Chapter 7

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Sorry for taking so long to upload this but I had some troubles but thankfully, I had some help. So here it is. Hope you enjoy it XOXO



I woke up in the hospital bed again. Dad came in and told me it was a Sunday as I was losing complete track of what I was living in. Believe me when I tell you this, the worst feeling is when you just lose your memory and you just get so goddamn frustrated – because really, it’s not like you don’t want to remember them. You would kill to get your life back; I wanted to remember so badly in that moment.

I looked on the left and on the side table; I saw a plate with food, which apparently looked like chicken but a chicken would not have looked brownish. I felt disgusted by it and decided to starve myself instead. It’s true when they say that hospital and plane food suck.

I got bored so I decided to sleep but I gotten interrupted. Apparently, Mae came to visit.

“Oh gosh, I am so sorry for what you had to go through,” she said with that petite voice of hers.

“Uh … that I am still going through. What brings you here, Mae? As you see, I’m really not in the mood for your usual inquisitions,” I told her.

“Can you just be glad that I came to visit you after all that has happened? Be grateful already! A year has passed and you are still the same asshole. Jeez, is it so hard to change?”

“I’m sorry to burst your bubble Barbie doll but family members only. I demand that you get out now…” A girl says. I stared at her for some seconds and then I knew exactly who she was. It was Brooklyn, my cousin. What was she doing here? She rarely visited Paverlawn as she lived up in Chicago.

“Who the hell are you to demand me to get out? My father owns the land of Paverlawn so I practically own it too. You have no right to get me out of here,” Mae glared at Brooklyn.

“I’m Brooklyn McKenna. Well, the doctor told me to tell you to get out. To add, you don’t seem like the coolest person … you just called my cousin an asshole. He’s in bad shape and you’d call him an asshole and just treat him like crap? He is in no state to argue but, thankfully, I always am so now… get out if you don’t want me to get you out myself,” Brooklyn says while crossing her arms.

Mae looked down and stormed out, her stilettos clicking the whole way out. Brooklyn rolled her eyes, then walked forward to me and sat next to me. She changed since I last saw her. Her hair was bright red now instead of that light blonde hair she naturally had. Red suited her. Her eyes got lighter by time; they were crystal blue now. Her face remained the same; smooth and delicate. Her skin always pale like she always been and skinnier than she was, but she did have a good figure. Her character also remained the same; open minded, straightforward, fearless, forceful and yeah, indiscreet at all times. Brook and I had this bond that nobody could describe. She was seventeen too so we had sorta’ the same mentality at stuff.

“What are you doing here, Brook? I haven’t seen you since Thanksgiving of when we were fourteen. You know I missed you, right?” I blurted out.

She smirked and came to hug me, “My mom and Dad have this contract for a whole year and a half in Germany. I didn’t want to go so” – she inhaled and exhaled -- “your dad volunteered to keep me until they get back. They’ll visit every three months or so. I’m over the moon with this! We’re gonna’ have so much fun, Ty! I missed this town.”

I laid my head back. Brooklyn sat on an armchair next to me and started to read a fashion magazine. I started to think deep.

 When Arielle came to visit me and I saw her face, I automatically felt hope. She made me feel faithful for some reason that I truly couldn’t remember. There were little things that I could remember coming from her. For example, when our fingers touched, I automatically pictured her laying her head on me on my house porch. When she hugged me, my heart started racing for no reason and my instincts were telling me to not un-hug her. I had never gotten my heart racing so rapidly for a girl before; I remember myself as the guy who was thoughtless and heartless not the weak and frail one.

 I sighed. I felt guilty. The way this girl looked at me. It was a look like no other. She looked at me with worried eyes, I knew she felt like crying because her eyes were twinkling way too much. The fact that she told me that we did in fact kiss, made my heart sink. Why couldn’t I remember the most important thing so damn clearly? I felt like I was looking in fog for nothing. I knew this Arielle girl who felt so familiar and important had left an effect on me in that space in time that I couldn’t remember.

I was in all frustrated. My eyes started to burn and my head started to ache… I hated this fucked up situation. Why did this have to happen to me from all people?

Brooklyn got me a glass of water and forced me to drink it. “Dude, you okay? Your face is really pale. Should I call the doctor? I wish your dad was here but he left for work. I’ll get you better man,” she said all panicked. I shook my head, “No I’m fine. There’s this girl … I cannot remember her and apparently, we kind of connected and I’m damn frustrated. Although, I have this sort of hope. She makes me feel better.” Her face brighten up and she clapped in excitement, “Oh my gosh, could you tell me about her? I’ve never seen you in love before. However, that sucks that you can’t remember her for now. Then, you’ll remember soon enough and you can go sweep her of her feet!”

 “I’m not in love with anyone, Brook. I don’t know, she’s just a really cute girl who apparently left a huge amount of effect on me. She seems sweet yet confusing. I love her eyes and her pink curved lips. I wish I can remember… I wish and I wish,”I sighed.

“You’ll remember Tyler. Don’t be so hard on yourself.  You just went through a harsh accident, just relax. Let it be for now. Would you just be grateful you’re going through this for a temporarly stage? You’ll remember her and I’m going to make sure you will. For now, you need to rest. No wonder you look so pale, you’re giving yourself no time. Rest!” she said, demanding.

 “You’re not gonna’ be so demanding all the time, are you?” I chuckled. She threw a paper towel at me and laughed.

I turned over and decided to rest. Brooke was right. I was gonna’ get this girl but I made an oath to myself that I was gonna' do this my way.

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