Chapter 3

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As Dean and Cas sat on the couch staring at the black TV screen as if their life depended on it, Sam and Gabe were in the kitchen. Sam was crying into his hands while Gabe rubbed his back up and down. After what seemed like an eternity the phone rang.

Dean looked at the phone and hesitantly picked it up.

/Hello Dean./

Dean didn't recognize the voice and had a look of confusion on his face.

"Who is this?"

Dean had anger in his voice mixed with determination, he was going to find whoever took his parents and only Chuck would be able to help them.{ ;) }

/Why it's Alistar of course/

He could hear the smile on the strangers face, who was Alistar anyways?

"I'm sorry but who the hell are you?"

/Oh, your parents didn't tell you?/

He now sounded amused,

"Did they tell me what?!"

/Tsk Tsk, oh Dean my have they got things to tell you/

"What does that mean! Where the fuck are my parents?!"

Dean was practically screaming at this point, Cas laid his hand on top of Dean's to try and call him down.

/I'll talk to you soon Dean/

"What-" and with that the man hung up.

Dean's face contorted with confusion and anger and all the questions brewing in his mind, he felt hot tears flood his eyes and before he knew it he was sobbing into Cas' shoulder.

It was now 9:37 pm and Cas' parents gave the boys permission to stay over just thinking Dean's parents were out on a date.

Sam and Gabe went upstairs. Sam was out of tears, after four straight hours of crying he couldn't cry anymore.

"Gabe, what if I never see my parents again?" Sam was looking straight forward with almost no emotion, by this point his face was numb.
"Hey Sammy. Don't say that, you'll find them and they'll be perfectly fine. You'll see!"
Gabe tried to get Sam to look at him but he just kept looking away towards the window.

Dean threw the phone at the couch.

"God Dammit!"
His voice was not angry anymore just pained.
There was so much pain he didn't know what to do except for sit down and cry.
Dean heard a voice but he couldn't move anything.
"Dean?! Hey listen to me De-"
The voice was cut off by darkness.

Dean was no longer awake, instead he was dreaming about his family eating breakfast together happily. Nothing wrong no worries, no secrets just happiness.


He kept hearing something in the back of his mind


There it was again getting louder.

"Dean please! Wake up!"

Now the voice was loud and troubled right in his ear.
He slowly opened his eyes.

Dean looked up into shiny blue eyes.

"Oh thank god! Dean!"

Cas pulled him into a hug and laid next to him.
He looked around, he was in his bedroom and he had no idea how long he was out.

"Hey Cas?" His voice was raspy and it hurt to talk.

"Hm?"Cas looked at him with concern.

"How long was I asleep?"
"About 20 minutes"

Ok so it wasn't too long but he still had to find his parents.
He tried getting up but Cas just pushed him back down.

"You need your rest Dean.." Cas' voice was gentle but it meant every word he said.

"No I have to find my parents" Dean was pushing Cas off when he fell back into the bed.

Cas was straddling him at the waist.

"No Dean! Sleep!"
Dean didn't have the strength anymore, all he could do now was curl up beside Cas and cry himself to sleep.

*Sorry if the chapters are short! I'm just starting to write fanfic and you know all that shtuff. So I just wanted to say you know how high school goes most likely. Homework. Projects. Blah blah blah yeah so updates may be short and few but I try my best! Thanks for reading though!! •.•*

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