Chapter 8

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As Dean got up to the house he got out and pulled a gun out of the trunk.

Cas looked at Dean with a confused look, "Dean, why do you have a gun?"

"Cause this son of a bitch is gonna pay"

Cas sighed and followed Dean into the house that started it all.

When Dean got to the door he stopped with his hand on the door nob.

He slowly turned it and walked inside, he was greeted with the stench of mold and dust.
He listened for any sound but heard nothing.
He started to walk around the house and eventually got to the basement door.

He didn't want to go back there but if Sammy was down there he couldn't live with himself if he left him there.

He sucked in a breath as he touched the door nob, it felt hot for some reason and Dean was now having trouble breathing.

He steadied himself against the railing and moved down the steps one by one.

When he looked down he didn't see anyone. Just the faint tinge of red from blood.

Cas held his hand and led him upstairs. Dean didn't need to stay in that place any longer.

When he got Dean up the stairs he led him to his car and opened the door for him.

Even with his panic he wouldn't want anyone else driving his Baby.

Cas got in and rubbed his hand up and down Dean's thigh to comfort him.
He smiled sadly at Cas but looked back at the house.

He noticed a little slip of paper sticking out of one of the porch steps.

Dean got out of his car and went over and took the slip of paper.

The paper gave it away that it was obviously from Alistar. Although he didn't know who else would just leave a slip of paper at an abandoned house.

His fingers shook as he flipped over the paper.

4729 Hoffeman Ave.

Dean ran over to his car and picked up his phone.
He typed the address into his GPS and went back to his house.

"Dean, what's going on?"

"We're getting money and going to the next town over"

"What? Why?" Dean looked at Cas and pointed towards the address, "This address was written on a slip of paper. More than likely Sam and Gabe are there."

They didn't speak the rest of the ride and when they pulled into the driveway Dean sprinted into the house to gather all the money he could find.

Cas sat in the car waiting and looking at the address. He didn't recognize it but he didn't think that the person who was torturing his brother would be next door.

Dean ran back to the car and threw some money into the compartment of the car.

"There. 258 dollars, that should be enough."

Cas looked shocked and Dean just laughed.
"I had some money in my room, besides that's not an awful lot of money Cas."

Cas just gave Dean a look and went to look out the window.

Dean sighed and started to back out of the drive way, the drive was going to be about two hours so Dean put on some of his favorite albums from the band Kansas.

As he hummed along and tapped his thumbs on the steering wheel Cas started drifting off to sleep.

Everything was a faded red. Nothing was new or clean, everything was old and rusted. Cas tried to get up but he was strapped to a chair that looked barely stable to hold itself. As he tried to free himself he saw an awful looking man walk into the room with him. He had an accent Cas couldn't quite place. "Hello Castiel, I'm Alistar. As if you couldn't tell but that's not why I'm here. I'm here cause your souls seems a bit too pure. I'm gonna help you out with that."
Cas tried to speak but his mouth was shut tight. Nothin was strapping it shut or covering it, he physically couldn't open his mouth. Before he could panic Alistar was in his face with a scalpel pointed at his heart. It started to slowly twist but Cas couldn't scream for help.

Just when he thought it was about to get worse he bolted upright.

He was in a hotel room with Dean laying besides him.

He was looking around the room when he saw, Alistar?

The evil man was sitting in a chair across from him, "That may have been just a nightmare but I was truly in it Castiel. I will always find you, your never safe."

With that he disappeared as Cas blinked.

Cas looked down and saw blood where he was getting cut in the dream. It started hurting bad and Cas was having a panic attack.

Dean woke up seeing Cas pale and freaking out, he tried to calm him down but saw the blood on Cas' shirt.

"Holy shit! Cas are you alright what the fuck happened?"

Dean hugged Cas and whispered in his ear to calm him down, "I'm right here Cas stay with me. Listen to me. If you're seeing things know they're not real, just focus on my voice."

Cas started to breathe slower and looked at Dean.

"I wasn't seeing things Dean. Alistar was in this room and then h-he disappeared!"

Dean was taken back by what Cas said. He may have been grieving but he knew he should trust Cas.

"Alright so somehow Alistar disappeared from the room?"

"Yes! He vanished, I blinked then he was gone!"

Dean sighed and looked down. He looked back up at Cas, "Ok so what happened exactly?"

"Well I had this nightmare where I was in a basement and I was strapped to a chair then Alistar appeared and he started digging a knife thing into me and I woke up after he said something like my soul is too pure, then I looked down after I woke up and there was blood and Alistar was sitting in that chair and he told me that we weren't safe and he would always find us and he always knew where we were."

Cas finally breathed after talking nonstop and Dean took everything in.

Dean was terrified since he knew Cas was telling the truth. How else would he have blood running down his shirt?

Dean picked up Cas and kissed the inside of his neck. He brought him to the bathroom where he set him on the sink and took off his shirt.

He grabbed the first aid kit and started to clean the cut.

It didn't need stitches thankfully but it would leave a scar.

Cas hopped down from the sink and walked up to Dean after he patched up his wound.

He kissed Dean on the cheek, "Thank you Dean, for everything."

"Of course Cas. You'll do anything for family and the people you love."

Dean smiled and lifted up Cas and carried him to the bed, he laid him down and got on top of him.

He kissed him on the lips and started to lick his bottom lip.

After Cas parted his lips Dean's tongue darted into his mouth crashing into Cas' tongue.

Dean smiled and started tickling Cas's side. He giggled and pushed Dean off.

"You know I'm ticklish!"

"That's why I do it."

Dean smirked and kissed Cas again very slowly and pulled back.

"Goodnight, love you."

Cas kissed Dean back, "Love you too"

Dean wrapped his arms around Cas to make sure no one else's harmed his smol bean.

Cas melted into his touch and snuggled closer and fell asleep along with Dean.

They needed lots of sleep, they were gonna find their brothers tomorrow after all. (Wink wink nudge nudge)


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