Chapter 23: Why are you mine?

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Gene's POV
Zane's been living with me again for awhile now. Aaron and I haven't talked. I don't blame him for the silence between us. Even though it was mutual, it was still an awkward decision. Zane seems to be much happier though. I'm happy to have him back. Still, I'll never forget or forgive myself for what I did. I want to bury that mistake with many of my others, but I don't want to make it seem like it never happened. I still don't understand why Zane took me back. The last I deserved was his forgiveness. Whatever his cause was, I'm glad he chose the way he did. A question has been eating at me for awhile. I've loved Zane ever since high school. I was going to ask him to marry me before this whole incident happened. I mean we're both adults. It's just I doubt he'd say yes after everything that's happened. I'll have to ask Aphmau about him. She knows him the best.

Zane's POV
I come down stairs, just having woken up from my nap. I see Gene, deep in thought sitting on the couch. "Gene?"
My voices breaks slightly from sleep. His head snaps up and he gives me a fake smile. Something's not right. I forgave him for what happened. Everyone deserves second chances. Even someone like me knows that. I trust him enough now. Even after everything went down, he still wanted me in the end. I step off the last step and sit beside him on the couch. Gene smiles and wraps an arm around my waist, hugging me. I lay my head against his shoulder.
"Are you okay? Your mind seems to be elsewhere right now."
He nods placing his hand on mine.
"Look Zane I need to ask you something. W-Why did you take me back? I broke your heart. Why would you just except me?"

I look at the ground before
answering. "Gene, I do love you. Of course that entire thing was absolutely painful for me. To be honest, I wanted to stab your face."
Gene looks up at me, a horrified expression on his face. I chuckle slightly. "Uh sorry. That was a bit forward. I forgave you because I feel like you could do better."
Gene goes quiet. He then wraps his arms around me, tackling me into the couch. I gasp for air as he pins me down. I can feel his breath against my ear. "Ya know Zane, I'd totally fuck your into the couch. I mean if you wanted."
My entire face turns red. Gene pulls his head up and smirks at me. I send him a death glare. "Get. Off. Me." Gene rolls his eyes and pulls away from me. "Kill Joy."

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating! School just started for me. Although I will be ending this book soon. Not to worry, there will be something replacing this! I would like to do something involving Attack on Titan. Let me know what you guys wanna see! Love ya❤️

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