Chapter 21: Zane.

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Gene POV
I close the door to my house, shoving my hands into my pockets. It's early Thursday morning. The only time to go out is in the morning, before it gets hot. It is Summer after all. I need to take a walk. Today I'm finally apologizing to Zane. It's been at least a week since I've seen him. Aphmau came and discussed things with Aaron and I last night. Aaron's already packing his thing up and putting them back into Aphs house down the street.

I have no idea what to tell Zane. I don't even know if he'll take me back. I can't blame him if he doesn't. Crap. I walk the loop around our street. As I walk home, I see Aaron slug his bag over his shoulders, shutting the front door. He turns his attention to me, waving before head down to Aphs house. This drama is finally over. I hope everything can be okay again. I hop up the steps, opening the door. I close the door with my heel, walking into the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee. The house is quiet. No yelling, doors closing, or footsteps. I sigh, sitting down at the kitchen table. I take I sip from my coffee, lying my head in my hands. Might as well get this off my chest.

A few hours later, I call Aphmau. I ask if I can come over and talk to Zane. She says he just woke up. I can come over anytime. I tell her I'll be over in a few minutes. She hangs up and I slip my phone into my pocket. I take a deep breathe, making my way to Aphmau house. I ring the doorbell, waiting. The door opens with a sleepy looking Zane. He rubs his eyes and yawns.
"H-Hey Zane. Can I come in?"
I see him roll his eyes. He moves out of the way, letting me walk in. He's much gloomier. Zane's started wearing his hair and mask the way he used to. I miss see his face.
"Did you come here to just look at me or do you have another reason?" Zane says, snapping me out of my day dream.
"Sorry yeah. I came to apologize. For everything. Zane I miss you so much and I regret everything I did. I'm so sorry. I understand if you don't take me back I just really want you to know I-"
"Shut up Gene. Your rambling...and I missed you too."
I smile slightly, wanting so bad to hug him. I don't, for fear of making him mad. Zane grabs my shirt, pulling me close. "You pull something like that again, and I will cut you. Understand?"
I nod quickly, putting my hands up in defense. Zane lets go and I pull him into a hug. When we pull apart, I take his mask off. Zane blushes slightly. I lean down to whisper, "I missed you a lot Zane. Why don't you move back in with me? And I don't wear the mask. You look amazing without it."
Zane nods. I brush his hair out of his face. I missed this face so much. I lean down and kiss his cheek. "I-I'll go get my things and say goodbye to Aphmau. Then we can leave."
Zane scurries off. I sit down on the couch, a stupid smile on my face. Zane comes back down the stairs, a backpack in his hands. I grab it from him, slinging it over my shoulders. Zane says goodbye to Aphmau. She smiles at him and gives me a warning death glare. I nod and hold the door for Zane. I grab his hand and walk back to the house. I'm so happy to have him back.

Hey guys! So this book seems to be dragging on. I'll be giving this book a final ending soon. There's only a few more chapters. Thank you to all who've been with me since the beginning. Love you guys!❤️

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