Chapter 24: Will you be mine?

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Don't play the music until I say to. It goes better with the writing at the end. Thanks!

Gene's POV
A day after my talk with Zane, I went to visit Aphmau. She seemed surprised that I would even show up. I needed her opinion more than anyone.


I knocked on Aphmau's door, waiting for someone to open it. The door swung open to reveal a very awkward looking Aaron. "Hey Aaron! Is Aph around? I reaalllyyy need to talk with her."
"I- Uh yeah, yeah. She's in the kitchen. Come on in."
Aaron moves out of the way, allowing me to slip by him. I say hello, walking in the kitchen, the smell of cookies flooding my nose. "Gene! Hey!" Aphmau says excitedly. I give her a quick hug and let her continue mixing cookie batter. "So I have something very important that I need you opinion on."
Aphmau nods for me to continue. "So I wanna ask Zane to marry me."
She coughs abruptly. "W-What?!"
I laugh nervously and scratch my head. "Uh yeah. I was planning on asking him before the whole incident. We have been dating for 2 years."
Aphmau goes silent for a few minutes. "So should I?" I ask nervously. She sets the spoon down in the metal mixing bowl. Aphmau stays silent for another few seconds, then looks up at me with a beaming smile. "OMG!!! YES!! Of course you should! Zane really loves you Gene. That's why he was so quick to take you back."
I'm surprised by her burst of excitement. "I feel like I should wait awhile, till the whole thing between Aaron and I fades."
Aphmau shakes her head. "This is how you could make everything up to him! Prove that you want his heart and no one else's."
Aphmau hops from foot to foot this excitement, waiting for my answer. "Okay, Okay, I'll ask him." I say smiling. Aphmau cheers and wraps me in a vice-grip hug.

~Flashback over~

Gene's POV
After gaining Aphmau's approval, I decide to ask Zane to marry me. I realize we've had our hard times, but I really do love him. I've chosen to ask him out somewhere he loves. This may sound completely cliché, but I know Zane secretly loves nature. It comes with his obsession with ponies. He just acts like a little ball of hate. I've made arrangements for us. A small picnic in a forest range. It'll be just us, alone. I will need all the encouragement I can get.

-Time Skip-
Play the music now!

Zane's POV
Gene has asked me to dinner. I asked for details, but he told me he couldn't say anything. When he told me I gave him a questionable look. Gene's been pretty doubtful of our relationship lately. I really do love him and trust him. Anyways, Gene told me to be ready by 5:15. I check the time on my phone. Exactly 5:15. Gene bursts through the front door, grabbing me and closing it behind him without explanation. I make at face at him and he responds with, "Just trust me babe."
I roll my eyes as he opens the car door for me. I slide in and he closes the door. Gene gets in on his side and closes the car door. He turns to me and flashes me a side smile and a wink. The car ride to wherever is dead silent. Gene's obviously got something on his mind. He always goes complete silent and distance when he does. I place my hand on his arm and he jumps. "Sorry for scaring you." I say. He just shakes his head and uses one hand to grasp mine in his. I hold his hand tightly. "Hey Gene? I love you."
He looks down at me. "I love you too Zane."

The car ride is silent the rest of the time. It doesn't take long to reach the area or wherever it is that we're going. Gene pulls me out of the car and leads me into the woods. I gasp as a tree branch almost slaps me in the face. Gene turns around and starts laughing. I smack his arm and he quiets down. My eyes widen as we reach the forest range. It's so pretty. "Gene." I say breathless. "It's beautiful."
He smiles and says, "Like the one I love."
I chuckle softly and Gene leads me to a picnic he has set up. I can't really call it a picnic. It's much more pretty and fancier than that. Gene and I sit down on the blanket and he pulls everything out.

Gene's POV
After we finish the meal, I grasp all of my courage. I pull Zane up with me and hold his hands tightly. I still can't believe I'm doing this. Zane looks at me, confused. I just shake my head softly and brace myself. I slowly get down on one knee in front of Zane. His eyes start to widen. I pull a little black box out of my pocket. I utter the words I've been practicing in my head for hours,

"Zane Ro'Meave, will you make me the happiest man alive, and marry me?"

Zane stares at me for a few moments, then explodes with a, "Yes, of course Gene!"
I jump up and wrap my arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. I slip the golden ring around his finger and pull him into a kiss. He's surprised at first, but kisses back with as much force as I did. Zane breaks the kiss and we both breathe heavily. I lean my forehead against his, my hands intertwined with his.

"I love you, Zane Ro'Meave."

How's that for a longer chapter huh? Sorry this took so long. I wanted to play how I would wrap up the book. Should I end the book here or do a wedding scene/epilogue? Let me know what you guys want. Love ya!❤️

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