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C h a p t e r 3 《¤》

My eyes slowly flutter open and I stare up at the ceiling. It's Sunday and Sunday is my lazy day.
Suddenly I hear something move. I look beside me and see Riley hanging off the couch. His hand dipped low touching the floor and his light brown hair was ruffled sideways. I stifle a laugh as I look at the others who were much worse. Theo had his thumb in his mouth, Matt was drooling, and Berry talked in his sleep. Susan well she was at a perfect angle. Her head lay against one side of the couch and her feet were behind my head. I slowly get up and take a photo of them. I start breakfast knowing they'd be hungry.
A noise startles me and I turn to the figure who emerges from upstairs. Theo rubs his eyes and yawns.
    "Morning." He says.
    "Morning sleepyhead." I says putting pancake batter on the pan.
    "Hmm...smells good." Theo says.
    "My mom use to teach me how to cook."
    "Where is your mom?"
    "Well...she lives in Ohio."
    "Isn't that illegal?"
    "Yes, so don't go blabbing your mouth." I say.
    "Miss goody two shoes isn't so good." He says laughing. I give him a look that shuts him up.
    "Help me with the pancakes." I whine. He chuckles and starts to pour the batter on the pan. I take out the rest of the things that accompany the pancakes. I turn quickly and run into Theo. The batter flies out of his hands and onto me. Cold batter runs down my back.
    "This is why I wake up earlier than the others. They always miss the good parts." He said laughing. An idea comes up and I grab a while bunch of batter from my shoulder and smear it on his face. Now it's my turn to laugh.
    "Yes, yes they do." I continue to laugh.
    "Ya? Let's see how you laugh about this." In seconds he grabs the syrup that was in my hand and pours it all over me.
    "You did not." I smile mischievously, grab a bit of butter and throw it on his head. He starts to laugh making me laugh.
    "You know, you aren't so bad." He says grabbing a paper towel. Was that a compliment? I smile widely.
    "You know what they say. Watch out for the feisty ones." In seconds I jump on him. He grabs my hips and steadies me before we plummet towards the floor. Surprisingly he was strong enough to steady me and lower me slowly.
    "You're very unexpecting. I'm gonna take a shower." Theo grins and leaves the kitchen. I smile and continue finishing the pancakes that were on the pan and not sitting on me.
                 +        +         +
I sit up and groan.
    "I'm. So. Full." I say grabbing my stomach.
    "For a gurl, you ture eat a loch." Matt says stuffing his face with more pancakes. I smile and rub my belly.
    "Ya. Who wants more?" I ask.
    "Me!!! You know how to cook!" Matt says raising his hand and waving it around.
    " You've had enough." I say chuckling.
    "Aww...." He says looking at his lap.
    "He's right, your cooking is amazing. I could never get enough." Berry says wiping his mouth. I chuckle an nod.
    "Yup, got it all from my momma." I regret it as it comes from my mouth
    "Where's your mom?" Riley asks. I was starting to get nervous but Theo saves the day.
    "She told me she's in vacation. Won't be back till next month."
    "Do you want me to stay with you, so you're not so lonely?" Susan offers....but I decline.
    "I'm ok. Ill be fine."
    "Just tell me when to come over and I'll be here as soon as possible. I'm here." I roll my eyes. Susan was so over dramatic.
    "No one died." I say chuckling.
    "I know I just want to be there for you." My heart squeezed. How can she be so nice? I left her for years and she repays me by helping me. I decide not to argue and smile.
    "Thank you."
    "What do you guys want to do today?" Matt asks, putting his plate in the sink.
    "I don't know. There are so many places to see. The beach, movies, the park, the buildings, and the trails." Susan says. From across the table I see Berry looking at susan in awe. I kick Berry's feet to grab his attention and wiggle my eye brows. He nods and smiles. He just confirmed it. He has feelings for Susan.
    I grab my plate and throw it in the sink.
    "Let's take a trail and then we can do whatever." I grab water from the refrigerator.
    "Ok. I'm up for it." Riley comments and leans back in his chair. The boys nod and I look at Susan.
    "Yup, lets do it."
    "Ok. We'll meet at the beach by the parking lot and then we'll make our way to the trail. Be there by noon. So prepare. It's gonna be hot." With that Theo gets up, waves goodbye, and leaves. Plain leaves, leaving me confused. Why did he leave so early? Susan gets up and hugs me.
    "I'll see you at the beach." She touches my shoulder and leaves. I clean up the mess and take a shower.
    Afterwards, I pack the utensils I'll need for the trail. I knew it was going to be sandy and hot so, I pick out little stuff. I take five waterbottles, two granola bars, a compass, and an apple. I decide to eat before I leave.
    When I finish it's 11:24. I start walking along the street hoping I'd get there in time.
A few minutes later I hear an engine behind me. I come to a stop and turn to look at the person. It was Theo. I smile and get in his car.
    "No problem." I put my seat belt on and Theo starts to drive. Silence fills the air.
    "Excited?"I ask.
    "Very. The only time I've gone on a trail was when I was five with my grandfather. It's good for a change. I'm usually stuck with the boys and we do boring stuff. I glad we are doing something adventurous." I looked at him and smiled softly.
     "Ya, me too." The moment gets ruined.... I didn't know we had a moment.
    "We're here!" Theo says excitingly. I open the door and stand. It was beautiful. Birds pass over me and the ocean wave were heard. People pass laughing with their family and friends. I wish I had them......
    "Come on." Theo says waving me over. I close the car door and jog over to him.
    "Isn't it beautiful!?"
    "It was when I first got here. Now it's just a plain ol'e beach everyone goes on." He says and sighs. I nod and continue walking at his pace.
    "We were wondering when you were going to arrive." Matt says and groans. I roll my eyes and walk over to Susan. She was looking afar and murmuring things.
    "Hey Susan." She quickly looks my way and smiles.
    "Hey! Glad you're here!" She hugs me hesitantly.
    "Ya you too?" I say and she gives me a look. "What wrong Susan?" She looks so tense.
    "You're tense."
    "The wind, it's cold." She says and rubs her arms.
    "Here." Berry hands her a jacket. I roll my eyes and go over to Matt.
    "So how's it going? Excited?" I say.
    "Eh." He says and looks out to the ocean. I nod and then look around. Riley finally comes and gives us an apology.
    "Sorry. Got a little held back with traffic." He smiles apologetically. We nod.
    "Let's get a move on." I say. They respond with a 'yes'. We start walking along the path that read,'Palm Trail'. I start to munch on a granola bar. We continue to walk until I hear a branch crack. I look under us and it was plain sand.
    "Did you hear that branch? It wasn't us." I say looking at the sand.
    "It was probably just a bird." Matt says and continues walking. Silence fills the air and then another, louder, bigger branch snaps. This gets their attention.
    "What was that?" Susan asks.
    "It's just an animal." Theo says and grabs a waterbottle. We continue and then a tree falls in from of us. I jump back and put my hand against my heart.
    "I don't think that was any animal." I look around but nothing looks out of the ordinary.
    "Come on. We'll pass whatever it is." I get in the front and start walking quickly. I have a bad feeling but I wave it off. We soon arrive at a pond and we take a break.
    "I wonder what was back there."Riley says.
    "Remember Riley, curiosity killed the cat." I say. He chuckles and nods.
    "Correct." He looks at Theo. I wonder what they was referring to. A scream brings me out of my thoughts. I look at Susan and she starts to walk backwards. When I see what she's looking at I step back as well. I'm front of us was a big 5 feet Python. I grab my bag and walk more backwards. The snake moves slowly closer and we step back each time.
    "On the count of three we run.One...two...tree.."Theo shouts on three and we all run down the trail. I look behind me and see we had out run the snake. I wasn't looking and I slam into a tree. I groan and stand up. It didn't hurt but you to fake it. I stretch.
    "You alright there. You have to watch where you're going next time." Theo says and chuckles. Riley chuckles as well. I roll my eyes and push Theo back lightly. He gives me a look and I laugh.
    "We were almost attacked by a Python yet you guys are laughing. I just don't get you." Berry says from behind Theo. I chuckle and continue down the sandy dirt. Susan looks like she spaced out.
    "Hey." She doesn't answer.
    "Huh? Sorry, I spaced out." I nod and keep walking. The boys follow a distance and then finally I see another part of the beach.
    "Let's go to the beach!" I say and start running to the beach. I wasn't dressed for swimming but oh well. I take off my bookbag, and jump in the water. Hopefully I didn't make a big splash. I loved water I could move it around with one touch but I was not gonna do that now. Susan takes off Berry's jacket and splashes.I hear the others splash and I look at them. I begin to laugh and then all of us laugh.
    "It's been fun. I'm glad I met you guys." Riley says and splashes me. I smile and nod.
    "Me too. If I hadn't you I wouldn't have been able to make fun of Theo." Theo glares at me and splashes me with a lot of water.
    After an hour, my stomach starts to grumble. The others laugh and I get out.
    "Alright, let's go eat. I'm starving." They nod and get out. Susan follows slightly behind and I call her.
    "Susy. Come on. I'm starving." She looks at me and smiles. She quickly catches up.
    "Sorry I like the view
It's perfect." I chuckle.
    "It is. The waves, the sun, the people, the animals." I sigh and look at the boys. Theo catches my eye, then turns away. We enter a diner nearby after drying off.
    "Well let's order. On me." Theo says and grabs the menus from the waiter. The waiter looks at me and winks. He was cute, tall, muscular, brown hair and blue eyes. He wasn't as muscular as Theo though... What is wrong with me? I don't compare people especially to Theo. No one can compare to Theo....What..... Ugh....
  Theo looked he wanted to kill the waiter. I use my vision and see he balls his fists under the table. I smile.
    "I'm gonna have a big cheese burger with small dries and a medium coke." I say. Soon the others order. When it gets to Theo. He practically spits out his words. I roll my eyes...boys.
    "So....let's get to know each other."
  After about 10 minutes of explaining each other the food arrives and I lick my lips. I dig in continue to eat. I just couldn't stop....I was too hungry.
   I rub my tummy and sigh.
    "That was one h¢ll of a meal." I sit up and take the last drink of my soda.
    "That was delish." We all agree and then sit there, silence engulfing us. Susan speaks up first.
    "Well my mom's making pasta today so I have to go. Have a good night bye." She gives us each a hug and leaves.
    "Bye." We say in unison.
    "Well...I'm leaving with Riley." Matt says and stands. Riley and him hug us and leave.
    "Bye. Thanks for lunch. We'll do this some other time." I smile and stand.
    "Your welcome. Yes we should." With that I grab my bookbag and leave. I walk down streets until finally I make out the clear color of my condo. I open the door and and sit on the table. I sigh and take a shower.
   After, it's around 9:30, I text Susan goodnight and close my eyes....but sleep never comes.
Hey! I'm so glad I have the help from you guys! Thank you for all the wonderful comments. I've been inspired to update more. You know who u are! Comment what you want to happen!! <3 u guys! Byeeeee!!



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