Talking with Mr.McLaughlin

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You were in his room, silently and didn't know what to say. He started to talk, "so um, did you like the first day of school? Even tho you only have one class?"

I sat there and looked up at him, "meh, I don't like gym that much, I hope it will be more fun this year..."

Jack smirked at the thought of making gym better for you, he thought for a bit and then said,"it will be better, I promise it will!"

I sat there and smiled, maybe he can make it better.... I thought then for a moment more, "Mr.McLaughlin.." I was cut off by him.

"Call me Jack..." He said smiling.

"Right... Anyways why do you only have 5 students in your gym class?" I asked while being confused.

I looked at his ocean blue eyes, and then he looked down. He then looked back up at my amethyst looking eyes. "Most people quite my class because I'm a extremely energetic and hyper gym teacher, so they thought I was either high, drunk, or a pedophile.... When in reality, I'm just trying to have fun with my class... And also apparently I'm bossy, the people think it's because I'm single..."

I looked at him, "I don't think your that weird, my friends think your bossy but otherwise I think I would much rather have you as a teacher then any other teacher..." I replied.

He smiled and I smiled back. We stared into each other's eyes for like 1 minute and broke eye contact, Jack rubbing his neck and I'm scratching my shoulder as if nothing happened. We both laughed awkwardly and continued to talk. "So do you have a crush?" He asked.

I sat there and blushed, I thought to myself, "why would he ask that?" But I continued to smile. He looked at me and said "earth to (y/n)!!"

I realized I still had to answer the question, so I replied with,"oh sorry I was thinking, but um I don't have a crush on anyone, and I never have had a crush on anyone..."

Jack sat there for a moment, he thought for a bit and you knew he was thinking. "Aren't you in grade 10?" He asked.

I quickly replied, "yes I am..."

"Shouldn't you have crushed on someone before?" He exclaimed.

"Um, I don't know..." I replied in awkward manor.

"Oh I can help with that.." He exclaimed.

You were scared. What was he gonna do to you, he got up and walked to the door and locked it. He walked to you smirking evilly, he went up to you and pinned you against the wall, your heart beating fast. The bell then rang, and Jack let go of you. You heart started to slow down. Jack then said,"damn it, I have to teach next block... Well I want to see you after class tomorrow or I will give you detention!"

I nodded and he unlocked the door, letting me out. I bolted for the front door.

End of chapter

Hey guys, hope your enjoying this so far! I sure like to write these type of things because they are fun to write... :) please make sure to vote if you like it so far! Leave suggestions of what should happen, leave feed back, or even ask questions!! Hope you enjoy reading what I write! Thank you so much!

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