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When I woke up at 6 am, the apartment was quiet. Dead silent.

I roamed around just to make sure he made it home.

I peeped in some of his guest bedrooms and I never guessed what I would've seen.

Liam had his arms wrapped around another girl......

She looked very pretty. And he looked so peaceful in his sleep. They were hugging each other.

I've never been more hurt in my life.

I quietly grab my bags, I check and make sure I have everything.

I don't know why I run every time. But I'm sure it's cause I get the feeling I'm not wanted.

And where I'm not wanted, I don't want to be there.

I walk for less than 10 minutes before I call a cab.

There's one place left I've known since I was a child. My cousins. She was all I had left.

I hope she still has that apartment of hers downtown.

When I tell the taxi where to go, it's like he's drove there a million times. I pay him in cash, then grab my trunk full of bags.

I really hope she still lives here. I haven't seen her in 3 years because of my mom and her got into a fight. My mom was telling her, that a 18 year old girl, shouldn't live on her own in such a big city. I thought Demi was strong and intelligent enough to live on her own, but my mom thought she was setting a bad example.

I hope Demi didn't change her whole thought on living on her own.

I ring her apartment number twice. That was her code to let her know that some family members are here. Bet she hasn't heard that ring in a while.

The door buzzed to signal that The door was unlocked.

Maybe she didn't move.

I climb the stairs til I find apartment 094B. Please let it be her and not some rapist.

The door swings open and a girl with pink hair and brown eyes stares at me. It takes me a moment to realize that that's my cousin.

"DEMII!!!!" I yell at her and take her in a tight embrace. "I've missed you so much!"

She puts her hands my shoulders, "Caroline? is that you??" she asks in disbelief. I nod quickly and she pulls me back into the embrace. The last of my family that is living.

"How's your mom?? I haven't seen you and her in forever, since you know... that big fight.." she asks me.

"You.. didn't get ..a call?" I ask her. She's pale now. She shakes her head no slowly. She already knows what I'm about to say.. "She's uh... she's um .. dead" was all I could choke out before a tear ran down my cheek.

She brought me into another embrace. "Caroline everything will be just fine. You can stay with me. I want you to." she tells me. She pulls back from the hug and smiles at me. She wipes away my stream of tears from my cheek. "Everything... Everything will be okay" She assures me.

"Here let me show you the guest bed room. It's yours until you decide to find a place of your own.. We'll just have to sign your name on the lease in the morning" Demi tells me. She swings the door open and there's a dresser, a desk with a laptop on it with a lamp and a notebook, a queen sized bed with peach covers and pillows, a decent sized closet, and ceiling lights and fan. I'd say it's a nice room. Perfect actually.

"This is your room, the bathroom is right across the hall and my room is at the end of the hallway, this is the supply closet, next to the bathroom, and the door near my room is my office. It's where I work on school work and any other work I bring home, It's also my studio." Demi informs me.

I thank her and close the door to my new room and begin to unpack my things and soon forget all about Liam and the boys.


When I come out Demi was cooking eggs and French toast. "That smells good" I say and she nearly drops an egg. I smile knowing I scared her.

"Thanks, I made you some too" she says to me. I was so hungry.

~~LIAM'S P.O.V.~~

When I woke up I heard the door the door slam. Caroline.

Shit SHit SHIT!! She saw me and Emilia. I tried to talk to her last night. To get her to stop calling me and texting me. It was getting really creepy. Anyways, she wouldn't listen to me and she was getting tired & so she laid down on my guest bed , & brought me down with her. She started snuggling into me. Creepy, weird, and awkward all at once.

I tried to get out of the girl's hold on me, but she had a strong grip.So I pushed her off my guest bed, carefully. It was funny to see her fall, but then she popped back up. She got upset at me for pushing her. I prayed that she would leave soon. And soon enough she was out the door.

"YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled out, "She's gone!!"

Now, my greatest concern: Caroline. Where could she have gone?

I tried calling her, but she wouldn't answer. I slap myself. Why did I have to talk to Emilia? In fact, How did she get my number???

I shouldn't have to assume anything, everyone finds our info some way, some how.

I pace around for a few minutes and then decide to call the boys.


After talking to all the boys, no one knows where she is. Damn it!!!!!!!! I throw my phone across the room. I breathe in and out a couple times before I decide to go pick up my phone to see the damage that I have done to it.

The screen was cracked, it had a dent, and a couple scratches.  I ruin my phone. I lost Caroline. Damn it! I ruin everything in my life.


sorry it's a really late chapter.  Sorry for any grammar errors.

Will Liam find Caroline?


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