Chapter 22

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Louis finished washing all the pans and plates, before Eleanor and him went to his hotel bedroom. Harry turned the tv up. Harry also asked Zayn if they could switch rooms because Harry is in the room next to Louis. Eleanor came out laughing. She plopped down on the couch next to me. She put her hand up for a high-five, I slapped it. "You found them all in his bed?" I ask smiling. "We found them all. Even the ones under the pillow. I made him clean them all up," she says. "What did you do?" Liam asks. "I found a box of condoms in Louis's room. So I put a bunch under his sheets and pillows. A couple other places too," I say. He and the boys chuckle. "Eleanor! You can come back now!" Louis calls. She gets up. Before she goes into his room, Harry says, "Don't use all of them in one night."

I throw a pillow at him. "What?" he asks. "You just basically called her a slut," I say. "SORRY!" Harry yells. I shake my head. "Besides.. I think they would wait until the sun goes down," I say. "Louis can't wait that long," Niall says. "There should be a rule... When the sun goes down... Louis goes down," I say. I smirk. The boys laugh. "I heard that," Louis says behind me. "Everyone raise your hand if you think that's a good rule," Harry asks. All our hands shoot up into the air. I look and see Eleanor in the room with her hand raised. "Eleanor!" Louis says confused. "What? This vagina can only take so much," she says. "Well it's settled. Louis waits until dark to unleash the other side of him," I say. "What other side?" Zayn asks. "His wild side," Eleanor answers for me.


We go to Taco Bell for dinner. I get 4 supreme tacos and some churros. "I wish we just ordered pizza and stayed in. I really didn't want to go anywhere today," I say as I find a booth. "Too bad," Louis says. "You know what, I will slap you," I tell him. "Why don't you then?" he asks raising his right eyebrow. "I need permission from your mother or one sister and your girlfriend first, next I need to see who wants me to do that, then I need to set up a live stream or need someone to film it and post it to instagram," I answer. "My mother wouldn't like you then," he says. "I'm not trying to make a good impression on your mom.. and I'm sure at least one of your sisters would like to see you get slapped," I say. He narrows his eyes at me. "Enough you two," Liam says. "What? Are you afraid there's going to be a cat fight?" I say and everyone looks at me, shamefully. I feel guilty. "Sorry Louis... tell me when I'm taking it too far next time," I say and look at my food. I don't feel hungry any more. "Niall do you want my tacos?" I ask him. "Sure," takes them and places them with his food. I eat my churros slowly.

When we get back to the hotel at 8, everyone goes off and does their own thing. I change into something warmer and grab my jacket. I plan on going for a walk around the city. "Hey Liam?" I knock on the bathroom door. He's been in there for quite some time. He cracks it open and I notice he's wrapped in a towel. "What?! I'm getting ready for a shower," he says rudely. "Sorry... I'm going on a walk," I tell him. "Good.. Go," He tells me. I must've over did the banter with Louis. I grab a hotel key and walk out without anyone wanting to know where I was going. Which was just what I needed. Peace; to set my mind free. At least for as long as I can.

I walk until I notice an art studio for the public lit up light a Christmas Tree. Debating if it would do any good, I buy some oil pastels and colored pencils. I also get a sketch book. I sit at an open table the back. I take out a picture of my mom and draw her. It's very hard to replicate such a wonderful woman who was once in my life. I struggle, as I draw, not to let a few tears slip out. Next I draw a cement heart with cracks forming and pieces flaking off. I draw 2D buildings with the sky gray. It felt like only 45 minutes that it only took to draw them. But when I checked the time, it was 11:15. I've spent 3 and a half hours here. People who were here before me, were still drawing. What surprised me the most was that no one has texted me to see where I am. Sad. Just a little. I walk out and head to the nearest park. I sit and watch the fountain for about 5 minutes, before I had enough. I take a picture, so I could practice to draw it later on. I try and search for somthing familiar through the buildings, so I could find my way back. When I turn the corner, I see Louis, Eleanor, Liam, and a blonde girl leave the hotel entrace and get into a limo. The blonde lady was very gorgeous. I felt a pang in my heart. Maybe it's just some random fan that won a contest or soemthing. They do that kind of stuff, right?? I hope it's just not a date. My head was filling with terrible, terrible thoughts. I head inside the hotel and make my way to the hotel room. There was a note on the kitchen counter.


We'll be back some time around 1-ish. Enjoy the room to yourself for a couple hours.


A couple hours away from the boys. Sounds nice. The terrible, terrible thoughts were consuming me. I go down to the hotel bar and have a couple drinks. I'm surprised the bartender hadn't asked for my ID. I down my seventh one and a man comes up to talk to me. He thinks he can get me. I watch him carefully and out of the corner of my eye I see him slip something into my drink. How nice he wants to get into my pants. I pretend to drink it and when he turned his head I dumped it. "C'mon, let me take you to your room," he whispers into my ear. I shake my head. "You're drunk, you had alot to drink," he says. "I'm fine actually, I only had four drinks," I lie to him and walk away. He snatches my arm. "You're coming with me, whether you like it or not," he tells me. "Caroline!" Niall calls. "Gotta go! That's my friend," I smile and try to walk away. His pulled me back. "Let go of me! NIALL! Help me!" I yell for Niall and I see him come running in the direction I called from. "Dude, let go of her," he says. Niall rips the guy's hand off my arm. The man takes one last look and storms off in the other direction. "Thanks," I tell him. "Why does your breath smell like alcohol?" he asks. "I... kind of went for a drink. At least now I know not to go to a hotel bar anymore," I hiccup. "Are the rest of the boys back yet?" I add. "Zayn, Harry, and Louis are back in the room. Worried about where you are," He says. "What about Liam and that blonde girl I seen him leave with?" I smile drunkenly. "Oh, um, hey look the elevator door is open, lets go," he pulls me on the elevator, awkwardly. Clearly avoiding my question. Also clueing me into my answer.



What do you think is gonna happen can I get atleast 3 votes for next chapter PPPPPPPPPPPPLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSEEEEE



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