Part 26

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I watched Ivy as she fell asleep on my sofa, Ivy was really beautiful not just by her appearance but she really had a naive clean heart, My brother had every right to fall in love with her.

I jumped out my thought as I saw Ivy moving about, I knew she was going to wake up then.

I smiled as she opened her eyes and instantly sat up " Im sorry, I fell asleep" I laughed at her " It's fine " She fixed her hair and her clothes.

She gave me a warm smile as I stood up.

" Would you like-" I instantly was cut off from my sentence as I faced the door.

Who ever that was knocking at my door was desperate for it to be opened.

I looked at Ivy who looked confused and scared at the same time whilst standing still waiting for me to open the door.

I smiled at her, trying to comfront her with it.

I walked down the cooridors to open the door, something in me was telling me it was my brother.

I opened to see my brother lifting up his hand one more time to knock to door, he looked at me as if he wanted to kill me as pure usual.


I pushed my brother back as he was about to walk past me to get Ivy.

'' She doesn't want you'' I said calmly, I watched my brother who was looking at my hand which I was forcefully pushing him back outside the door.

I looked up at my eyes with blood flashing out in each side of his eyes. He was staring at me without blinking.

'' What?'' he laughed and wiped his nose as if he was building up his strength. '' You going to take her from me too?'' He smiled.

He knew my weak spot.

I now fully pushed him back outside the door, causing him to lose his balance but find it right back, I watched him walk back up to me to push me with a force, for me to be across the corridor on the floor, As I was about to get up.

'' STOP'' I looked back to see Ivy looking at Leo as she spoke, and slowly bending down to lift me up as she spoke '' Leave me alone'' As she got me back on foot, she walked towards my brother who looked hurt to see she was on my side.

'' I am at the edge..'' her voice was breaking she sounded as is she was going to cry, knowing she will, I walked behind her and stood there.

I looked at Leo who was looking down at her in pain, the fear of losing her was killing him.

'' Don't, push me anymore..'' I watched Ivy's arm go up, and I knew she was crying as she wiped her tears.

She turned around to face me and smile shaking her head, and walking away to go into a room.

I walked closer to my brother who was still staring at where Ivy was standing.

''Give her some time.'' I looked at my brother who avoided what I said and walked away.

As I watched him walk away, I closed the door.

My brother was still blaming me and my father, for the death of my mother, and the women he once loved.

Mr Poison (Editing )Where stories live. Discover now