CH. 5

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  • Dedicated to Kay

NOTE: Just wanted to say, hope you enjoy this chapter. AND IT IS EDITED.


When I wake up, I'm blinded by the sunlight seeping threw the curtains.

"Oh god, Where am I?" I say as I try my hardest to sit up.

"No, No you must stay laying down. You hit your head pretty hard on the wall" I hear Liam say as he makes me lay back down. "Here's an ice pack for your head" he places the freezing yet relaxing object on my head.

"Liam, I have two questions for you" I tell him. "Ask away" he says. "Okay, one, are the rest of the boys here?" I question. "Only one, and that's Harry, he is still asleep though and is most likely to have a hangover" Liam chuckles. "Oh he definitely will, and second question, Why are you so nice to me?" I ask very curious.

"You did nothing wrong to me, plus there isn't a bad bone in my body. Oh, and before I forget, Sorry about slamming into you last night. I didn't mean to." Liam apologizes. "It's okay, I know you didn't mean it" I tell him.

"So what are we gonna do about hangover, over there?" I ask Liam. "Well, the boys' said they'd be by to pick him up in a bit" he replies with things I don't want to hear. "So in order to see that one off my couch, I have to see the rest of the boys'?" I ask. "Pretty much" he responds.

"Is there any possibility I can lock myself in my room while they're here?" I pray that I can.

"There is a possibility. But I think you-know-who might want to check up on you" Liam tells me.

"If he cared, he would've stayed. Anyways how's that bruise on his face?" I smirk, knowing what I had done last night.

"Last time I saw his face was last night, and it started to swell" Liam says. "HA, good. It was well deserved for all the hell he put me through" I laugh, Imagining his face.

"Caroline, he really cares about you. He missed you a lot. and when I mean a lot, I really mean a ton. He would never shut up about you. Just because he left, doesn't mean he forgot" Liam informs me, but his eyes say differently. 

"Yea.. well I haven't forgotten either. Now can you pretty please, with gummi bears and glitter on top, take me to my room" I give him the puppy eyes too. No one can resist the puppy eyes.

"Alright. Have it your way" Liam sighs. He slides one arm under my knees and another under my back.

"Hold the ice pack will ya" he tells me.

In a matter of seconds we were in front of my bedroom door.

My door was plastered with posters, pictures, and stickers. I'd say they made me stay positive, but I get reminded of the bad things.

"I like your door décor" I hear Liam comment. "uhh, thanks. I decorated it a year ago" I say shyly.

"It's cute" he says and gives me a sweet, reassuring smile.

He then places me carefully on my bed. He takes a look around my room.

"Thanks for bringing me" I say then get up and grab my laptop.

"You can walk!" Liam says, then gives me a dirty look.

"Being the lazy person I am, I didn't want to walk to my room" I give him a cheeky smile.

He was about to say something when the doorbell rings. I freeze when I hear the door open.

"LIAM! WE'RE HERE!" I hear Zayn's voice call. shit. I Give Liam a look, and he zooms past me.

"Hey boys! Harry is the couch" Liam tells them.

"Where is she?" I hear him ask.

"Oh.. uhhh" He cut Liam off, "She's in her room isn't she.?" I hear him. Then I can hear someone coming towards my room.

Uh-oh. I quickly shut the door and lock it. Luckily no one tried to stop me from closing my door.

I take three steps back and take a breath.

He can't get in now, Caroline. Don't worry, I keep telling myself.

There were a few moments of silence, then there was a loud knock. I took another step back.

Please oh please, just leave. Let me rot alone. I'd take that any day over getting hurt by him again.

"Caroline, let me in. We need to talk" He says calmly, "I'm sorry, okay. I'm sorry. Please let me in." He begged.

As much as that sounds convincing, I'm not opening that fucking door. I could still hear him breathing against the wood. I wouldn't even budge.

I know, he knows I'm already in here, but I wouldn't want to make a movement he could hear. Otherwise, he would continue his apology speech.

I kept my breath as silent as possible.

"GOD DAMN IT!! CAROLINE OPEN THIS DOOR, OR I WILL BUST IT OPEN!!" he screamed at me, through the door.

Is it too late to start packing?? Only two ways out. The door- or -The window.

I looked towards the window. Suddenly the door was being kicked. Could you at least spare me five minutes to pack a fucking bag of my stuff????!!

.......Then the door stopped as if my request was being fulfilled. Which in my case, is not a good sign. I quickly grabbed a duffel bag and a backpack. I packed what ever clothes I could find, But most of what I liked, into the duffel bag, packing along my hair brush with the items. Then I started to fill my backpack with some photos of my mom and me, my laptop, phone charger, my Diary, and all the money from my piggy bank.

I would also like to thank the last person who lived in this house. There's a door in the back of my closet that goes into my mom's room. Which I never thought about escaping through. I scavenge my mom's room for extra money and my birth certificate out of the safe.

What? At some point I'm gonna need it for me to get my license. I peeked my head out my mom's bedroom door. It's clear. I sneak down the hallway to the back. I slowly unlock it. Then carefully open the door so a creak could not be heard.

All of the sudden, the banging on my door began once again. "CAROLINE MACY RICKS OPEN THE FUCKING SHIT OF A DOOR YOU HAVE RIGHT NOW!!!!!" I hear him scream at my no longer existent presence in my room. I hate how he knows my middle name. "DAMN YOU!!" was the last thing I heard before he kicked my bedroom door open and I ran out the house.


One thing is for sure. I don't want to be in there when he is pissed off.


Shout out to my friend who keeps texting me to update,

I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have updated if hadn't have texted me to update. lol



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