Chapter 1: It can't be you...

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Just so all of you shippers know, this book is a AU book mixed with MyStreet. It's just a big mash-up of ideas! Anyway let's get on with the book!

Zanes POV
It's been about 8 months since the Aphmau and the girls moved to MyStreet. Along with my brother Garroth and his friends. As always I'm distant from everyone. People think I'm weird just because I hate going outside. I don't care to be honest. I'm happy the way I am. That is until later today I found out that Gene, Zenix, and Sasha are moving to MyStreet. Through out high school I had always adored Gene. Always thought he was the best thing on Earth. Oh how wrong I was. Since Gene was a sophomore (I think. If I'm wrong let me know!) and I was a freshmen, he had gone to college before me. I was heartbroken. Then, Garroth told me about what he really was. I then soon realized he didn't like me. He hated me. The way he pushed me around. I was so stupid at the time that I didn't realize it. I never should've let him treat me like that. Now that he's moving into MyStreet. I have yet another reason to stay inside.

~Time skip to tomorrow when Gene and his gang get to MyStreet~

Zanes POV
I found out from Aphmau that Zenix and Sasha are together and have bought a house for themselves. Gene is currently living by himself. Kinda like me. But that's besides the point. Gene is only a few houses from me so I have to be careful when I go outside now.

Genes POV
Phew! Moving was rough. I start to unpack but then I decide that I should go meet the neighbors. The first house I see I walk to. The colors of the house are mostly black and white. I ring the doorbell, excited to meet the someone new. But the person that opens the door surprises me the most, Zane.
We stare into each other's eyes not knowing what to say. I look him up and down. He's grown a bit since high school. "G-Gene? What do you want?" Wow his voice is so deep. He really has changed. I just continue to stare at him. Pretty soon I realize my face has turned red. He looks at me confused. "Zane! I can't believe it's you! I've missed you so much!" I slap my hands over my mouth once I realize what I've said. Even though he's wearing a mask, I see a pink tint on the top of his cheeks. "I-I..." It seems that Zane can't find the words to say. Without thinking I pull him towards me and plant my lips on his. What have I done?

Hello my fellow shippers! I really wanted to get this book going so I did chappy 1! Hope u all enjoyed it!

As always stay kewl and ship Zene!
Peace out!😝😆

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