Chapter 22: I missed you

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Gene's POV
I help Zane carry his stuff from Aphs house, down the street to mine. Zane grabs my hand, pulling me into a hug. I drop my keys and his bag. I hug him back tightly. "I missed you so much Gene."
I smile against his neck. I open the door, letting Zane walk in before me.
I carry Zane's stuff back up stairs into his room. He can unpack it later. I come back down stairs to Zane sitting in the kitchen. He found a bag of chips apparently. I smile, coming up to him and hugging him from behind. I lean into his ear and bite it softly. Zane stops eating and whimpers slightly. "I missed you Zu-Zu."
Zane smacks my hand and glares at me. I brush his hair out of his eyes and I take off his mask. Zane blushes and looks away. I grab his chin, pulling him into a soft kiss. I press him against the bar behind him. Zane groans into the kiss, placing his hands against my chest. I bite his bottom lip, asking for entrance. He lets me and our tongues fight for dominance. I end up winning. I pull back, both of us begging for air. "I missed you kisses. No one can kiss like you." Zane says, breathing heavily. I smile, picking him up bridal style. He squeaks and wraps his arms around my neck. "Wanna watch a movie?" I ask. Zane nods as I carry him into the living room. I plop us down on the couch, handing him the remote. He snuggles into me, flipping through Netflix. Zane settles on some comedy movie. We cuddle the rest of the night, happy to be in each other's arms again.

Hey guys! Only a few more chapters left of this book. Not to worry, most will be longer. Love ya!❤️

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