Chapter 7

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Hey everyone! New update, yayy. Lol

First of all, I would like to thank everyone who has been supporting me. I love you guys so much!!!   

Okay so this chapter has a religious angle and I just want to make it clear that it does NOT portray my religious views in any way. I'm just a writer, airing Ricky's views on things.

Anyways, Since that is all cleared up, enjoy!



School on Tuesday started out well since we had biology first period and got a whopping 97% on our project. We breezed through P.E which I find annoying because changing is involved and two classes later, lunch time arrived.

Just as I take my seat, I notice Drew coming over with a smirk on his face.

"What are you doing here?" Mary asks looking annoyed.

"Ricky says I get to sit here until mid-terms." He replies, smirking.

"Is this true?" she looks at me questioningly.

"Yeah, it is. Over here Drew." I call and he takes the seat across from me.

Mary sighs and I shrug not willing to explain the whole Emily drama to her. She starts talking to Drew soon enough though and I smile. Andrew has a way with people; Especially Alex's friends.

Soon the whole group arrives, I introduce Andrew to the twins and we make small talk while eating.

"So, uh Adira." I say. "I checked Skillet out. They're pretty good."

"Their singing is mint, innit?" she asks smiling. "They're Christian too."

"Yeah... I read a little info on them so I know. Are you Christian?"

"Yeah we are. You're not?"

"Nah. I'm just a going-with-the-flow kind of person. Alex and Andrew are though." And just like that I steer the conversation away from my nonexistent religious life as Adira and Alex start talking.

I am surprised that the twins are Christian though. They don't seem to fall into any of the two categories I created for Christians that I've met which are, drumroll please, the 'holier-than-thou' group and 'the fraudsters'.

Most Christians are snobby little perfectionists who think they're better than everyone else. The others just claim to be Christian, I'm not sure they actually know what they're doing but I'm in no place to judge since I'm not sure how they're meant to act anyways.

Alex and Andrew are actually no different. They only say they are because their parents are. It's not like they really care or anything. They rarely even go to church when their parents are not around. They fall under the fraudsters but in a good way.

Well I guess I just need to spend more time with the twins to figure out which group they belong to.

"So uh, how do we tell you guys apart when you don't wear your hair differently?" I blurt out without meaning to. It's just a thought I've been turning over and over again in my head. 

They both laugh and by now, everyone is paying attention. I mean, who doesn't want to know how?

"Why would we tell you guys?"

"Because we really want to be able to tell you guys apart." Alex puts in, practically pleading. 

The twins give each other an indecipherable look.

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