Chapter 5

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As morning arrived Dean could hear loud banging on the front door.

His heart skipped a beat until he heard a familiar shout.

"Police, open up. I need to ask you a few questions."

Cas stirred awake and looked to Dean.
"Let's go talk to them, they can help."
Dean nodded and agreed, "Yeah ok"

Dean and Cas went down the stairs to the front door and opened it.

"Hello, I'm officer Mills. Are you Dean Winchester?"


"Well I'm sorry to inform you that your parents have-"

"No shit, I saw their mutilated bodies! Unless you can find Alistar I don't see why you're here!"

Cas put a hand on Dean's shoulder and spoke up, "I'm really sorry Ms. Mills, Dean's been through a lot. He's just stressed he doesn't mean to yell."

Cas gave Dean a firm look as if to say "No more yelling" but Dean just shrugged it off and walked away.

Cas let Officer Mills in and sat down on the couch with her.

"I'm assuming that you boys are 18?"

"Yes ma'am"

"Alright well I would suggest living with someone for the time being to keep check on you guys"

"Ok we'll take that into consideration thank you Ms. Mills."

"Also someone else will come by to ask more questions."

"Ok Thank you Ms. Mills"

"Please call me Jody." She gave him a nice smile and was about to leave when she turned back around, "Is there anyone else that lives with you?"

"Oh umm Sam and Gabriel, they're our brothers."

She nodded and started walking out.

"Have a nice day and I'm very sorry for your loss."

She walked out to her car and drove off.

Cas went into the kitchen and found Dean sitting at the table with his head in his hands.


All he got was a grunt in response. He was about to say something else when Gabe came downstairs with Sam close behind.

"Did the cops come by?"

"Yeah but it's fine. Nothing to worry about." Cas gave them a sad smile and sat next to Dean taking his hand and moving his hand up and down his back.

Gabe turned around to Sam and walked him into the living room.



"What do we do now?"

Gabe looked Sam in the eye and shook his head, "I'm not sure, what do you want to do?"

Sam's face was crossed with sadness and anger and fear all at once, "I want to kill the bastard who killed my parents."

Sam's voice hitched in his throat and he had to choke back sobs that threatened to take over his whole body.

Gabe pulled him into a hug.

"Don't worry Samsquatch, we'll find the jerk who did this."

Dean slowly got to his feet and walked towards his room, Cas lagged behind to give him some space.
As Dean got into his chair he went straight to the computer and started looking up police files on Alistar.

Cas got worried and started to speak before Dean cut him off.

"No Cas I will not take it easy, I'm gonna find this fucker even if it kills me. He's not gonna get away."

Dean's voice had anger in it and Castiel knew he couldn't do anything to stop him so he just sat and watched.

By midnight Sam and Gabe were in Sam's room and Dean had only found two files on Alistar, the rest were classified and needed special access to get into them.

Dean decided that he couldn't do much else and got into bed with Cas.

Cas was already sleeping and he was wearing Dean's sweatpants and no shirt cause why not ;) so he had to be very careful getting behind him.

As he snuggled up to Cas, he turned around and put his face into Dean's chest.

"Dean I promise that we'll catch him and get through this, I love you."

Dean smiled and wrapped his arms around Cas' waist.

"Love you too."
And with that they fell asleep.

Sam and Gabe were just two intertwined bodies in their boxers laying on Sam's bed neither of them saying a word, just enjoying the silence.

"Ya' know Sam. Your parents were really proud of you and would have accepted you."

"Yeah I know, that's not what I'm worried about though." Sam's smile faded as he thought about the real reason.

"I never got to tell them in person, I would've respected their opinion either way but I at least wanted to tell them."

Gabe looked down at Sam and kissed his forehead, "I know you would've done great," he smiled and kissed him in the lips.

"I love you Samsquatch"

"I love you too my trickster."


*And scene aw isn't that cute ^-^ anyways I know this is kind of just filling but I'm kind of at a block here. I don't know where I'm really going with this story unlike my other story (The college AU, Happiness) where I kind of know what I'm doing XD But on the other hand I really know where I want to stop this and how it will all wrap up and end so until I can find the middle pieces of the puzzle I'm Sorry! Alright thanks for reading my silly story and long author's note OK BYE THEN! ^3^*

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