for help. No one comes and I start to cry. Then I'm the beach. It was all so beautiful until I was pulled down. Ringing....that what I hear. The ringing becomes louder and I cover my ears. What is happening to me?

I open my eyes. I didn't know I was crying until I wipe away all the tears. I take deep breaths and calm down. The ringing was my alarm. I turn it off and get up. I rub my eyes and yawn. I quickly jog into the bathroom when I see the time. I had twenty minutes before I was late. I grab a granola bar and run out the door. I then realize I left my keys in there and curse. I decide to figure a way in after school. I start to walk silently, nodding my head to the music playing in my earphones. The nightmare I had was meant something.
      I arrive at school with five minutes to spare. I take my textbooks and go to my first hour. I had looked for Susan or one of the boys but I saw no one. I make my way to class and it in the middle. With my head low, my ear phones in, and my hoodie on. I sit there and wait for class to begin. Just as the bell is about to ring, my hoodie gets pulled up, making my little hairs fly. My ear phones get pulled out and I was angry. I look and the person and then my eyes soften. Theo smiled.
"Hey loner." He says and sits next to me. I huff.
"I'm a loner? You just sat next to me." He rolls his eyes.
"You know what I mean. Plus... I don't have to sit here. I could go sit right over there or over there." He says pointing at desks. I roll my eyes and focus on the teacher when the bell rings.
Finally it's lunch and I was exhausted. I would want to stay home instead. So much homework and studying and it's barely the second week of school.
I finally find Susan and Berry sitting at a table talking. I sit next to them after getting lunch. Susan looks at me and smiles.
"Hey." She says and I return the smile.
"I was just telling Susan that the boys are gonna crash the table." Berry says gesturing to the boys who were coming towards us. I look at them and smile. Matt sits left of me and Theo sits right of me. Berry and Riley sit next to Susan.
"So what are we doing after school?" Theo says taking a bite out of his hamburger.
"Well, I don't know. There are different things. Though we can't stay up late, it's a school night." We look at Susan. Typical worry much.
    "We could go to the beach again." Riley says glancing around the room.
    "Eh.." Theo says and runs a hand through his hair. Something hits me in the back of my head and I groan....sort of. Theo looks behind us and growls. There stood Bryce. I look down at what he threw and growl. It was an empty waterbottle. Bryce smirks and looks between Theo and I.
    "Ah...Theo, it's nice to see you again." He says smugly, walking towards our table. I rolled my eyes and focused on his head. I look into his thoughts. He was thinking he could come between Theo and I. We aren't even together like that.
    "Bryce." Theo mutters. Bryce looks at the rest of us.
    "Susan...and...." I roll my eyes. Of course he doesn't know my name.
    "Haisley." I say glaring at him. He smirks.
    "Right." He looks at Theo and glares.
    "I came to invite you." He says looking at all of us. "I'm having a beach party tonight. I would like for you guys to come."
    "Why would we come?" Berry asks.
    "I invited you. Plus I over heard that you guys will be bored." He says looking around. I look at his thoughts. He was planning something.
    "Fine." Theo says and stands. "We'll go to your stupid party. Just remember this doesn't mean anything." With that Theo dumps his tray and leaves. The boys follow leaving Bryce with us. Susan glares at Bryce.
    "Susan, isnt it great you'll be hanging out with your cuz." Bryce says smiling. I felt my eyeballs pop out. They're cousins?  I look at Susan. She growls at him.
    "You became nothing to me the day you left." She says getting up and leaving. I decide to let her cool.
    "Well good day. I guess I'll see you later." I get up and leave before he can say anything else. I go to my locker and grab my things for my last hour, social studies.
  Suddenly I remembered something, how am I gonna get inside the condo? I bang my head against my locker lightly caused it to bend a little. I can't use my powers. Maybe a window or something. I'll have to think of something later, right now I just want to finish the school day. I get to class and see I have it with Riley and Bryce. I mentally groan and the a seat next to Riley. He mutters a hey and we wait for the class to begin.
    "Settle down class. Today we won't cover a lot, we will start with a simple partner project." Miss Role says and groans are heard.
    "Listen, this won't be hard if you cooperate with each other. Now I'm going to read the list I've made and then you'll get in your groups then I'll explain it. Ok?" We nod and she starts to read down her list.
    "Catherine and Jack. Max with Layla. Bryan and Clare. Bryce with Tyrell. Marcus and James. Riley and Haisley. Derek and Sophie. Keith with Dylan. Jon with Tyler. Ok? Good. Go." I look at Riley and he smiles.
    "This project is about speed. Each day we will have competitions. We will start Wednesday. For these two days, you will write different competitions we should have. Ok? That will be all for today. Now write one competition and a person you want to verse down on a piece of paper and when you're done put it in that blue basket." She points to the basket at the back of the room.
   I take a piece of paper out of my notebook and think. I want something hard. Finally finding the perfect competition I write it down. I hope she wants to take a trip.
               Swimming competition,                           Bryce and Tyrell.
    I look at Riley. He grabs my paper and gets up. He takes it to the basket. He sits back down.
    "So, what did you write down." He says excitedly.
    "A swimming competition against Bryce and Tyrell." I say excited.
    "I said a running race against Bryce and Tyrell. I'm quite a runner." Riley says laughing. From across the room I see Bryce giving us a look. I wave it off. Riley grabs a drink of his water while laughing. He starts to cough roughly. I get on my feet and pat his back. He continue to cough and I don't know what to do. He was choking on water. I hit him hard this time and he coughs up water. Miss Role comes over to us.
    "Gosh are you ok?" She asks Riley. He nods.
    "Ya. Haisley saved me." Riley says his voice hoarse. He clears his throat. Miss Role gives me a pat on the back as the bell rings. I get up and we all exit. Riley catches up to me.
    "How'd you save me?" He asks confused.
    "You thought I'd let you die. Theo would probably kill me. I say laughing.
    "You take this so cool. I could have died right beside you."
    "But I saved you... you're alive?!" I say going to my locker. He follows still not letting go of this conversation.
    "What if you weren't there? Huh?" I sigh.
    "Look, what happened happened. There is no turning back. You should be happy I saved your sorry a**, or you'd be dead by now." I say grabbing my things and heading towards the parking lot. Theo's voice comes in.
    "Hey Hais. I'm gonna start calling you Hay."
    "Yes?" I ask chuckling.
    "Do you want a ride home?" He asks stuffing his hands into his pockets. I nod.
    "Yes I'd like that." Theo smiles.
    "Where's Susan?" I ask.
    "Um...Berry took everyone home and ditched you. Sorry." I roll my eyes.
    "I'm a big girl. Plus, you're driving me home anyway." I say walking to his car. Theo opens my door and I get in.
    "Such a gentleman." I say when Theo enters the car.
    "I know." We laugh and I turn up the music. Child's play by Drake started to play. We both sing along until finally I see the street of my condo. I curse. Theo hears me and turns down the music.
    "What wrong?" He asks.
    "I forgot that I'm locked out of my place." I say putting my face into my hands. He laughs.
    "We'll find a way in." We get out and try to find a way through the front. I try to open a window from the outside, but it fail. Theo and I jump my fence and go around to the back yard. I haven't been here yet but it was beautiful. Flowers were bursting in a garden in the corner.
      I climb the back stairs and realize that the door was open. I know I didn't leave the door open.
    "Theo? Someone is here or was here." I say.
    "Be careful." I nod and go inside. You could hear shuffling in the kitchen. I stop in my trucks and look at Theo. I jump out.
    "Ha! I got you!" I shout. When I see what it is my eyes soften.
    "Look Theo? This guy is our intruder." It was a small brown Labrador pup. It had blue greenish eyes. I loved dogs I just never had any. I walk over to it and he whimpers.
    "Hey buddy. I'm gonna call you Brownie. Ya?" Brownie wags his tail and sits up. I pet him and Theo sits beside me.
    "Brownie is one genius dog. How could he have opened the door?" I shrug and smile at Brownie.
    "I'm keeping him." I say and hug Brownie lightly.
    "He is also my son because I found him with you." Theo says proudly. I roll my eyes and smile.
    "Ok. Fine now you need to leave. You can pick me up for the beach party later but for now, bye bye." I get up and push Theo out the front door. Brownie was hot on my heals. After saying our goodbye's I go upstairs and look at Brownie. He looked drowsy. I grab a few blankets and pillows and lay them next to my bed. Sleeply, he lays down and closes his eyes. I watch him and then go in the bathroom. I change into my bikini. I remember when I was 12, I started having problems with my weight. I have, still am conscious of my body. I don't know why I've decided to wear a bikini. I haven't worn a bikini since I was 13, I'm 17. I put on a wrap around my waist and I put my hair in a French braid down my back. I decide to eat some fruit.
   I'm about to take out my fruit when there is a bark. Brownie. He comes running down the stairs and towards my feet. I jump up surprise.
    "Hey Brownie." I say petting his head. He barks in response. I smile and scratch behind his ear. I sit on the couch and he sits on my lap. He starts to lick my face. It was only 6:30, Theo would pick me up at 7. So I decide to give Brownie a shower. I unlock my door in case we have so much fun and Theo's knocking. I draw Theo into the bathroom. I try to put Brownie in the tub but he resists. I fill the tub with enough water and get a towel. When I come back I sit next to the tub and try to lure him in.
    "Brownie, no!" It's to late, he bark and jumps in. Water splashes everywhere, getting me wet. A laugh erupts by the door.
    "I guess you don't have to get in the water now." Theo says laughing. Brownie barks as he sees Theo. He gets out shakes off getting both of us wet.  And jumps on Theo. I smile as Theo and Brownie cuddle around on the floor.
  It takes 10 minutes to clean up the water in the bathroom, yet Theo insist we still go to the party. I mean I love swimming but I hate Bryce. Yes, hate is a strong word but it's the truth.
    "We can't leave Brownie here alone." I say petting him. He barks.
    "I know, that's why we are going to bring him along. He is a smart dog. If he does get lost he'll find his way home." Theo says petting Brownie too. We get in the car and drive towards Bryce's beach house. I felt numb....I couldn't believe I've gotten this far in life.
   As soon as we arrive, Susan and the boys crowd around Brownie.  He didn't like it and starts to whimper. Quickly being his mommy I scoop him up and hold him close. He licks my face.
    "Guys, this is Brownie. He's my son." Theo says,I correct him.
    "Our son." I say, giving Theo Brownie. He licks Theo's face and snuggles himself into Theo. I roll my eyes.
    "He's a daddy's boy." Theo says.
    "Are we gonna go party or what?!" Matt says over the music. I nod.
    "Let's go." Theo grabs Brownie and sets him down.  We walk a little bit to make sure that Brownie follows us. He does. I smile and walk through the warm sand. It was just beginning to get dark. I go inside and see Bryce talking with Theo. I go over to them. Bryce checks me out. Theo glares at him.
    "Ah...Haisley. Just in time." Bryce says putting an arm around me.
    "For what?" I ask curiously removing his arm.
    "Well we're gonna use the beach for...competitions. Miss Role inspired me...ready to race." I put my game face on.
    "Let's go then." A girl with blonde hair walks up next to Bryce. She looked fake.
    "When are we starting I've been stretching."
    "Hey baby. We are about to start so call everyone out to the beach." Bryce says and turns to us.
    "Get your gang and meet at the beach." He says and turns away. I call everyone to a table.
    "Ok it's just competitions. I see we are all prepared." Mostly all the boys were shirtless. "Let's win this." We shout a 'ya' and then microphone is heard.
    "Testing, testing. Thank you for coming. Before the night begins I'd like for you to create five groups of 6. Once you have a group, name it and wait for further instructions." Sam, one of Bryce's goons, says.
    We decide on The Invincibles. I don't know why but I'm hyped up.
    "Alright, now pick a boy and a girl from the group and walk towards the water." Sam says. We decide on Susan and Berry.
    "Now this is how it's going to work. You will get a bucket and a few tools to build a sand castle. Now you both have to work together. Who ever gets first gets 10 points. Second gets 5 points. Third gets 1 point. On your mark, ready, set, Go!!!" Screams are heard and Susan and Berry start to get a bucket of water. They shape and create different buildings and castles. I was surprised they were the first ones done.
    "We will grade on beauty." Kids walk around the sand castles and finally they grade them.
    "The Unbeatables get first and The Invincibles get second. Third place is The pinkies. Next we need two new competitors. A girl and boy." Of course they pick Theo and me. I tell them to watch Brownie. We walk where there was a bright green line and take off my wrap."Now you will leap frog from the sand and into the water. You will start with the guy. Four hops into the water and you swim back who ever crosses the line first gets 15 points. Second gets 10 and third gets 5. Ready, set, GO!! " I sit low as Theo leaps over me we do this over and over. I don't look at the opponent or I'd get distracted. When we get to the water I hold my breath and close my eyes. I count four and begin swimming. Theo was just a bit in front of me but we get there first. I take a few deep breaths and lay on the the cold sand. Theo sits next to me and laughs.
    "Great job out there. You're swimming is great by the way." He says and stands.
    "Invincibles are first but they are still tied with  the Unbeatables." Completion after competition finally someone wins. It wasn't us.... or Bryce. It was a few nerdy girls. Of course Bryce was mad but he kept intact. Soon the night was filled with drinks, song,and more drinks. Theo and I got to know each other more and we both got really drunk. Susan had left with Berry leaving Matt and Riley with us.
    I was starting to get bored as people began to leave. Soon enough Bryce and us were the only ones left.
    "Seriously, you guys should leave. It's like 2 in the morning and we have school today. I laugh and run towards the water.
    "Nooo!!" I shout and laugh some more. Theo runs from behind me and picks me up.
   "I'm hulk." He puts me over his head and was about to throw me down when I fell behind his head and into the water. I surface and laugh.
    "There's fruit here." I look up at Bryce. He was holding a try of fruit. Pineapple caught my eye.
    "SpongeBob!!" I shout and grab the bits of pieces."You monster." I grab the prices and throw them in the water. Theo throws Bryce in and he looked angry. Brownie barks.
    "That's it. You guys are going home." We get in Bryce's car. Theo was to drunk to remember his address, so we go around in circles.
    "I'll take him. Might as well since we are both tired." I slurp. They leave us home first so the boys could help is out. Once inside I put Brownie in his bed and jump onto mine. Theo drops on mine too, not caring. I roll my eyes as sleep comes. Finally sleep.

Hey guys! Thank you for everything....I'm glad I'm making this story. I'm excited...I have so many ideas. Keep commenting and voting.
<3   Have a good day! Random song!!


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