Chapter 12: Save me pt 1

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Zane's POV
I grab my coat, throwing it on before opening the door, letting in the cold winter air. Sadly Christmas is over, but the new year has begun. January always seems to be the down-est of months. I wrap my scarf tightly around my mouth and neck, trying to block out the cold. As I walk down the pathway, my feet leave foot prints with each step I take. Hearing the snow crunch makes me feel more winter-y. Winter has always been my favorite season. Hot cocoa, cute sweaters, Netflix marathons, family. Actually minus the family part. Garroth isn't exactly the most amazing person to be with. I trek down the street, making my way to Gene's house. I hope he's home. I haven't seen or talked to him since Olive Garden. No ones really talked to him. I hop up the steps to his front door. I knock, sighing loudly. No response. I knock harder this time, wanting his attention. Still no response. I lift up the welcome mat, finding a small key. Picking up the key, I insert it in the lock. It unlocks with a click sound and I open the door slowly.
"Gene?" I call out. I close the door behind me, searching the 1st floor for Gene. Not finding him, I check the 2nd floor. I check every room but one, the one I assume he's in. I press my face to the door, hearing soft whimpers behind it. 'What's wrong with Gene' I think with a small sigh. I knock softly, opening the door, sticking my head in.
I open the door to see a huddled lump in the back corner of the room. I take slow step toward, pull the blanket off. The blanket reveals a sad looking Gene My eyes widen as his teary eyes meet mine. His tear stained face makes me feel worse. I remember when Gene used to get in some really bad depression. I assume that's what's happened. His lip quivers as I lean down, wrapping my arms around him. Gene snuggles into my arms. I run my hand through his hair. He hasn't had a shower in a couple days. I doubt he's eaten either. I pull him up off his feet. "Z-Zane.."
"Yes baby what's wrong?"
"P-please don't leave me."
"I would never babe. Now you need a shower and something to eat."
I sound like a mother now. Geez. I pull his shirt over his head and grab his hand, pulling him into the bathroom with me. I adjust the shower settings, turning it to warm. Pulling down his pants, Gene grips my hair with his hand. I look up at him, seeing his eyes turn from sad to lustful. I slowly pull his boxer down, as he winces slightly. Gene needs attention and love so bad. I feel horrible about this. I snap out of my daze, as my hair gets roughly pulled. Gene stares at me dominantly. I softly place kisses down his thighs. His hips move forward the higher I go. I stand back up, pushing him into the shower slightly. "I'll be down stairs if you need me Gene."

Hey guys! Sorry for the slow update. Do you want this to be a fluff thing or smut thing? Let me know in the comments! Don't forget to check out my smut shot book. Putting out a new chapter today! Love you and peace out!😘

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