Oh no

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I ran home, nervous for what was going to happen tomorrow. So I grabbed a roll of duct tape, and put it in my bag.

~~Next Day~~

I walked to gym, already changed in my gym strip. The five students walked into the gym, ready for gym class. Jack stared at me and wouldn't stop, he started to talk about what we were doing in gym today. "We are going to play volley...." He said and randomly stopped.

He was looking at me and drooled.... The class was confused, the four others started to look around. "Um, Jack you mean volley ball?" A kid asked.

Jack snapped out of it and looked forward and said "yea, we're doing 2 on 2, with subs every time you rotate... So the person who serves, rotates out with the person... And you will get a chance to play on each side with different people..." He said as he kept stopping and looking at me.

It was a very confusing way of volley ball, but we got used if it. It was after class and I went to talk to Jack next block. I walked into his office with him, and he locked the door behind me. He closed all the blinds and asked me to take a seat. I sat in the same seat as I did yesterday. He looked at me, his eyes glistening. I couldn't help but look into them, he looking back. He took off his shirt to make me drool at his abs, but I didn't look at them. He started to walk closer to me. I got up and started walking the other way. I was about to grab my bag, but then Jack grabbed it and threw it, knowing I had something in there. I was in the corner, Jack having me pinned against the wall. He then whispered,"(y/n), your so beautiful, I can not hold myself back from you... I need you!"

I was trying to keep him away, but I started to squeeze my eyes shut, I was scared. A moment later his soft lips were against mine, it felt so great. I felt like I melt inside, I thought to myself,"I need more, but I have to stop this now..." He finally pulled away to my surprised look. He smiled and looked at the time, there was 10 minutes, until next block started. He looked at me, "your coming back here tomorrow after class again..." He said in an irritated tone.

He started to whisper, "you'll just see what I'm going to do to you tomorrow..." He smirked.

I was about to say something but he then started to make out with me, the bell finally rang and he pulled away. He unlocked the door and waved good bye to me as I scampered away to my house, which wasn't too far from the school, but I got to go fast, just to be safe.... I didn't want my teacher knowing we're I lived...

End of chapter

Hey guys thanks for reading this chapter! I won't be able to write that great or fast for a while, I'm usually a fast Typer,but I injured my left hand... So please do leave suggestions! I would love to answer questions, and would love seeing feed back!!! If you liked it then please do vote for it!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, thank you!

The gym teacher (Jacksepticeye X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now