Chapter 2

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If only one boy leaned a little closer, that would complete the gap between them. Cas took the risk and leaned into Dean smashing their lips together. Dean pulled away "Cas!" Now Cas thought this was all a mistake, was Dean gonna hurt him now? Will he stop being his friend? These thoughts were interrupted by Dean pulling Cas closer into a deep kiss. As the kiss got more intense Dean started to lick Cas' lips waiting for entry. Cas parted his lips and felt Dean's tongue glide into place with his. After a minute or two they pulled away to catch their breath. Dean laid down and Cas followed. "Wow, I didn't know you felt that way Cas" Dean gave Cas one of his cutest smiles, "Well I didn't know that you felt the same so I held back.. until now" Dean turned toward Cas and put his hands around his waist, "I'm glad that you went for it now then" Dean started to kiss Cas' neck, Cas then wrapped his legs around Dean's body and moaned. "Dean I think I love you" Dean smiled against Cas' neck. "Me too Cas" The two boys decided to get up, Cas pulled at Dean's wrist. When Dean turned around Cas planted a light kiss on his lips.

After some time Sam and Gabe decided it would be a good time to get up and clean off. "I think jumping in the shower would be easier" Sam got up and started for the door, Gabriel followed. He peaked out the door to make sure no one was in the hallway then he and Gabe ran to the bathroom. "Alright tell me when the waters warm enough for you" Sam turned the nob on the shower and waited for Gabe to get the right temperature. "Yep it's good" Gabe climbed into the shower with Sam and started to rinse off. Sam grabbed the soap and started to lather his body, Gabriel did the same. Seeing each other wet and soapy didn't help the situation at all. Sam hugged Gabe from behind and gave him a kiss behind the ear. "Sam stop your gonna make me messy all over again" Gabe laughed and turned around to kiss Sam. "Yeah I know, but that's what your doing to me right now" Seeing Sam's member grow in size made Gabe grow as well. "Ah man look at what you did now. Now you gotta take care of it" Gabe gave Sam a small smirk. "Alright but you'll have to return the favor after I'm done."

Sam started to rub both their members together earning a moan from Gabe. Hearing this he stopped and grabbed the bottom of Gabe's shaft only to start rubbing up and down very slowly, this made Gabe whimper since he wanted more. Sam picked up the pace while nibbling at Gabe's neck, this caused more than a few moans from him and he grabbed Sam's shoulders. "Please g-go faster Sam" seeing how close he was Sam went faster, Gabe gripped him harder and buried his face in Sam's chest to muffle the moans. After he was back to breathing normally he lifted his face and looked into Sam's eyes with a smile. "Your turn" Sam smiled, his member was now fully erect waiting, Gabe got on his knees and started to rub Sam's balls. He then started to rub the bottom of his shaft while licking the head very gently. Sam moaned and ran his hand through Gabe's hair and pushed him a little closer. Gabe got the hint and stopped rubbing instead he put his now free hand on Sam's hip and started to take his member inch by inch. Now Sam was moaning non-stop, man Gabe really knew what he liked. As Gabe sucked harder and got more in his mouth Sam gave him a warning, "Gabe I'm really close" as he said that he shot in Gabe's mouth but he didn't seem to mind. He continued to suck until Sam was done. He got off his knees and came up to Sam. "I'm glad you like that," Gabe smiled and Sam pulled him into a kiss, "I did very much"

After they were all rinsed off they got out of the shower and went back to Sam's room making sure no one was in the hallway, "Alright we gotta hurry, they may get suspicious." Gabe nodded and got dressed quickly ruffling his hair with the towel. Sam followed and they went downstairs to the living room.

As Dean and Cas were sitting on the couch watching T.V. Sam and Gabe entered and listened to the conversation. "Come on Cas, you gotta love Moriati!(Sorry I don't know how to spell) "No I don't he's the villain, plus if I were to love any villain it would be The Woman. She makes Sherlock.. Happy?" Dean smiled and shrugged "I mean I guess so but come on he's a classic bad guy, a perfect mix between evil and crazy. Everyone loves him" Cas just smiled and nodded "Yeah ok I like him but not as much as The Woman"

Sam entered the living room with Gabe on his trail. "You know if you should like anyone it should be Mary" Dean and Cas both looked at him as if he was crazy. "Umm no, I cannot agree with that. You are no longer allowed in this house" Dean smiled and started laughing. Gabe just agreed with Sam and they carried on watching the show.

One show was finished and it was already 2 pm. Dean looked over at Sam and Gabe noticing their hands slightly brushing together, he smirked and told Cas. "Look at that, they're in love" he whispered and pointed. Cas started to giggle like a school girl trying to stop. Sam and Gabe looked at them confused then noticed what was happening. They both pulled their hands towards their own body and turned a dark pink. "Aw it's ok Sammy we knew" Dean cooed at his brother and laughed. "No need to hide your love, we can see it in your eyes." Cas nodded and pointed out everything that gave it away. "So I guess the secrets out then huh" Sam looked at his feet embarrassed but Gabe just smirked at the older boys, "Well how about you guys? How are you guys going" Now it was Dean and Cas' turn to get pink. "Aha I knew it! You two also have a thing going!" Dean looked at Gabe with no expression "Yeah so what if we do?" Gabe looked at Sam "I guess they were to chicken to tell us" Cas got unusually feisty. "We weren't chicken!" He turned to Dean and crashed their lips together, Dean then grabbed the back of Cas' neck deepening the kiss. Sam and Gabe looked disgusted. "Ugh yeah ok we get it, no need to make out in the living room" Cas broke the kiss and smirked and the two younger boys. "Whose chicken now?" Dean just laughed and grabbed his neck again pulling him into another kiss. Sam just looked away towards Gabe and gave him a short kiss "Just don't look at them" Sam smiled and held Gabe's hand and continued to watch the show.

Once Dean and Cas were done with their make out session they got back to a normal position on the couch. Cas leaned his head on Dean's shoulder and held his hand. A couple minutes passed and the phone rang. Dean got up to answer it. "Hello?" /Hey Dean/ "Oh hey Mom everything ok?" /Um yeah yeah, everything's fine, it's just this traffic is like something from funky town/ Dean stopped at these words, they were the family's code word for danger. "Oh um ok well I guess just be safe ok?" /Yep of course honey, love you/ "Love you too Mom" The line cut and started beeping. Dean slowly put the phone back and ran to the living room. His eyes were filled with tears and he was panicking. Cas ran over to him and grabbed his hands, "hey, hey is everything alright?" Dean tried to hold back the tears, "Uh th-she said funky town.." Since Cas and Gabe were considered family of course they knew all the code words, hearing this they all stopped. Sam started crying not knowing what to do, Gabe tried to comfort him by hugging him which helped a little. "Oh no, Dean, what do we do?" Cas looked Dean in the eyes, his cheeks were now stained with tears. "I-I don't know Cas" The tears spilled out and Cas tried to help him relax.

"Sh, it's ok Dean. We'll help them don't worry." Cas rubbed Dean's back and held him close, the tears soaked his shoulder. All four boys just sat in the living room tying to figure out what to do. They could call the police? But they didn't know where they were. They could go find them by themselves? But that would just put everyone in danger. All they could do was sit and wait for the phone call.

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