Part 2

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Picture : Leo



My alarm went off, I jumped out of my bed and turned the alarm off before my step-dad heard it luckily he did not because believe me if he did I wouldn't even be attending to my first day at work. I rubbed my face and stretched out and headed out of bed I had this bed since I was 5 its half broken don't ask me how I fit in it I personally have no clue how I do to.

Unfortunately I do not have any clothes that was as classy and sexy as those women's I saw at work but my friend Dia let me borrow some of her heels and dresses until I got my first pay to buy clothes,
I do not even know how much I will be paid but I am guessing enough, to rent a house and get out of this shit hole from this man.

I had a shower and blow dried my hair which turned into a loose wavy curl, I applied some mascara and foundation along with some blusher I cant look dead at my first day at work right? blusher just makes you look more lively and not dull, I put on my pinkish natural toned lip stick and wore Dia's Mid black tight skirt, I honestly have no clue how people manage to wear such tight things this is my first time, I was to shy to ask Dia for some tops so I looked through my tops and pulled out a black vest and wore the black blazer Dia let me borrow and her black stilettos.

I grabbed my phone to check the time it was 7am I had no chance to look at the mirror so I headed out grabbing my bag and house keys along with my car keys. I didn't have a perfect car or a perfect phone my car was old it was my mums when she passed away she let me have it. It toke me 30 minutes to arrive to my new work place. I decided to park somewhere a bit far, I had enough of people making fun of my mums car or shall I say mine? I walked all the way to the building and my feet was aching but I had no other choice.

I entered the building as the doors opened up for me, My honey blonde hair blew along with the wind I felt as if everyone's eyes were on me, did I do something wrong? or am I wearing something wrong?

I saw Rose running up to me oddly with her heels she looks like she is about to collapse due to her long heels.

' Ivy! there you are quickly go to Mr Poisons Room theirs a kitchen inside his room you will find out if you open up all the doors make his coffee and make sure its HOT'' she made the HOT part really clear, I nodded and smiled at her weakly, my feet was killing me.

I walked fast to the elevator and jumped in as soon as it came down I pressed on number 6 and headed to Mr Leos room, I entered his room and opened some of the doors but the first two for some reason was locked I was kind of paranoid to the reason why, but I knew it wasn't my business.

I found the kitchen and made his coffee I headed towards his desk with the coffee the moment I put down the coffee on his desk Mr Leo Appeared.


I headed to my room making sure I was at my room 8AM sharp I hate being late and I hate people being late.

I entered my building all my staff greeted my nodding some smiling I only returned the favour with an nod.

I headed to the elevator and pressed on number 6 I smelt a something so refreshing a perfume mixed with nature and flowers it felt so relaxing.

The elevator made a noise, the doors opened and I headed to my room soon as I entered I smelt that smell again I sucked the smell in and opened the door to see a women, with a perfect slim body she put something on my desk she turned around and faced me, she gave me a welcoming smile, I walked towards my desk and sat down grabbing the coffee she made it, i toke a sip I closed my eyes enjoying it, probably the best coffee I had in ages at work. I didn't make it obvious because I felt her staring at me. I put the coffee down.

' I didn't like this coffee, make sure it has less sugar next time' I said bluntly without even looking at her, It was honestly perfect but I really liked testing her, lets see how long shes going to have to deal with me.

' Sure sir ' She said bluntly

I looked at her directly, why is she doing what I am doing? she thinks shes so smart.

' Take out your notebook and pen' I grabbed the folders that was on my desk that needed signing I started signing them trying to avoid her.

' Ugh ' She winned I looked up at her with an serious face.

' You dont have a notebook and a pen?' I said to her with 0% emotion.

' Sir, I did-' I cut her off she looked upset she put her head down in embarrassment I smirked at the fact I was making her feel this way.

' Here, never doing this again' I gave her a pen and a notebook she carefully took it from me trying not to hurt me as if I am some kitten. I focused back on the sheets that needed signing.

' Go to the hall, where there is only folders, I need the folders that are set in 2001 till 2004 I need to check all the statements that's in there are correct.' I saw her writing it down as fast as she could but I was going even faster so she would ask me to slow down ' Then I need you to make me a new coffee, and then go to Miss Rose she will give you documents to photocopy and finally I need you to come to an meeting with me at 1pm' I looked at her as I took a sip of the coffee she made. She sighed and Looked back at me smiling she had perfect white teeth ' I thought you didn't like it sir?' I gave her a straight face, the smiling face she had slowly disappeared after my response.

' I don't, now go do what I said' I said bluntly, I watched her head out of my room, I noticed how beautiful her hair was it was very long near her hips in the colour of honey and blonde. I shook my head once I realised she was already gone.


' I don't, now go do what i said ' I mimicked his voice as I walked to the elevator what an ass he is.

I asked couple of workers were this hall was and I finally got to it, I was in this hall for almost an hour because this hall was literally so unorganised the years were all mixed so I decided to fix the most I could and found the folders up to 2003, but couldn't find 2004 yet and I had to..

I noticed the 2004 folder at the top shelf but it was really high not really but I wasn't tall enough to get it so I needed to get on the ladder I looked for an ladder and there was one behind me so I grabbed the ladder and put it right in the middle of the folder that I needed to get, I took my heels off and took steps on the ladder as soon as I was reaching for the folder I felt myself about to fall off, I was panicking and started losing control of my balance and I fell.

I thought I fell because I felt someone catch me holding onto my body tightly I wrapped my arms around their neck instantly as I felt myself fall into them until I realised who it was.. it was Mr Leo I looked into his eyes he looked into mine I felt him gaze onto my lips and then back to my eyes he was analyzing every part of my face as I was analyzing his, He was so handsome.

' Let me go ' I winned as i tried to get off him

' Are you sure?' he looked at me like I was his prey and sounded like if he let go something was going to happen.

I pushed him of me but not realising my legs were still on the ladder I ended up falling back into his arms.

' Oh My God! dont let me go' I said loudly hugging him tight, he gripped on me tighter this time, I smelt his collar it smelt so good I could just fall asleep smelling him. My heart was racing not only because I was about to fall again but I was in his arms and he made me feel this way. I was fully on his arms now him grabbing my tiny waist with one of his hands wrapped around and his other around my legs I put on a angry face and I pushed him away from me and pushed myself down and grabbed my heels I wore them slowly as I felt him staring at me but I wanted to just avoid it. I saw him doing something with the side of my eye and I couldn't help it but look at what he was doing, he just got the folder that i needed a ladder to get He looked and me and gave me a annoying smirk.

' Here ' He handed me it and he was about to walk away but he turned back smiling not showing his teeth and pointing at me "You owe me" He looked so serious even though he was smiling he then turned around and walked away I grabbed the folders and headed after him to make his coffee because I done everything else he asked me to do we only had an meeting to get too.

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