Let it Rain

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I have died everyday waiting for you

Darling don't be afraid

I have loved you for a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more

~ A Thousand Years by Christina Perri ~

~ A Thousand Years by Christina Perri ~

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Baekhyun's POV:

The moment she kissed me, I felt complete once again.
All of her feelings poured out when she kissed me.
Her kiss sent me a message that she still cares for me.
That she still loves me.

Fate brought us together again, and I think the butterfly has to do something with it.
It did lead her to me, at the least expected time.
I feel like a teenage boy again, this feeling inside of me is coming out uncontrollably.

Taeyeon and I walked together side by side.
We're at the countryside, and no one is around.
It's just the two of us.
Everything is going great so far.
Besides the awkward silence between us.
I want to start a conversation, but she's busy taking pictures of the landscape.
I don't blame her.
New Zealand is a beautiful place.
And having Taeyeon by my side to share the view, makes it even more beautiful.

"You really like photography. I'm glad that you ended up having the job you wanted."
I tried to make it less awkward between us by talking about our personal lives.
"Yes. I love it so much."
I hope our conversation does not end like this.
I miss our old conversations, when we get to talk about deep stuff and we would always laugh in the end.

"You're wearing the black leather jacket again."
She avoided eye contact and stopped walking which caught me off guard.
Her face sullens and now I'm starting to get worried.
"B-Baek. I tried so hard to forget about you. To erase you in my mind for 7 years...I thought you would move on and find someone else. And-and I was worried that you would love someone who is better than me. All of these situations of what if, has kept me awake every night. Every time I close my eyes I would remember about our past. And how happy we both were...."
Slowly tears streamed down her face.
I gently wiped them away by using my thumb.
I can't bear seeing her cry like this because of me.

"Shh...it's ok."
I pulled her into a warm hug.
She accepted it and hugged me tightly.
"The past is in the past. We can create new memories. Even better ones starting now. Taeyeon, it was painful for me to see you with Jongsuk. I thought that you don't love me anymore. I was at the point of giving up, but my heart is telling me to keep trying. I even followed you here in New Zealand for christ sakes...."
She giggled and I can't help but to smile from that cute sound that I missed so much.

After 5 minutes we pulled away from the hug.
I almost forgot what I had to do. Which is another reason to why I'm here.
I grabbed something from my backpack and kneeled down to grab Taeyeon's foot.
She's wearing flats and I took it off so I can put on her "glass slipper".
Taeyeon smiled and her cheeks are now tinted pink.
"At last...I have found my Cinderella."
She slapped the side of my head in a playful way.
I know that she hates cheesy moments.
It makes her cringe.

"My long lost princess, is now right in front of me."
Of course it was the perfect fit.
I stayed in my current position.
I looked up to see her face again.
I gulped and fiddled with my fingers.

"Should I really do this?"
I asked myself.
Taeyeon looks at me with a confused expression.
I took a deep breath and took out a small box from inside of my pocket.
I smirked at her and she bit her lip.
Gosh, I love it when she does that.

Suddenly a raindrop landed on top of my hand.
Just when I was about to open it, it starts raining.
"Really? Why now?"
Taeyeon said frustratingly and I grabbed her hand so she won't walk away.
Her hair is now wet, and seeing her like this makes me want to kiss her again.

I exhaled and opened the small box and inside is a 13 carat diamond ring.
I kept my head down, afraid of seeing her facial expression.
But too bad, I'm stubborn and I just had to see her reaction to my sudden proposal.

Taeyeon had her mouth wide open and her eyes looks like an owl.
Then her lips formed into a big smile.
"Kim Taeyeon, will you marry me?"
I asked confidently, it was now or never.

The rain poured down even harder.
"Ever since we met in the rain, I was enchanted and I fell in love with you...deeply. You're my first love and also my last because I can't live a life without you. I will never ever make the same stupid mistakes, to have you leave me again. Those 7 years without you was tiring, boring, and lifeless. And I promise that in the future I will take care of you because you are the most and precious treasure of my entire life. Not even my motorcycle or my leather jacket. You changed the old me into something better. I love you. I love you. I love you, Kim Taeyeon. And for the rest of my life I will continue to do so."

Those words came out of my mouth so naturally.
I'm surprised for having to hear myself say that.
I never knew that I can say those meaningful words until now.

"Baekhyun, you already know the answer to your question. Of course it's a yes!!"
I put the ring on her left ring finger slowly and smiled.
I quickly gave her another hug and kissed her temple.
"I never knew that rain can bring good luck."
I said softly to her and she laughed heartily.

"Since the beginning, when we parted ways, when we met each other after 7 years, and until now the rain has always been a sign of our love. Whether it's good or bad, the rain has always brought us together."
She quoted and we stared at each other for the longest time.

"I love you."
"And I love you."

The thunder roared and I captured Taeyeon's lips.
She responded immediately and I kissed her deeper.
We kissed in the rain, passionately and full of love.

Our love story from the beginning was magical and completely unexpected.
We parted ways for 7 years, yet we met once again.
We were afraid of loving each other like back then.
We were afraid of breaking each other's hearts like back then.

Love is complicated, but it always works out in the end.
And it's worth it.
Because now, I have the love of my life as my wife.
Nothing can be better than this.

Well of course having kids one day will be an amazing experience.
And maybe, just maybe it will also rain on that day.

🌧Let it Rain🌧

Hello fellow readers! Yes this is the last chapter

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Hello fellow readers!
Yes this is the last chapter.
Yes I'm a horrible author.
But really this is the last chapter.
I hope that you liked my story and please continue to share.

I love you all.

But don't worry I'm currently writing a new fanfic.

Have a good day everyone!!!

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