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When I woke up in the morning, there was a tray with eggs, toast, and sausage on a plate, with a glass of orange juice. Liam hardly cooks, and so do the other boys; I'm guessing they called room service. The food was slightly warm; meaning that it's been here for a while. I finish the food and orange juice before I go into the living room. I find a note on the kitchen counter from Liam.


The boys and I had to attend rehearsals at 8:30 today. We'll be back around 12. We can go out to eat for lunch, if you want? We need to go buy some necessities, anyways. Hope you like you're breakfast. We had to order it since we're running late.

Love, Liam. xx

There was another note at the bottom of the page, but it was from Harry.

Caroline what necessities is Liam talking about? What are you planning? I heard you and Liam talking last night, I know what you're going to do once Liam and you are alone here. Don't make a mess. LOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEE, Harry. ;)

I laughed a little, then blushed. I rip Harry's note off, crumple it up, and throw it into the trash. No one needs to see it. Although, it would be funny to see Liam's face. His cheeks would be bright red. I plop down on to one of the couches in the living room, and turn the tv on. I put Catfish on. It's crazy what people do to hide their identity, so someone would be attracted to them. I have 2 hours of free time from the boys and I choose to spend it this way. I don't want to see the snotty old lady we saw yesterday. So, I plan on staying in. I watched one episode, then I decide I should probably get ready for Liam and I's lunch date.

I quickly take a shower and dry my hair. I pick out a pair of black leggings and grey v-neck T-shirt. I find a long navy-blue cardigan to go with it. I dig throw some suitcases for flats, until I find a black pair. "Aha!" I yell with joy, and hold the pair of shoes in the air. I throw everything I took out, back into the suitcase. "I'll just fix that later," I say. I don't feel like going all out, so I apply mascara and eos Honeysuckle Honeydew lip balm. I want to look cute, not like a kid drew on face.

I had a couple minutes to spare, so I found a purse in my suitcase. Liam knows what to pack. Thank goodness. I put my phone and lip balm in there. I put 10 bucks in there in case. I put my hair up into a ballerina bun. It was the one thing I learned from taking ballet lessons as a child. I wasn't the best... but that doesn't matter. As soon as I tucked away any loose hairs, I heard the door open. I slip on the flats and walk out of Liam's and I's room. I was expecting to see the boys, but the witch from yesterday was in here. She was snooping around. She went threw the trash. I duck back into Liam and I's room.

That bitch. I text Liam and the others about her. Told them she doesn't know I'm here. they told me, they were on their way up. I peek out to see her go into Niall's room. I run quickly and stand in the doorway. She doesn't notice me as she searches for something. She turns around and nearly falls when she sees me. "Guess you can't respect any of your celebrity guests privacy, can you?" I ask. She opens her to say something, but nothing comes out. The lady closes her mouth. Then opens it again and finally says something. "Aren't you a one night stand?" She asks rudely.

I smirk. "No, I don't go for those kind of things. I'm more of a relationship type of gal. I'm not some whore off the street. So.. Are you gonna tell me why you're searching One Direction's hotel room? It's for publicity, isn't it?" I ask calmly. Her shoulders slump. Guess I've caught her. The door to the room opens and the boys rush in. They see the hotel manager and be come mad. This place just lost the description of class. Honestly they don't have it.


Liam and I go to lunch an hour late due to the manager's actions. We called the police and they found a couple stolen watches and jewelry in her room in the hotel. Let me just say; WOW. I had to be questioned because I was a witness to the scene. So now we're seated at a burger place. Which I didn't mind, I LOVE burgers. We sat and talked for an hour. I told him about Harry's note and that he had heard us last night talking. Liam's cheeks turned red, just like I had imagined. We go to a walgreen's and buy certain necessities. I had to buy pads anyways. I never really liked tampons. It's like inserting a small , tiny penis into... you get what I mean.

Liam and I grab some ice cream. I go with the traditional vanilla and Liam get Rocky Road. We had to run back to the hotel because the paparazzi were chasing us, and shout lots of questions. It was kind of scary. There were also fans waiting outside the hotel. Some of them gave me a death glare. Some were nice, they even asked for a picture with me. I thought it was odd. Others were so-so, they were here the boys. I understand that. When we get inside, Liam and I get greeted by the same girls that were there yesterday; when we arrived. I didn't bother to look because it would have been the same dirty looks, they gave me the day before.

"I can't believe Harry heard us last night," Liam says. "He does have a room across the hall... and I'm pretty sure the other boys heard, too. Eavesdropping is what they tend to do," I state. Liam's eyes go wide. "Oh my god! You're right! If one them heard, they spill all," he says. "Sooo... We can expect them to be waiting for us when we open the door?" I ask. He nods. "This is going to be fun.." I groan. "We can always go hide in the garage," Liam says. I nod.



I won't be updating for a while. I'll try to when ever I can. I have to go and socialize with my family next week. Wish me luck

Love you :)


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