Chapter 6

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“The accident caused a severe head injury that made him go into a state of temporary memory loss. I guarantee you that if you help him recover – although he’ll start remembering by himself – he will get his memory much faster. He’s very lucky he doesn’t have permanent memory loss; such situations could cause more stress than you have now so in your state you should be extremely grateful. However, let me inform you about this. He may remember such things previous the last year. Although in three weeks utmost, he will have his memory back. At least that’s what came out from the CT scan. Do not worry, he’s fine. He’s just into some trauma; that’s what really caused the memory loss. I am sorry we couldn’t give you the news at an earlier time. I apologize truly to you,” the blonde, British doctor said.

I wanted to kill him, “You could have told me before I entered the room, doctor. A lot would have been different.” Jayden hugged me whilst I sighed in relief. He would be okay, he needed my help and he was going to get it. I was going to do the impossible to help him recover and remember everything.

After a while, we went in next to him again. This time, I wasn’t the only one surprised.

“Hey brotha’! It feels like I haven’t seen you for a while. Where’s Mae? Where am I? Dude, why am I in a crappy hospital bed?” he smiled at Jayden. Jayden’s reaction was impeccable and priceless. He was just beyond shocked to a point where he became pale in a milli-second. I got jealous and I envied Jayden a lot. The one person who hated him, ended up with the most of Tyler.

He took a step forward and said, “Hey man, uhm... you’ve been in an accident. You are going through some temporary memory loss but you’re gonna’ get through this! We had a fight; you and I. We hate each other. Mae and I broke up because there were some reasons. It’s okay, Tyler. You’ll be fine. We promise you that. Now Arielle here; You and her became pretty close these last few weeks. You can trust her and she’s gonna’ do the best to jog your memory back. I, also, am going to help her. You need to catch up on a lot of things.”

I looked at Jay and smiled. Although he hated him more than anything in the world, he sucked it up and was there for him; plain and simple. It was a sweet thing to do. 

After an hour or so, Jayden went to get him and I some hot chocolate so I took this as an opportunity to talk to Tyler. I sat next to him on the bed; he looked at me with those ocean blue eyes of his. When Ty’ and I eye-contacted, his eyes twinkled and he flashed a smile. I knew he was in there somewhere.

“Hey Tyler, am I familiar to you? Do you recognize my voice? Anything…?”I asked, holding his hand. He looked at me and said, “So you say we’re close. How on Earth haven’t I made out with you yet? You are so beautiful… and yes, your voice is the only voice I recognized from all of the stuff I cannot remember. It’s so damn frustrating though when you came and I heard your voice, I had hope.” I blushed, “You actually kissed me a day before the accident, you know. We were going to talk about it but it can wait until the injuries in your head are long gone. I was so worried about you, I really was.”

 I could see tears in Tyler’s eyes. Losing your memory is not something you’d be over the moon about. Imagine having everything planned out, having everything finally working out in your life and then suddenly just BOOM out of the blue, you’re in a hospital bed not remembering such things and people. He was truly lucky that his memory loss was temporary. Imagine if it was permanent; imagine how it would be like. It was already harsh that he didn’t remember our kiss, that passionate kiss that made me visit him every day that week in the hospital hoping he would wake up and everything would go back to normal.

I craved normality.

Jayden came back with our hot chocolate. I winked at Tyler, he winked back and I went out of his room.  We both went out of the hospital hand in hand. We went into the car and went straight to my house.

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