Chapter 2: What the hell?!

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Zanes POV:
Okay I'm sorry but what the hell is happening?! If you don't remember from last chapter Gene is currently kissing me. (That's right 4th wall broken)
My body won't let me pull away from the kiss. Yeah sure I used to like Gene...but I don't still do I? Ugh brain be useful and pull away! Still nothing. Gene gently pulls away and hugs me tightly. I stand there frozen. He...he hated me in high school! Why is he being like this?! I end up hugging him back. Crap.

Genes POV
I...kissed...Zane. What's is wrong with me?! Before I know it I'm wrapping him in a hug. I feel him hug back eventually. We pull apart and look at each other. I still can't get his lips out of my mind. Then he speaks. " you like me?" I don't say anything. I can't think of anything to say anyways. "Z-Zane I'm so sorry for how I was to you in high school. Once I went to collage I felt so bad about what happened and I wanted for so long to find you and apologize. I'm really sorry." All of the words start spilling out of my mouth. Everything I've ever wanted to say to him comes rushing out. Zane looks up at me, then his expression turns sad. I feel like I'm about to cry. "Gene I don't know if I can forgive you. You hurt me emotionally and physically. You kinda scarred me for the rest of the year. Garroth had to help me. I just don't understand what I did to make you hate me in high school."

Zanes POV
Pretty soon all my anger over the years for Gene starts rushing out of my mouth. " I LOVED YOU GENE!! I THOUGHT YOU WERE THE BEST THING EVER AND YOU JUST PUSHED ME FARTHER AWAY EACH DAY!! I WISH YOU'D LEAVE MYSTREET AND LEAVE MY LIFE!! I HATE YOU AND EVERYTHING YOU ARE!! JUST....go away. Please." I slam the door in his face and slide down the door with my back against it. I start to cry. I just wanted him to love me. I wanted him to respect me. I tried pushing my emotions for him deep inside, but seeing him, made them come back up. I can't stand it. I start screaming while crying and put my hands over my face. I hate him so much.

Hello my fellow shippers! I hope you enjoyed the chappy!
As always stay kewl and ship Zene!
Peace out!😝😆

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