Chapter 10: Teasing and Tricks pt 2

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Gene's POV
Serves that little thing right. Not to mess with me. But I have a feeling this isn't over. I hear the shower stop from upstairs. I stand at the bottom of the steps, waiting to se Zane's little pissed off face. He walks down wearing a towel around his waist and a towel around his hair. I wink at him as he descends the steps. He glares at me intensely.

"How was your shower babe?"
I say seductively.

He just glares at me. "Forgot my jeans in the dryer asshole."

I smirk and watch him walk away. I can't help but look at his butt. He kinda walks like a woman, moving hips.
I follow him into the laundry room and place my hands on his hips.
"Are you mad at me?"

He shrugs.

"Not really Gene. Just don't want to talk to you."

I roll my eyes and slide my hands up and down his sides. Zane leans into me. I smirk at his actions. He bends down to grab his jeans out of the dryer. I notice the towel rise up a bit. It shows a bit of his butt. Being Zane, he drops his jeans and bends down farther to grab them. I grab a basket and place it on the floor.

"Get the rest of the laundry out of the dryer for me baby."

Zane sighs and reaches down. Pulling everything out. In all honestly I just wanted a reason to stare at his butt. He's about done, when a sock falls out and drops between the dryer and washer. Really? Really now?
He cuts me off by getting on his hands and knees to retrieve the sock. I blush when the towel rises higher.
"Okay Zane. Stop showing off."

He looks up at me smirking. It's a trick. Figures.
"I'm sorry Gene. I'm a making you uncomfortable?"

I growl and grab his arm, yanking him from the ground. He squeals as I drag him from the tight closed room and into the living room. I throw him on the couch and he squeaks. This pranks are getting to me I swear. I sit down with a plop on the couch. I grab his waist roughly and pull him into my lap facing away from me. I reach around his body and pull off the towel. Even though I can't see his face, I know he's blushing. He squirms around in my lap as I decide what to do with him. I'm going to give him the ultimate tease. Zane groans, as I grab his thighs and start to rub. Softly, I grab his member in my hand and stroke him. Zane grabs my knees roughly.

"Feel good huh?"

He nods quickly. I remove my hand and hear him whimper. I lift my fingers to his mouth and he puts them in. I curl my fingers around his mouth and pull them out swiftly. I pull him up slightly and stick one finger in him. He arches his back sharply. I twist it around as he moans deeply. I insert another finger and curl them both. Zane doesn't deserve the real thing so my (Wth? My phone autocorrected my to Donny. I don't even use that tf?) fingers will do. I push my fingers in and out quickly. Zane melts under my touch. I shove my two fingers all the way in. He moans loudly. Found it. I run my fingers over that spot repeatedly. He keeps moaning like crazy. I grab his member with my other hand and rub him quickly. He screams and comes in my hand. Zane breaths heavily, trying to calm down. I pull my finger out. Picking Zane up, I stand up and place him down.

Smirking down at him,

"I win."

Hey guys! Sorry about slow updates. School and excuses. Anyways hope you guys are okay with the smut thing. I'm adding some fluff in the next few chapters. Hope you enjoyed.

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