Ch.1 Holy Crap Nuts~

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C h a p t e r 1 《¤》
       I open my eyes and yawn. I barely got any sleep last night. I realize I would be late to my first day of school, so I jump into the shower. I pull on black legging and a mint green plad shirt. I make a fruit salad and eat it. When I'm done I have 10 minutes left until school starts. I quickly grab my bag and walk to school. I listen to the cars,the birds,and the breeze.
   When I arrive, I sigh and walk up the stars to the school, knowing I'm late. Kids run past me going to their regular classes. I go to the office.
    "Hello?" I ask to the lady in her mid twenties.
    "Why hello! You must be our new student, Haisley. We usually don't get new students. It's good for a change." She said in a high pitched voice. I almost covered my ears.
    "Here you must want a late pass." She handed me a small blue piece of paper with my name on it. I give her a fake smile.
    "Thank you. Have a good day." I say and walk out before she can say anything else. I walk down the halls until I see a door that says Miss Harrison. I take a deep breath and open the door. I look around the room and frown. All eyes were on me.
    "Um...we weren't expecting you until Monday, Miss Haisley."
    "I know. Um...I just didn't have anything to do." I immediately regret what I just said as snikers erupt in the room. Miss Harrison frowns.
    "Well then take a seat. Class, this is Haisley Manali." I smile and sit down in the back. This is going to be a long day.
I swirve around the corner and bump into someone. We fall to the floor with a thud. I rub my head and look at the person. I gape at her.
    "Haisley?" Susan whispers.
    "Susan!!" I wrap my arms around her. She was my friend before I moved and was studied on. We were friends since birth. She doesn't know anything about me, about the experiments,nothing. I won't ever drag her with me. They hunt me down, they are going to hunt her down too. I can't risk her.
     "Oh my god, it's you!!!" She screams driving attention to us. I get up and hug her tightly.
    "I missed you so much." Her dark blue eyes begin to shine and I knew right then and there that she was going to cry. I engulf her in another hug.
    "Don't cry! You're gonna make me cry." I say holding back tears.
    "I'm sorry. I'm just overwhelmed." She pulled away smiling. I smile back.
    "Well we are gonna be late. I'll talk to you at lunch ok?"
    "Ya sure. Bye." She wipes her eyes and begins to walk away. I guess I won't be lonely after all...
    The lunch lady serves me a hamburger. I nod a thank you. She gives me a confused look. What?
     "You must be new." She says.
     "Ya." She nods and moved on to the person next to me. I noticed that no one else acknowledged her. Was that why she was looking at me? I did something? Who knows? I grab my tray and look at the tables. I spot Susan by a guy in the back. I quickly walk to the table,trying not to drive attention to ourselves.
    "Hey Sus."
    "Hi. Haise meet Berry." Berry had dark brown hair and light brown eyes.
     "Hey! I've heard lots about you." He says.
     "I hope it's good." We start to laugh. We just clicked. I mean he's not my type...he's a good friend.
     "Well nice meeting you Haisley. I have to go back or the boys are gonna yell at me." He gave us once more a smile and started to jog to a table with boys.
    "I can tell you like him and that he likes you." I say still keeping my eyes on the boys table. A pair of eyes met mine making my heart flutter. I turned away and smiled at Susan.
    "Ya sure. He doesn't like me."
    " didn't deny that you liked him."
    "Um...ok I do. So what? I don't stand a chance."
    "Don't do that to yourself. You stand a chance with anyone. If they don't like you, boohoo. There are many more." I say proudly.
    "I missed you." She says with a smile.
    "I know you did. I did too. It's been 7 years." I say smiling softly.
    "Ya. Are you gonna eat that?"
    "Uh..ya. Why? Do you want it? We can share."
    "Please." I give a confused face but give her half of my hamburger.
    "Well I guess we'll have to talk after school or something."
    "Ya. I have class. Bye." I wave goodbye and dump my tray. I go to the last class. I wonder who was looking at me.
I lay against a nearby tree, waiting for Susan. At a distance I see Berry with the same guys from lunch. Three guys and Berry. All of them are laughing at something one of them said. I glance around the parking lot when a bright pink Corvette convertible stops in front of me. The window rolls down and I see a girl. She had bright blonde hair and dull blue eyes. She stares at me and rolls her eyes.
    "Heard you're the new girl." I nod.
    "How about you join the group?" I almost scoffed.
    "I'm good. I have a few good friends here. I don't need fake ones." I say calmly. A few kids were watching from afar.
    "Whatever. You're a loser anyway." I roll my eyes.
     With that I turned and begin to walk towards the school where Susan was coming out from.
    I go up to Susan.
    "Hey let's go before barbie tries to strangle me." I say grabbing her arm.
    "Ok? My cars over there." She points to a white Nissan. I grab her keys and unlock her car. I get in the driver's seat.
    "Uh...what are you doing?"
    "Please can I drive." I ask.
    "I guess. Don't crash my car. I don't know how you drive." She says dryly. I nod turning the engine on. I rev the engine and back out the parking lot. People give us looks.
    "Where to?" Susan asks looking out the window.
    "Well...let's try the mall. I need new clothes." I say.
    "Well you remember my parents. They are strict so we have to be back before 8."
    "Ya I remember them. They were always onto you."
    "Still are." We begin to laugh. Susan turns up the stereo. We rock to any song that comes on until we are at the mall.
   Soon enough we arrive.
    "Well come on." Susan says. I chuckle and follow her inside. People walk out and in. A group of boys look our way and check us out. I roll my eyes.
    "Let's go before they start to eyes rape us." I whisper in Susan's ear. She giggles and we enter Aeropostle. We get a few clothes and decide to explore the mall.
    3 hours later it's 6 and I was tired. We decide to go to the food court. When we pass a few people, two guys were sitting at a table with a photo in hand. As we pass I look at the photo and the color drains from my face. It was me.... I sit down next to Susan.            
    "Order for me. I'm gonna use the bathroom." I stand up and begin to walk through the halls until I see a sign that says Restrooms. I enter the girls bathroom and wash my face. I was probably imagining it. I have to be extra careful. I get out and spot the guys looking around. They look at me and my eyes widen.
    "Holy Chilli Chimichangas."I mutter. They had cold stone faces and then they start running towards me. I begin running the opposite direction. After a while I think I've lost them. I look behind me and run into someone. My face smashes into their shoulder. We fall and I spring up. I rub my cheek.
    "Haisley?" Berry stood next to the guy I fell on.
    "Uh..hey Berry. Nice finding you here. I must go before... Susan kills me."
    "Haisley is it?" The guy beside him says. It was the guy from lunch. His piercing blue eyes look at me.
    "Ya?" I say.
    "Right...sorry. I was just not looking where I was going. I'm Haisley. You are?" He was about to answer me but I spot the guys again looking around the people.
    "You know what. I'm sorry. I have to find Susan. We'll finish this another day. Bye Berry." A few guys with them give Berry a weird look. I leave before any of them can say anything. Once I locate Susan. I sit down in the chair across from her.
    "Where've you been? You said you need to use the bathroom."
    "I did use it. I just ran into Berry."
    "Berry? Was he with a girl?"
    "No. He was with a few guys." She nods.
    "Let's go it's almost 7:30." I help her with the bags and put them in the trunk. The ride home was silent just me showing her the directions to my condo. When we arrive she stops the car.
    "This is where you live?"
    "Nothing. Do you need help?"
    "I'll manage. Have a goodnight." She smiles and hugs me.
    "Goodnight. I'll see you tomorrow."
    "We don't have school." I say.
    "I know. We have to hang out." I smile and nod.
    "Any way I can contact you?"
    "Um...send me an email." She nods.
    "Bye." I hug her once again and go inside. Once inside, I sigh. I could have been caught. I make dinner and then go to bed. I look out the window and in the distance the moon begins to rise. I lay there enjoying the view until I finally close my eyes and get in engulfed into darkness.
Hey guys! I'm gonna try to update everyday. If that doesn't work I'm gonna update very Wednesday and Friday. Well tots! Have a great day!!!😘
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