Chapter 1

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*This is my first fan fiction so I hope it's good! If you have anything you want to suggest or anything if that sort just message me or put it in the comments. I really hope you enjoy my story! Hope y'all have a good day :3*

Cas and Dean have been neighbors for years, hell, they've been neighbors since birth. Ever since they looked at each other they were inseparable.

Sam and Gabriel were the same way, best friends till the end. All four of them were very different with very similar stories. Dean and Sam had a happy family, sure their Dad had a few beers too many occasionally , but they were happy. Cas and Gabriel lived with their Mother Naomi and Step-Dad Zachariah. They didn't like Zach too much but he made their mother happy which means he could stay. For now.

Cas and Dean were done with high school, in fact they just graduated two days ago, on the other hand Sam and Gabe had another year to suffer in school, but at least they had each other. Cas would go to Dean's house everyday since it was more peaceful than the Novak household. Gabe would come over too. Today was different they were actually free from school (At least till September for Sam and Gabe) but as usual Cas came over on the dot, 8:24 am, just liked every day since kindergarten.

"Hey Dean" Castiel walked in to Dean's room where the blonde haired boy sat on his bed, headphones in humming along to Kansas. Cas rolled his eyes, he obviously couldn't hear him. He walked over to Dean and flicked him on the forehead, Dean flinched a little and looked at Cas' icy blue eyes with his swamp green ones. "Heya Cas, why didn't you say something" Cas looked at him with his adorable squinty eyes, "I did Dean, you were just to occupied with your music to hear me" Cas crossed his arms as if to pout but he couldn't help but smile a little. Dean laughed and got up with Cas following hot on his trail.

  Gabe walked into the house waving to Ms. Winchester as he ran up the stairs to his friends room. "Hey Sam, can I come in?" Gabriel knocked on Sam's door. Just as expected a weary looking Sam opened the door, "You gotta stop coming so early Gabe" Sam yawned which caused Gabe to chuckle, "Well stop going to bed so late then" he handed Sam a blue sucker, blueberry-Sam's Favorite- he accepted since he could use the sugar right about now. After Sam closed the door Gabe pulled Sam's sucker out of his mouth along with his own and gave Sam a light kiss causing purple colors to form on both their lips since Gabe had a red sucker. Sam put his hand around Gabe's neck, after a while they parted keeping their foreheads together. "You know Gabe one of these days we'll have to tell everyone.. About us." Gabe just smiled in return "Yeah I know just not now, but soon ok?" Sam looked into the sunlit brown eyes he fell in love with and nodded his head, "Yeah ok." They walked down to the kitchen where Dean and Cas were already sitting talking amongst themselves, they sat across from them letting the smell of pancakes and bacon wash over them.

Ms. Winchester always made the best breakfast ever, which wasn't saying much compared to the breakfast they had at the Novak house, plain Cheerios everyday. As she walked into the kitchen she flicked Gabe lightly in the back of the head, "You know the rules about sugar, not before 12 PM!" She smiled at the young boy and walked over to the oven to take out the bacon. "Sorry!" Gabe yelled back at Ms. Winchester smiling. Dean whispered to Castiel, "Look at Sam and Gabe's lips, they're purple.." Dean raised his eyebrows at Castiel and smiled. Cas knew exactly what was going on, they knew since seventh grade, the way Sam and Gabe looked at each other was something out of a sappy romance movie. Sam noticed the two older boys laughing at them, he quickly glanced at Gabriel and saw a light shade of purple on his lips, his cheeks turned a light shade of pink when a realized what was happening. He tried to wipe his mouth the best he could but stopped after his Mom came back with the food.

"Alright boys, eat up. John and I are going out for a bit so don't make the house too big of a mess. We should be back before 5 tonight." She gave Dean and Sam a kiss on the head and ruffled Cas and Gabe's hair.

A house all to them selves for seven hours? What were they thinking?! Then again none of the boys complained it was perfect. Dean and Cas were the first ones to be done, they put their plates in the sink and ran up the stairs. "Uh Gabe I-I think they noticed" Gabe rolled his eyes "And? It's fine if they notice trust me, they'll be all over each other once they get the chance." Sam smiled and thought of his brother and Castiel together, it would be perfect but they would just have to wait and see.

In Dean's room the tow boys sat on the bed, Dean got up and put on "Carry on My Wayward Son" by Kansas. While he was walking to the radio Cas looked at him. Man did he like what he saw, Dean was the perfect mixture between muscular and toned, his lips were the juiciest things Cas has every saw, and his eyes, they were something out of a princess movie. *Back to Dean getting up from the bed to put on the song* As Dean walked to the radio he could feel Cas' eyes on him, they were like vultures hunting him down and he didn't mind. He liked the thought of those icy Blues looking at him. His dark hair flying every which way. He just wanted to pounce on him and kiss those adorable chapped lips of his, but he knew better. Besides he would probably scare him off if he did that.

As he sat back down on the bed Cas was looking down at his hands his cheeks a clear shade of pink. "What's wrong Cas?" Castiel looked up at him and shrugged, "I-I it's just this- um you know what, I like this person and I uh don't know exactly how to tell them.." Cas trailed off turning a darker pink and not bothering to make eye contact with Dean. Dean tried to understand why he was so nervous about this, they always told each other about their crushes. Now Cas was acting strangely and Dean was determined to figure out why, "Cas," Dean held his chin up with his hand and looked into those icy blue eyes "You know you can tell me anything right?" Cas tried looking away but being touched by Dean just made him melt and he couldn't move. Shit. Now he was staring he needs to look away or-or do something! He began to panic but Dean inched closer to him squinting at his eyes. "Mhm ok I see how it is" Dean smiled a very mischievous smile.

Oh no Cas thought to himself what happened. "Your pupils are very dilated Castiel," Hearing his full name spoke  by the low voice sent shivers up Cas' spine in the best way possible, "you do know what that means right?" Now Dean was only an inch or two away from Castiel, he could feel his breath on his lips. If only he were to move a little closer.

Sam and Gabriel went back upstairs after cleaning up breakfast. They slid into Sam's room trying to make the least amount of noise as possible, as soon as they were inside and the door was locked Sam grabbed Gabriel's waist and pulled him into his body make their torsos collide, both boys were surprised to feel how muscular the other boy was. "God, do I love you Sam" Gabe looked into the tall boys eyes and pulled him into a deep passionate kiss before Sam could answer. Before they knew it Sam had picked up Gabe, his legs wrapped around his waist and he sat down on the bed with Gabe still on his lap. Now Sam could feel Gabe's growing erection against his mid section. Sam smiled while still kissing Gabe, he gave his erection a little push and could hear the satisfied moan come from the other boy. Now his own member was growing in length and Gabe could feel it against his own. Sam started to slowly move his hips from side to side earning a moan from the both of them. Breaking the kiss Sam threw Gabe to the bed and pulled of his shirt, then Gabe's. He looked at the boy on his bed, for how much candy he eats he sure is fit. Not wanting to tease Gabe for too long Sam rubbed his sides and kissed his neck then down to his chest, he unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down. He undid his own pants and threw them aside. He placed his hand on Gabe's member, after a few moments Gabriel grew impatient and moved his hips. Sam pulled back and smiled, he slowly pulled down his own boxers releasing his now fully erect member, Gabe did the same hearing a pleased sigh from Sam.

Now Sam had placed his hand on the base of Gabe's member earning a low moan, he began to move up and down slowly. Gabe moaned a few times and grabbed Sam's member hearing a sharp intake of breath as he started to move his hand up and down the shaft. Sam buried his face deep into Gabe's neck. After a few moans Sam talked "Uh Gabe I can't take anymore" Gabe knew exactly what he was saying and smiled as the boy gently nibbled on his skin, moaning as Gabe started to move his hand faster. Seeing Sam start to tremble brought Gabe over the edge both boys released at the same time. A few low moans from Gabriel and a couple grunts from Sam led to them in a heavy breathing heap. As Sam slid off of Gabe and laid next to him he could only think of three words, "I love you" Gabe turned towards Sam and wrapped his arms around his waist, "I love you too"

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