Chapter 4

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I stared at Tyler from the hospital’s glass door. So many drips, so many plasters and so many machines – I couldn’t concentrate. He was in worse state than I had imagined. I couldn’t even recognize him from all of the bruises – nothing made the situation better. I felt so sorry for him; I really liked him. Teasing me made me like Tyler a little bit more every day. I was going to tell him that the kiss actually did mean something, I didn’t know. I guess my speech had to wait.

A doctor came next to me and told me a bit about the situation. Apparently, he was in a severe coma and might not be conscious for a while. I went in next to him, sat down on the bed and held his hand. I was feeling very empty; I only wished he was okay. The bad thoughts had overcome me and I lost to them. Tyler was unconscious so we had lost to the metaphorical bad side. I leaned forward, kissed his forehead and whispered in his ear “You’ll be okay. Let your thoughts drift away – let’s get you back. You’ll be fine… you’ll get back. You will be okay again, I promise you.”

Jayden picked me up from the hospital. I got inside the car and we started the journey to the lake. “You okay, Dawson? How is he?” He asked. “He’s really banged up, Jay. He’s in a coma, how do you think he’s doing? He will be okay though; I promised him that. Even though, he was unconscious. I know it, yes he will be okay”, I said assuring myself again that; yeah he will be okay. We will be okay again… we will win over the bad thoughts.

Jayden’s face was disappointed. He hated him but he still felt pitiful for him and also, I think whilst assuring myself, I had actually scared the crap out of him. I didn’t notice that Nick, Sapphire and Lars were at the back seat. I was so closed into my own ‘Tyler situation’ that I didn’t even say hi.

“Hey guys, so sorry. I’m kinda’ in a daze, don’t mind me…!” I told them, looking at the mirror at them. They nodded and smiled. Sapphire leaned forward and gave me her hand. She was such a good friend to me.

We had arrived to a deserted area, full of oak trees and chirping birds. As I came out of the car, a light breeze of wind rushed through me. It gave me a relaxing sense, I needed that. Jayden got the bags of food from the trunk with the help of Nick, and Sapphire and I got the soda 6-pack. Then, we all sat down on the grass and started to talk.

“Yesterday was something, huh? I cannot believe Mae actually wants to be Mayor now. I dunno’ what changed her nasty bitch-ass mind…”Jay said with a mouthful of tuna salad sandwich. Sapphire snuggled up with Nick, “My dad said that she just changed her mind. She saw how her father really wanted his eldest daughter to have control; you know how much she loves power, so I guess that was that. God, I’m so looking forward to get out of this fucked up town!” I understood her perfectly.

Jayden held my hand and smiled. He reminded me of Colton Haynes; damn that guy was way too hot, no wonder he was my celebrity crush. Lars gave a look to Jayden and Jayden just stared at him blankly, gave a low chuckle and pushed Lars’ head over. To be honest, I didn’t get their telepathically-conversation, but who does anyway? I laid down to stare at the blue clear sky, trying to clear my head because there was no Tyler around to help me fight the bad thoughts which – just to clarify – were bombarding me; I knew I needed Tyler but I couldn’t assure myself that I desperately needed him around just yet. He was a good friend to me however … the kiss just messed me all throughout. I only wished Tyler wasn’t in a coma.

When I arrived home at 5.30 in the evening, Rodney was still at our house; this time my mother was actually hugging and cooking for him. I had missed a scene like this. The last time I had seen my mother this happy was before my father started drinking. She used to drink a glass of wine every night with dad and listen to him in the balcony reading some cliché poetry book to her to show his true loving feeling; I guess she was starting this with Rodney.  I liked it – My mother was finding the happiness she deserved, unlike me, who was NOT finding the happiness I truly deserved.

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